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AMY POND, Pippa Danforth and the Doctor walked down the street of the quiet little town of Leadworth.

"What is this place? Where am I?" The Doctor questioned the two girls.

"Leadworth" Amy replied, not really wanting to talk to him.

"Wheres the rest of it?" He asked her. This can't be all of it, way to small for his liking.

"This is it" she shortly replied.

"Is there an airport?"


"A nuclear power station?"


"Even a little one?"


"Nearest city?"

"Gloucester, half an hour by car"

"We don't have half an hour" the Doctor replied, remembering there was only twenty minutes left until the end of the world.

"Do we have a car?" The Doctor asked, hoping that at least the girls owner a car.

"No" Amy was starting to get rather annoyed now.

Pip had stayed quiet the entire time, not wanting to talk to the Doctor, at all.

The Doctor caught sight of a small source of water, but there was no signs of life, from what he could see, actually inhabiting it.

"What's that?" He pointed towards the water in question.

"It's a duck pond"

'Was that not obvious' Pip frowned at him.

"Why aren't there any ducks" he asked, more to himself than to Amy.

"I don't know, there's never any ducks" Amy shrugged her shoulders. Is that really important right now?

Nearby, a crowd of people came together, and seemed to be filming what looked to be the man and dog the trio had encountered earlier, at the girls house. Among the crowd, was Rory Williams.

"Oh, and here they come. The human race. The end comes, as it was always going to, down a video phone" the Doctor cringed at his own words.

"Twenty minutes. I can do it. Twenty minutes, the planet burns. Run to your loved ones and say goodbye, or stay and help me" the Doctor looked confident the two women would help him, no questions asked.

His confident demeanour faded, however, quite quickly.

"No" Pip barely whispered, only loud enough for the Doctor and Amy to hear.

"Pippa?" Amy turned to her.

The Doctor looked shocked.

"I'm sorry?" He looked astounded.

"No!" She nearly shouted, before grabbing the Doctor's tie, and shoving it in a car door, locking it after.

"Pip, no, no, no! What're you doing?!" Amy frantically asked, trying to grab the keys off of her friend, only to fail.

"Who are you?" Pip asked, a cold look on her face.

"You know who I am" he replied, still in shock.

Pip nearly laughed, before asking again.

"No, really. Who are you" she more so stated than questioned, wanting an actual answer this time.

"Look at the sky. End of the world. Twenty minutes" the Doctor nearly panicking now.

"Better talk quickly then" Pip didn't even budge, needing a proper answer from him.

"Pip, I am going to need my car" Mr Henderson, a lovely old man in his late fifties told her.

"Yes, in a bit. Now go and have coffee" Pip tossed him a five pound note.

"Right, yes" he replied, before walking away

The Doctor fished out the apple the girl had given him, twelve years ago.

"Catch" he told her, before tossing the apple to her. Pip caught the apple, and examined it. It was still fresh. Not a trace of rot could be found on it.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm a time traveller. Everything I told you twelve years ago is true. I'm real. What's happening in the sky is real, and if you don't let me go right now, everything you've ever known is over"

Pip looked him in the eyes, the Doctor ignoring the tingling sensation he felt at her eye contact, for now, anyway.

"I don't believe you" Pip shook her head.

The Doctor grabbed her free hand, only for Pip to quietly gasp at the to tingling sensation she now felt, the Doctor feeling it ten times stronger now.

"Just twenty minutes. Just believe me for twenty minutes. Look at it. Fresh as the day you gave it to me. And you know it's the same one. Pip, believe for twenty minutes" he smiled at her.

Pip stares at him for a moment, still feeling the tingling sensation, before unlocking and opening the car door.

The two didn't realise that they were still holding hands, Amy seeing this from the corner of her eyes, and smiled. Pip would warm up to him eventually.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now