Thirty Three

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RORY PLACED the engagement ring back in its little box on the Tardis, before walking back outside. Outside stood a woman with a child.

"Well, that was quick" the woman commented, the small boy nodded in agreement. Rory frowned.

"Was it?"

"It's great that you came" the woman dismissed his question. Who were these people? Were they expecting them?

"Bit retro" the boy commented, walking around the Tardis, shrugging. "What is it, retro crime lab?"

"Oh, er, sort of" Rory shrugged, not really knowing how to answer.

"Ambrose Northover. I was the one who called. I run the meals on wheels for the whole valley. This is my son, Elliot" Ambrose gestured toward her son, who was now standing next to her again.

"Where's your uniform?" He asked, expecting a policeman in uniform.

"Don't be cheeky, Elliot. He's plain clothes. CID is it? Anyway, it's over here" Ambrose gestured for Rory to follow them, to which Rory reluctantly did.
Pip had managed to catch up to the Doctor, who was now at the mine gates.

"Restricted access. No unauthorised personnel. Hmm" he smirked, getting out his sonick screwdriver, and aiming it at the gate. The gates unlocked.

"Oi! Clever boy! That's breaking and entering!" Pip hissed, to which the Doctor grinned.

"What did I break? Sonicking and entering. Totally different"

"Don't get clever with me, now come on" Pip ran off ahead, the Doctor shaking his head.

"And she says I'm bad"

"Wait! Do you think Rory will catch up with us?" Amy shouted from behind, having just caught up to them.

"Yeah, he'll be fine, don't worry"

Now inside the mining tunnel, the three of them were somewhat quietly walking.

"What about now? Can you feel it now?"

"Honestly, I have no idea what you're on about" Amy spoke, shrugging her shoulders dismissively.

"The ground doesn't feel like it should" he frowned, his gaze fixed on said ground.

"I suppose now you mention it..." the brunette trailed off, also feeling something was slightly off.

"See! Pip gets it, good old Pip" he threw his hands in the air somewhat excitedly, Pip rolling her eyes.

"It's ten years in the future. Maybe how this ground feels is how it always feels" Amy offered, shrugging her shoulders yet again.

"Good thought, but no, it doesn't. Hear that, drill in start-up mode. Afterwaves of a recent seismological shift and blue grass" he comments, before picking a few leaves, eating one.

"Bloody hell, really? Is this some new diet I've been made unaware of, because you're not dragging me on this one"

"I only got you to try that one diet! Just the one!"

"Yeah, and I'm never trying it again, or any of your little failed diets"

The Doctor pouted.

"I only wanted to see if it were possible for humans to live off of that stuff. The future's not all that great when it comes to food. Food shortages all over the world, people start branching off into space in attempt to-"

"Yeah we don't need that right now"

"Here? Hello!" The Doctor waved at the woman in the store room, Pip and Amy close behind.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now