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"RORY WHAT are you doing?" Amy fronted at her husband, whom was holding a pair of sharp scissors.

"I want to do something for you" he simply said, before cutting off his ponytail. Amy gasped in what seemed like a mixture of shock and disappointment.

"I was starting to like it"

The window opened suddenly, startling the two. The Doctor and a still-half-asleep Pip jumped inside, the latter tumbling to the ground.

"Sorry. Had to stop at the Butchers. You alright, Pip?" He asked, holding his hand out to her. She took it, smiling ever so lightly. Alfie ran into his mother's arms, giggling.

"What are we going to do?" Rory asked, hoping for a straight answer.

"I don't know. I though the freezing Tardis was real but now I'm not so sure"

A yell diverted everyone's attention to Amy. She clutched her stomach in pain.

"Oh! I think it's starting!"

"Honestly?" Rory asked, rubbing her back in attempt to comfort her.

"Would I make it up at a time like this?" The red head grumbled, no longer in the mood for jokes.

"Well you do have a history of-"

He changed his original statement however, due to a cold glare from his wife.

"-being very lovely. Why are they so desperate to kill us?"

"They're scared. Fear generates savagery" the Doctor spoke up, still pacing back and forth.

Suddenly, the window smashed. A gnome was thrown through the window, making Alfie jump and whimper.

Mrs Poggit appeared at said window a few seconds later. Aiming toward Rory, she exhaled loudly, letting out a green gas. Alfie runs toward his uncle, hugging him. Alfie screams.

"Alfie!" His mother cried, panicking.

The Doctor managed to knock Mrs Poggit out of the window. They were safe, for now.

Pip cradled her child close, tears threatening to fall.

At that moment, Alfie began to turn to dust.

"No! No, you can't leave me!"

"Mummy?" The little boy spoke quietly, for he was terrified.


"I'll be okay won't I? I'll get better, won't I?"

The brunette failed to realise the tears that fell down her face, but at that moment, she couldn't care less.

"Of course you will, you'll be fine" she stuttered ever-so-slightly, attempting to keep a brave face.

Not long after, all that was left of Alfie was a pile of dust.

She felt defeated. Angry at herself. It's happened again. He was dead again, and she couldn't protect him.

Amy walked up to her, putting her hand on her shoulder, but she waved it off, standing up.

"This is the dream. The nightmare. One hundred percent. So if we die here we wake up in reality right?" Pip spoke quietly, tears still running down her face. She refused to turn around, however, to show her face to the others.

"Unless we just die" the Doctor replied just as quietly.

"I don't care about that. I loved that boy, more than anything in the world. I lost him once, and I lost him again. How many more times am I going to get him back and lose him?"

"You lost him twice? What happened the first time?" The Doctor asked, not properly sure whether it was a good idea to ask.

"This is the dream" she stated, somewhat confidently, ignoring the Doctor's question.

"How do you know?"

She turned around, her eyes red and puffy, her face shiny from the tears. The Doctor's hearts broke just then.

"Because if this is the reality, I don't want it. I don't want to deal with more guilt. I can't"
Pip made her way to the camper van, ignoring the Eknodines, whom weren't actually attacking them anyway.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Rory asked, keeping an eye on the two girls in front of them. Amy had her hand in Pip's, knowing what she was about to do.

"Either because this is just a dream or they know what we're about to do"

They got into the camper van, Pip in the drivers seat, Amy in the passenger seat. The other two were at the back.

The brunette held her hand out toward the Doctor, gesturing for the key.

"Be very sure. This could be the real world"

"This is not the real world"

"What makes you think that?" Amy asked, not expecting to hear her next words.

"Because Alfie was already dead. I should have made the connection before. Suppose I was all to happy to have him back. You can't bring someone back from the dead. Fate is fate, and I need to learn to accept that"

Amy patted her shoulder reassuringly, knowing it would take some time before she would come to accept this.

The Doctor placed the key in her hand, smiling gently.


She started the engine up, her eyes fixed on the path ahead of her. She drive full speed toward the cottage.

Then, there was nothing.
When they woke up, the Tardis was covered in ice.

Any and Rory embraced one another, thinking they were now safe from further harm, well apart from the deathly cold.

Pip stood up slowly, shivering. The Doctor had woken up before all three of them, and was busying himself at the still dead console.

"So, you chose this world. Well done, you got it right. And with only seconds left. Fair's fair. Let's warn you up" the Dream Lord smiled, and clicked his fingers.

The Tardis lit up, it's power restored. The cold vanished instantly.

"I hope you've enjoyed your little fictions. It all came out of your imaginations, so I'll leave you to ponder on that"

The Dream Lord walked toward Pip, the Doctor seeing this, and walking toward them too.

"I'm sorry. Whether you believe the things I said or not, they're not all true. You'll find out, soon" he smiled gently.

The brunette shook her head, shrugging.

"Nevermind that. It's over now, that's all that matters"

With that, the Dream Lord vanished.

"What did he say to you?" The Doctor frowned.

"Nothing important" she half smiled, turning around to look at Amy and Rory, still holding each other.

"What do we do now then, clever boy?"

"Me, I'm going to blow up the Tardis" he shrugged, as if it was no big deal.
Finally! Chapter Thirty is finally out, been a while, eh?
Hope you're all well, and have a good rest of you day, or night.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now