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**Rocky's Pov.**

I grew up in the outskirts of a medium sized town known as Salthill.
It was actually more of a violent town the more I thought about it.
But despite it all.
My parents kept me and my younger sisters safe as we grew older throughout the years.

And then I met those jackasses.

Nathan Boyer aka Nate the blond haired flirt who did everything but tried to get a girlfriend.
And Paul Webb the bisexual jackass who would have sex with someone then toss that person aside to wallow in self pity and depression.
Once upon a time.
These two idiots wouldn't of behaved how they did at the camp.
Nate would still be flirting with all the girls.
And Paul would just be trying to find something to put his dick into.
Nate is beginning to crush on Josie.
And Paul is determined to make Jamie his.

Meanwhile there's me.
I never really had much of a romantic interest in anyone.
Despite most of everyone having good looks.
I just never wanted to date or try to put my self in that position where I had to care for another person.
It sounded exhausting.

But then he came into the picture that made those thoughts change.
Hyde Jensen.
I wasn't sure what it was about him that had me interested.
I could tell I wasn't his type.
He already looked interested in someone.
And that was Casey.
But the whole mess between Casey, Nash and that bastard Jordan really screwed that up.
Even so.
Hyde can crush on Casey all he wants.
In the end.
That guy? Will never be Hyde's.

I lied on the bottom bunk listening to the kids outside being loud and obnoxious.
I know my job in this group of friends was to be just as loud and obnoxious.
But sometimes I wanted my true colors to show.
Just like Jamie.
I knew that guy wasn't as innocent and nice as he looked.
There was something there he was holding back.
Maybe he was afraid of losing the friends he made if he blew up?
I mean it wouldn't ever happen.
We'd look like a whole bunch of hypocrites if we dropped Jamie for losing his temper.
In all honesty.
I wanted to see that cream puff get pissed at something.
And I knew deep down.
So did Paul.

My eyes snapped to the door as Ryan White walked in.
His blond hair caked in paint and flour.
He looked far from happy.

"Whoa ho, what the hell happened to you man?" I asked sitting up as Ryan glared ripping his shirt off to reveal his six pack.
This guy worked out daily and when we got here it didn't stop him.
He set an alarm for six am and would go running until he passed out like an idiot.
He was desperate to look good.

"Those new kids! God this shirt is fucking ruined." He growled throwing it hard against the wall as he glared.
I frowned at him.
"New kids? What did they do?" I asked.
Ryan looked at me.
"I was jogging like usual and this blond jackass shouted at me before tossing red paint at me followed by this other blond who threw the flour, they laughed like fucking hyenas over the shit." He said bitterly.
I frowned deeply as I got up.

"Did you tell Storm?" I asked him.
"Hell no I'm not fixing to look like a tattle tail, look what happened with those three guys from last night?" He looked at me frowning.
I forgot that fight happened last night.
And it still sent chills down my spine knowing the fact that Casey could of got seriously hurt if Paul hadn't went and investigated.

"But still Ryan-"
"Look, its fine. They're just pricks who can't act their age." He frowned and I knew it was bothering him.
He told us the first night that his dad had brought that shirt all the way back from Japan, and now it was stained with red paint.
I'm sorry but it wasn't setting well with me.

I wasn't a fighter I was a lover but still.
Those guys needed to apologize.
And if push comes to shove.
I'll definitely shove.
"Oh there you are Rocky." Nate's voice stopped me on my determined mission to beat some ass, or well to make some blond dicks apologize for ruining Ryan's shirt.
Nate and the guys were over by one of the bonfires looking my way.
I had to make my greeting quick before I bailed on my boys to go find two blond idiots.

"Yo." I waved walking up to them.
"You look pissed." Paul made a face as I looked at him.
"Do I?" I questioned.
"Yes idiot, you're pretty bad at hiding anger. What's going on?" Nate crossed his arms looking at me.
I frowned at them.

