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DAY HAD turned to night as Amy, the Doctor, Pip, River and the four soldiers had set up camp by a small drop ship. A containment unit, to put it bluntly.

"The angel, as far as we know, is still trapped in the ship. Our mission is to get inside and neutralise it. We can't get through up top, we'd be too close to the drives. According to this, behind the cliff there's a network of catacombs leading right up to the temple. We can blow through the base of the cliffs, get into the entrance chamber, then make our way up" Father Octavian was currently explaining his plan, the only people actually paying attention were the Doctor and Amy.

"Oh good" the Doctor replied, rather sarcastically. This earnee a confused glance from Octavian.

"Good, sir?" He asked.

"Catacombs. Probably dark ones. Dark catacombs, great" the Doctor retorted.

"Technically, I think it's called a mass of the dead" Octavian recalled hearing someone call it as such.

"You can stop any time you like" the Doctor told him, annoyed now.

"Father Octavian?" one of his soldiers called him over. Octavian, decided to go and see what the matter was.

"Excuse me, sir"

As Octavian walked off, the Doctor couldn't help but scowl.

"You're letting people call you sir. You never do that. So, whatever a weeping angel is, it's really bad, yeah?" Amy asked him, knowing it was a stupid question to ask.

"Now that's interesting. You're still here. Which part of 'stay in the TARDIS till I tell you it's safe' was so confusing?" The Doctor wanted nothing more than to shove both of his companions back in the blue box until it was safe. He knew that Pip wasn't stepping foot into it until this had all been sorted. She could be so stubborn sometimes.

"Ooh, you are all Mister Grumpy Face today" Amy remarked, smirking. The Doctor, however, was not amused.

"A weeping angel, Amy, is deadliest, most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced, and right now one of them is trapped inside that wreckage and I'm supposed to climb in after it with a screwdriver and a torch, and assuming I survive the radiation long enough and assuming the whole ship doesn't explode in my face, do something incredibly clever which I haven't actually thought of yet. That's my day. That's what I'm up to. Any questions?" The Doctor grumbled the last part, clearly regretting saving River. None of this would have happened if he didn't.

Amy starts throwing questions left and right. Even Pip can hear her, and has to tell her to shut up.

The group walked towards the drop ship. River was already in there, examining footage caught on the monitor of the angel.

"What do you think? It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. I ripped it when I was onboard. Sorry about the quality. It's four seconds. I've put it on loop" River told them all. Pip couldn't help but feel the angel looked familiar. She looked at the monitor with curiosity.

"Yeah it's an angel. Hand covering its face" the Doctor pointed out, Pip rolling her eyes.

"Clever boy" Pip clapped her hands together once, the Doctor glaring playfully.

"You've encountered the angels before?" Octavian asked him.

"Once on earth, a very long time ago. But they were scavengers, barely surviving..." the Doctor trailed off, as he recalled past events.

"But it's just a statue" Amy remarked, frowning at the footage.

"It's a statue when you see it" River told her.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now