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THE DOCTOR was becoming worried, for he hadn't heard Amy's voice for at least two minutes.

"Amy? Amy, what's happening?" He spoke through the phone. Pip was trying to focus on driving, but her mind was racing. She couldn't think straight. She knew what this meant, but tried to push it aside, she had to, for the sake of the planet's survival.

For the Doctor.

In fact, Pip was so distracted, that she didn't see the tree they were about to hit.

"Pip! Look where you're going" the Doctor nearly screamed at her. Pip only just managed to move the fire engine out of the way. A second later and they would've knocked into it.

"Sorry" she barely muttered, still internally panicking, for she had seen someone she hadn't seen in months. Someone she didn't want to see. Ever.

"What was that all about?" He looked at her in concern.

"Just daydreaming" she chuckled, only for it to sound off, as her voice wavered due to the panic she was feeling.

The Doctor took notice of this, but decided to leave it.

"Amy, talk to me!" He spoke frantically, remembering the ginger was actually on the other side of the phone.

"We're on the coma ward, but it's here. It's getting in" Amy spoke back, the Doctor feeling relieved to hear her voice.

"Which window are you?" he asked her

"What, sorry?" The confused ginger spoke back.

"Which window?" The Doctor repeated, growing frustrated, yet again.

"First floor on the left. Fourth from the end"

The Doctor spotted the window, tapping Pip's shoulder, and pointing to the window in question. Pip simply nodded, driving towards it, thankful it was the first floor, not the third.

The Doctor sent a short text, reading "Duck!", Pip growing nervous at how close they were getting. She made to stop the fire engine, but the Doctor had other plans.

"Faster!" He said, giggling like a child, making Pippa smile. He truly was a child in a man's body.

They shortly collided with the hospital wall, the engine ladder smashing through the closed window.

Pip and the Doctor jumped through the window seconds later, the Doctor grabbing her hand to help her get through.

"Right! Hello. Am I late? No, three minutes to go. So still time" He rambled.

"Time for what, Time Lord?" The 'mother' spat at him.
"Where are you going?" Both Pip and Amy asked the Doctor, who was about to sprint off.

"The roof. No, hang on" the Doctor trailed off, finally realising how much off a tramp he looked, how he had been looking for twelve years, at least in the girls eyes.

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now