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**Rocky's Pov.**

"I just think there should of been more to do here, ya know?" Casey said walking with me towards the showers.
I nodded in agreement.
"There wasn't a lot to do but at the same time, there was? I mean, we still have to go back on the rope swing." I smirked.
Casey grinned.
"Hell yeah we do, plus we have three new girls added so Josie isn't completely alone here." He stated walking into the showers.
I nodded.
"I think its a good thing? Sure she liked it just being her and us guys but Chelsea, Cruz and Libby are all pretty chill." I stated walking into the stall to turn the water on.

My mind kept falling back to the fact we had exactly two weeks left.
The days were flying by and no one was able to keep up anymore.
I didn't want to say goodbye to anyone.
And there was also the fact Ares actually wanted me to transfer schools.
I don't see my parents being for it.
It had nothing to do with Ares being a guy and me being gay.
It had to do with gas and money.
I didn't want to stress them out.
So we'd have to just see each other after school and on the weekends.
Even though that'd probably upset him.
But he was against going to my school.
Mainly because he knew he'd get into a few fights.

I stepped out of the shower drying my hair as I buttoned my jeans.
"You could always unbutton them." I looked up to the blond who smirked softly at me.
I rolled my eyes as Ares pressed his lips to mine.
"I wanted to talk to you about the school subject again." He told me.
I looked at him.
"I don't think my parents are going to allow me to transfer." I told him with a soft frown.
"I know." He said tightly but sighed.
"So despite my known temper, I was thinking about transferring instead." He said now.

I blinked.
"Really? Ares you don't have to do-"
"I know." He smirked softly.
"But if we're going to continue dating after this camp thing is over with, I'd like to see you more than just after school and on the weekends." He told me.
I felt my face growing warm.
"You'd really transfer for me?" I asked him.
He stepped closer bringing his lips to mine.
"Yes, my parents don't exactly care what I do or where I go as long as I'm getting educated." He shrugged.
"So with that said, I'll be transferring to your school once it starts back up on September first." He smirked.

I bit my lip but smiled.
"As long as its what you want." I smiled.
"You are what I want, so if I have to make some sacrifices along the way? Then so be it." He smiled against my lips.
I smiled back.

"GUYS ITS TIME FOR FOOD!" Hyde yelled inside of the shower before he stopped with his eyes on us.
"Oh--sorry." He slammed the door shut as we both stood there blinking.
"I'm glad he won't be at your school." Ares commented.
I looked at him smirking softly.
"Hyde grows on you after a while, I think he'd make the school interesting if he went to mine." I shrugged.
Ares smirked at that.
"There would be two of you running around." He told me.
"The twin I never asked for but secretly wanted." I grinned walking out with him.
"And how much are you paying me?" Katie questioned with an arched brow.
Jordan looked at her.
"Enough that'll break those two up and I can watch that bastard's world end." Jordan told her.
Katie arched a brow.
"When will I get the money?" She asked him.
Jordan smirked.
"I can have it today, I am the mayor's son after all." He shrugged.
Katie popped the gum in her mouth with an arched brow.
"And who's heart are you wanting me to break here?" She asked him.
"Both, all this is going to be is a script. You get him alone and I'll have someone else bring the other along and as if on cue, you're going to kiss him." He explained.
Katie sighed.
"Fine, but I expect that money today. I'm not a bitch for nothing." She smirked walking away from the other.
Jordan stood there.
"Don't I know it?"
"Is anyone else tired?" I questioned.
Paul arched a brow.
"No, you're just lazy." He pointed out as I smirked.
"Maybe that's it." I shrugged.
Ares glanced to me.
"We can go be lazy together." He winked.

"Okay nope, I will slap you both. You two are like a pair of bunnies constantly going at it, slow down." Paul told us.
My face grew warm as Ares smirked deviously.
"I prefer to go fast." He shrugs.
"It makes you com-"
"SHUT UP!" Paul yelled as I buried my face in my hands.
"God this is embarrassing." I whined.

"Has anyone seen Nash?" Casey crossed his arms with a frown.
"You lost your boyfriend?" I questioned.
Nate arched a brow.
"Sounds rough, maybe see if the staff have a mic so you can call out to him? Maybe even throw in embarrassing facts you know about him?" He suggested with a grin.
He blinked.

"That won't be necessary." We looked up from the table to the other who walked in with a knot on his forehead.
"Yikes." Paul cringed.
"What the hell happened to you?" He questioned.
Nash frowned.
"I was heading to the showers when out of nowhere some kid nailed me in the face with a rock, it was an accident though they had a slingshot." He rubbed his head frowning.
"So I went to the staff's office to get checked out." He looked to Casey.
"Sorry for randomly vanishing." He frowned.
Casey made a face.
"Its fine but is your head okay?" He asked.
Nash nodded.
"Yeah I'll be fine, it'll bruise but at least it was my head and not my eye." He confessed.

I made a face at that.
"Someone needs to take the slingshot away from that kid then if their aim as that bad." I frowned as Ares looked to me.
"How is your aim?" He asked.
"Better than some kids." I smirked as he rolled his eyes.