"Those blond jackasses ruined Ryan's shirt-"
"Who?" Paul looked confused.
"You know, the black haired blue eyed freckled face guy who works out like a mad man?" I questioned.
They all looked confused.
"Sorry I only associate with main characters, who is that?" Paul looked at me.
I frowned.
"You know what? I'm going to deal with it, so you guys just keep chilling by this non lit fire an-"

"Whoa okay you're pissed, we're sorry." Nate looked at me frowning.
"I'm just irritated that they showed up yesterday thinking they fucking owned the place, especially that green eyed fucker." I growled.
Paul frowned at me.
"Want us to tag along?" He offered.
 I shook my head.
"Thanks but no thanks, I can handle this on my own and if I can't-- then I'll just get scolded by Storm as well I guess." I shrugged.
"Don't provoke him into fighting you Rocky, your spaghetti arms will snap." Nate told me.

I flipped the two off as I left the group and headed off to find the two jackasses hitting people with paint and ruining clothing.
Usually I wouldn't butt in peoples business, but those guys have pissed me off since yesterday.
Especially him.

How could we enjoy summer camp if guys like him and Jordan ruined it?
I wasn't fixing to be miserable this summer.
I wanted to have a great time.
So I could have stories to bring home and share with my younger sisters.

I could feel my blood boiling seeing those two blonds looking over the cliffs edge with three other guys.
I could feel that confidence I felt earlier leaving.
If it had just been those two I could of possibly been able to talk.
But now?
I could feel myself shrinking.
Especially when one of the guys looked over this way.

I recognized him.
Anthony Stone, he arrived with us the first day we got here.
Porter Dawson and Patrick Gates were also hanging out with these guys.
This was a real bad mix for me.
Maybe I should of asked Paul and them to come.
No Rocky.
That's the pussy inside of you trying to come out.
We're not running when we're already here.

"Yo! You blond jackass with the black shirt." I called out to the one known as Ares who turned to me with an arched brow and a smirk drawing out.

"Oh its the guy who gets fired up." He grinned as him and the guys walked over my way and I felt like I tossed myself into the lions den.
I wasn't going to back out as I stared at him glaring.

"What do you want?" He asked me with the smirk never vanishing.
I glared at him.
"What I want is for you to go and apologize to Ryan for ruining his shirt." I stated bitterly.
Ares blinked as he grinned at me.
"How about no and lets say I did just for you to feel like you actually accomplished something here." He stated walking away from me.

"How about you get off what ever dick you're bouncing on and apologize anyway?!" I demanded now glaring harshly at him.
Ares came to a stop as he looked at me, I saw his eye twitched and I knew that did something because here he came.

"You'll do us both a favor if you just turn around and go back to that group of yours, I'd hate to bruise that face of yours." Ares told me.
"Are you actually threatening me?" I hissed.
"Oh no." Ares grinned at me as he caught the middle of my shirt shoving me backwards as I stumbled but we both came to a stop.

"I'm warning you." He told me letting go.
And I could feel myself falling before my back hit the water and I went under.

I came up fast breathing heavily as I looked around.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed slamming my fist against the water as the stinging feeling echoed in my palm as I glared swimming there.
"Holy shit Rocky, you're soaked." Hyde pointed out as I stormed up to the group.
"I'm going to beat his god damn face in." I growled fixing to walk past them and try again but Paul stopped me.
"Rocky, your cheek is bleeding. Calm down and breathe before you get hurt, what happened?" He asked me.

I glared at him.
"He fucking shoved me off the cliff Paul, I want to kill him-"
"Oh no, we're not killing anyone. Go change before you get sick-"
"What? And have a repeat of what just happened? I'm not done talking to that bastard!"
"You are done talking to him, Rocky that guy isn't sane. There's a few of them like that, you're lucky he shoved you off the cliff into the water and didn't actually hit you." He frowned at me.
"I'm not some fucking chick you jackass! I can handle a punch to the face, that's why I was born as a fucking guy!" I yelled at him.

Casey looked to me frowning.
"Why are you getting so fired up over him? He isn't worth it." He told me.
Something snapped.
"You don't have room to talk, Casey." I said now.
He looked taken back as Nash glared at me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me.

"Nothing--look I'm sorry Casey, I'm frustrated." I frowned at him.
Casey bit his lip but nodded not saying anything.
I rotated my shoulders with a frown.
"I'm going back in. If you hear me scream, its with rage so don't come running." I told them heading off again.
"If you scream we'll definitely come running you dumb ass!" Nate yelled at me.

