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I couldn't see anything.
Everything was dark like I was blind folded.
I could hear movement around me.
But that was it.
Was I awake?
I went to speak but nothing came out.
Had I lost my voice?
Something was wrong here.

"I told you I would find you, Casey~"
I felt fear race through me at the sound of his voice.
He was angry.
He was never playful unless he was in a good mood, and this tone in his voice was far from playful.
I wanted to beg.
To scream for him to let me go.

"Aw don't cry baby, we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet." His voice hummed and I couldn't see him.
I needed to see him so I knew what he was up too.
My heart was pounding so hard I thought that it would burst out of my chest any given moment.
This was a dream.
Wake up Casey.

I let out a pained scream feeling something pour onto my chest.
It hurt but it was over in an instant.
Was I shirtless?
This fucking creep.
And whatever he had in my mouth was impossible to push out.
I couldn't breathe.

"You're trembling, does it feel that good baby? Should I add more?" He asked and despite me shaking my head as the tears fell.
He ignored it by adding more.
I screamed this time as my back arched and my fingers hurt from bending.
It felt like I was being set on fire bit by bit.

Somehow I shoved whatever was in my mouth out as I let out a exhausted pant.
"J-Jordan! Please stop, it hurts!" I cried out.
The room fell quiet and that horrified me.
I wasn't sure where he was or what expression was on his face.

I let out a surprised yelp feeling something connecting to my bare thigh.
Was I naked?!
Oh god I needed to wake up.
Please let me wake up!

"Pets don't talk without their masters consent, know your place baby." He told me coming down again with whatever was in his hand.
I shook my head as the tears fell.
"S-Stop it, I can't take it." I cried but grew tense with his lips on mine, his tongue demanding access.
I couldn't shove him back.
I was powerless.
My arms were tied behind my back.
This was insane.

"I want to show you who you belong too Casey, but if you keep rebelling against me I'll have to keep inflicting pain. You don't want that, do you?" He asked.
I swallowed hard at the question.
"Let me go." I begged him now.
I flinched hearing a heavy sigh escape the other.
"What a pain." He hissed ripping the blindfold off.

And there he stood.
Cold hazel eyes with messy brown hair.
He was in just his torn jeans he always wore to school with his belt missing.
His button was undone which exposed his black briefs.
If this guy wasn't a fucking psycho he may of actually looked hot.
But he was terrifying to me now that I was looking at him in my dream.

"Why can't you just obey me? Stop with all of the begging already!" He yelled swinging down.

"STOP IT!" I screamed sitting up fast drenched in sweat.
The light was immediately turned on and everyone was looking at me in alarm.
Well the seven others that shared this cabin with us, but based on how loud I just raised my voice we could hear the banging on our closed cabin door that swung open.

Nash was the first face I saw as his eyes fell on me.

"Who screamed just now?" He questioned looking around the room.
Hyde was at my side as I sat there my knuckles had gone white from the grip I had on the blanket.
Nash's eyes locked on me now.
"Was it you?" He asked.
The others all nodded and just as he was about to speak.

In walked Storm Woods who looked far from pleased to be awake at this hour.
"Who's screaming and why?" He demanded rubbing his eyes as he looked around.
I swallowed hard before raising my hand.

"It was me, I'm sorry.. it was a nightmare.." I confessed.
Some of the boys snorted before dismissing themselves either back to their bunks or out of the cabin to laugh.

"You're drenched in sweat, go take a shower after that clear your mind a bit before you try to sleep again." Storm instructed leaving the room.
I sat in bed not wanting to move at the moment.
The dream felt too real.
What if Jordan really did find me?
Would something like that await me?
I was terrified to find out.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Hyde offered quietly.
I looked to him with a tired smile.
"No.. I'll be okay." I got up looking over my shoulder.
"Sorry for waking everyone." I looked in front of me where Nash and Paul both were.
"I guess even you two." I said walking past them but came to a stop at the feeling of someone's hand wrapped around my wrist.

I turned to Paul who looked guilty about something.
"Earlier at the lake I may have went too far when I touched you, but it wasn't even a full touch yet you screamed like someone just tried to stab you. I wasn't the reason for you to wake up like that, was I?" He asked me.
Wow he did feel guilty.
I looked at him.
"No I have my reasons on why I reacted how I did in the water and I shouldn't have, but I'm sorry for that as well. You don't have to feel guilty about anything else, goodnight." I said walking past the two of them now.

The shower ended up waking me up further and I was regretting it because now I felt like I wouldn't be able to sleep for the remainder of tonight.
But ignoring that thought I continued to shower.

Once my shower was done, I did take Storm up on that offer to clear my head.
I felt like I needed too after that dream and how it startled everyone, even the guys from next door.
I felt like a fucking chick acting like that.
But oh well, what's done is done and it can't be helped.

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