I ignored the other as I headed back up the hill to the rope swing.
And they were still there.

"Oh you came back for more?" I heard Ares question as he looked at me amused.
I glared at him.
"I'm not backing off until you be a man and fucking apologize to that guy, his dad brought that shirt all the way back from Japan and you ruined it." I growled dripping wet as Ares made a face.
"Oh no, all the way from Japan? Oh gosh oh man, guys should I listen to this guy and apologize before he tries to beat my ass?" Ares asked in a panicked tone getting up off the grass.

The others were all smirking and shaking their heads.

Ares stood right in front of me, smirking deviously.
"How about you give it a rest already? The guy obviously didn't care too much about the shirt or else he would of came to me himself, so." He stepped up closer.
"Why are you fighting someone else's battle? Its pathetic enough that you lost once, do you not have any shame as a guy to know when you should just say screw it, before your own ass gets beat?" He looked at me curiously amused.

I glared at him.
"You mouth off like some hot shot but where is the action?" I found myself asking.
Ares arched a brow.
"You don't want me to fight you." He smirked.
"I'd rather not fuck your perfect little face up or make you unable to walk, this is summer camp-"
"Bullying isn't fucking allowed and that's exactly what you're doing." I growled at him.
Ares blinked.
"I don't give a fuck what's allowed and what isn't, if the staff members think they can tell me what to do I'll get in their faces as well. Rules are meant to be broken, and if your as uptight about rules as you are about a stupid shirt. I can only imagine how you are in bed." He smirked down at me.

"Now run along, I doubt you want to be tossed in the lake a second time by me-"
"You think water scares me?" I stepped up glaring at him.
Ares smirked at me.
"Would you prefer it if I just drown you?" He offered.
I frowned at him.
"You can try to look as bad ass as you want in front of those guys, but deep down I know you're not as harsh as you come off as." I stated.

Ares blinked before his fist connected to my face.
My eyes grew wide as the pain echoed through my face as my eyes swelled with tears.
"I'm sorry but I'm not trying to look anything." Ares laughed grabbing the collar of my shirt with his fist in the air.
"I'm actually this much of a bastard and you've been wasting my time talking about nonsense, so unless you don't want your face busted up, I suggest you piss off." He told me.

"Apologize." I growled at him.
Ares glared at me.
"You're so fucking annoying." He growled as his fist connected to the opposite side of my face as I hissed in pain before using my knee and kneeing the fuck out of him where it matters most.
Ares howled in pain as his knees buckled and he toppled over groaning in pain.

The other guys jumped to their feet as I stumbled back.
My lip was busted as I tasted the bitter metallic taste of blood that filled my mouth.
Spitting it out I glared harshly breathing heavily as my face ached with pain.
I wanted to scream at the burning feeling.
But it felt like my feet were nailed to the ground.
I wanted him to get up.
To swing at me again just so I could knock him back down.

"You're fucking dead." Ares growled holding himself as his body trembled with pain.
I glared at him.
"Says the one on the ground writhing in pain while I'm still standing." I stated.

Ares's head snapped up with the look of hatred.
"Keep talking you punk because you just fucked your own self as well as dug your own damn grave, just you fucking wait." He growled.

I ignored him walking off as my eyes burned.
He didn't apologize.
But it was enough to make it known.
"Holy fucking shit, Rocky your face!" Nate exclaimed.
I walked up to them frowning.
"Yo." I greeted weakly.
"You got in a fight?" Paul asked with knitted brows.
I flinched feeling Josie's hands gently touching my face.
"You need ice and medicine Rocky." She told me frowning.

I frowned.
"I'm fine, I made the fucker fall to his knees so I was victorious." I told them feeling myself swaying with the headache I was feeling.
"Get him to the staff's office so they can check out this idiot and make sure his brain is still attached." Paul hissed.

Casey and Hyde both took me on opposite sides and helped me to the staff's office.
I was going to get scolded I just knew it.

"Who swung first?" Storm demanded as Jessica placed medicine on my bruised face.
"He did but I instigated it." I confessed with honesty.
I'd rather have my story right instead of it coming back and biting me in the ass for lying to him.

"Why was there a fight to begin with?" Ziggy asked with crossed arms.
I frowned.
"Ares splashed red paint all over Ryan's shirt and I wanted Ares to apologize." I told them.
"That wasn't your business to begin with Rocky." Storm stated bitterly.
I looked down at my lap hissing as the pain throbbed in my face.
"I know it wasn't but I didn't like knowing Ares was getting away with ruining kids clothing, you told us bullying wasn't allowed Storm!" I yelled at him glaring.

Storm frowned at me.
"It isn't allowed but we can't keep track of all of you kids, sometimes we have to let it go or let you sort it out yourselves. But instigating a fight for another boys problem, wasn't even your place. It looks like he did more damage to you than you did-"
"Actually no, I kicked him pretty hard where it matters." I shrugged frowning.
Storm made a face.
"You kicked him down there?" He asked.
I nodded and he looked like he wanted to cringe, but held a stern look on his face.

"I think we should just let this one slide, Storm." Ziggy frowned at the other.
"Rocky was just sticking up for a camp member, its not a crime to stand up for each other-"
"It is when they get their asses kicked-"
"I was the one who was still standing in the end!" I hissed.
"Because you kicked him in the balls, Rocky. Any guy would fall over in pain if kicked down there, you were only standing because he didn't think you'd be as sly as that." Storm scolded.
I looked away frowning.

Storm let out a sigh.
"I'm excusing the fight just this once, when I see Ares I'll talk to him as well but I want you to stick to your friends and not interfere with anyone else's business unless it actually involves you. Am I clear?" He asked me.
I frowned deeply.
"Yes sir." I got up with the ice pack and walked out with Casey and Hyde who were both quiet.

"I really am sorry about my comment from earlier Casey." I said as we walked towards the cabins.
Casey blinked but shrugged smiling softly.
"Its fine, I mean it caught me off guard? But I should of kept my mouth shut while you were having a moment." He told me.
I glanced to him as he looked ahead.

We walked into the cabin where the guys were and Nate looked up from the bottom bunk with a frown.
"Your face is all bruised Rocky." He told me.
I took a seat beside him.
"Yeah yeah, but it'll heal." I said laying back as my head pounded and my face ached.
I really did bite off more than I could chew back there.
If it had became a real fight.
He probably would of killed me.
But he held back.
Those weren't even serious punches.
Merely warning punches that hurt like a fucking bitch.

I yawned softly as my eyelids grew heavy and everything went dark.
"Feet first." I could hear quiet whispering.
Everything felt heavy.
"You know if we drop him it'll end badly for all of us, especially if Storm finds out." A voice hissed.
"Then shut up and do your job." A voice that chilled me to the bone barked.

I went to move but was held completely still.
My eyes shot open and I felt insanely light headed staring at the grass.
I was upside down.

"What is this?!" I demanded swinging back and forth hoping whatever was holding me would snap and I would fall.

Ares came into view with a smirk looking at me before stopping me from squirming.
"I told you didn't I? That you fucked yourself and for you to wait." He smirked.
I glared harshly at him.
"Get me down." I demanded.
Ares made a face.
"Yeah no," he shook his head with knitted brows.
"I think I'm going to let you, ya know hang around over here." He smirked deviously at me.
I felt like I was suffocating.
"I'll tell Storm." I warned.
Ares shrugged.
"Tell him, I don't care." He grinned.

I tried to get my arms loose but whatever was tied around me was a lot stronger.
"Someone will find you in the morning." Ares smirked at me.
"Goodnight Rocky." He winked as the guys headed off before him.
He came to a stop before walking back over to me.
"Oh and one more thing."
I let out a pained cry feeling his fist connecting to my gut.
"That's for kicking me in the balls earlier." He said playfully slapping my face before leaving me in pain.

I fucked up.
I really fucked up.

I remember just swinging upside down for the longest time before sleep actually crept in.
And I was out like a light.
Regretting everything.
Especially for playing the hero in someone else's fight.
Who didn't even thank me.
What a dick.

What a fucked up day this turned out to be.

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