"So I was thinking, how about the rope swing? We have two weeks left." I looked at them.
"I told you, its bound to snap." Ares told me.
"It hasn't yet." I argued.
Nate looked to Josie.
"You feel like jumping today?" He questioned.
She smirked.
"I'm always down to jump." Her eyes fell on the trio of girls.
"What about you guys?" She asked them.

Chelsea nibbled her lip but smiled.
"Sure?" She looked to Cruz and Libby who also nodded.
"It sounds like fun." Libby admitted.

Ares looked to me.
"Let's get jumping then." He said getting up then took my hand leading me out of the cafeteria.
We walked into his cabin before he pushed me down on the bed, capturing my lips with his.
He smirked running his hand under my shirt.
"Ares, come on." I laughed.
He smiled softly.
"I just enjoy teasing you like this, plus its just us." He told me.
I smiled up at him.
"And as inviting as sex is, Paul will slaughter us both if we don't hurry up-"
"I can be quick." He grinned.
"Ares." I whined.

"Okay fine." He removed his shirt.
"But you're missing out on all of this." He teased motioning to his body.
I rolled my eyes.
"We can have sex tonight, okay? Its not a crime to hang out with them." I told him.
"Its always a crime when I can't have you to myself." He complained.
I smirked.
"Don't sulk-"
"Oh I'm going to sulk." He smirked.

I removed my clothes but covered my mouth as the feeling of his lips on my neck.
"Ares, stop." I laughed feeling him smiling against me.
"You're being a tease, I can't help myself." He confessed.
"Then turn around." I instructed.
Ares sighed heavily.

I pulled my jeans down before leaning over to get my trunks but flinched at his hands back on me.
"Ares, seriously knock it off-" I yelped being pushed down on the bed.
"I think I'm in heat." He told me.
I arched a brow with my wrists pinned.
"And I think you're a horny puppy now seriously cut it out." I told him.
Ares pouted.
"Just one quickie?" He smiled innocently at me.
My face grew warm.
"Get the blanket." I sighed.

He practically tossed himself out of the bed before grabbing the blanket then crawling into bed with me.
"Turn over on your stomach." He told me biting my shoulder.
I bit my lip but did as he said.
He pulled my trunks down before pressing his palms against my ass.
"Don't play Ares, serious-"
"Okay okay." He pulled his own trunks down before pushing into me.
I let out a quiet moan feeling him against me.

My blood ran cold as my face turned a dark shade of red.
"Are you two going to take long or should we go ahead and just wait for you two on the hill?" Josie questioned against the door.

"What the fuck?" Ares looked over at the female with an annoyed look on her face.
"Get out, Josie!" I cried trying to kill myself with the pillow.
"I'm just asking-"
"GET OUT!" We both yelled as she laughed before leaving the cabin.

We both just lied there.
"Well that was a total turn off." Ares complained before pulling out.
I wanted to die.
"It was fucking embarrassing." I hissed pulling my trunks back up.

Ares helped me out of the bed as we walked outside with the guys all still there but held annoyed looks.

"Really?" They all questioned.
"Okay so who wants to go first?" Casey questioned.
I leaned against Ares who had his hands wrapped around my lower waist.
Paul glared but looked to Jamie.
"If you go first it'll be over with faster." He told him.
Jamie made a face.
"I mean I guess." His eyes fell on the rope and with a shaky breath the bleach blond teenager took off running before leaping and taking a hold of the rope and letting go.

"He's improved from day two to day whatever number this is." Nate commented.
Paul nodded.
"I guess I need to meet him down there." He said running then jumping off.

One by one we all began to jump.
Ares looked to me.
"I'll see you down there." His lips pressed to mine.
"And one more thing before I go." He smirked against my lips.

"I think I may love you." He told me before running and jumping.

I stood there completely flustered.

I jumped last and met the others all down there.
I swam in front of Ares.
"You love me?" I felt my eyes burning.
Ares swam closer, with a small smile.
"I think so, is that wrong?" He asked me.
I shook my head smiling softly despite my face burning.
"I..I think I love you too." I confessed.
He smirked pressing his lips back to mine.
"I'm glad." He smiled and it was a real genuine smile.
That made everything inside of me ache.

"So what's next since we have a limited time?" Nate questioned walking out of the water.
I held Ares's hand who kept me close to him like always.
"We could always go back to the bonfire and hang out there." Hyde suggested.
I blinked but nodded.
"Yeah that sounds nice actually." I looked to Ares who nodded.
"We're here but what now? Do we just talk?" Paul questioned with an arched brow.
I looked at him.
"I mean that's what normal teenagers do." I pointed out as he made a face.
"We're not normal, Rocky." He told me.
I blinked.
"You got me there." I finger gunned him with a smirk.

Casey leaned against Nash.
"At least no one is the single man out anymore." He said now.
I nodded looking to Ares who smirked already looking at me.
"Just one big bunch of couples." Hyde smiled looking at Chelsea who smirked sitting beside him.
"Exactly." She smiled now.

I yawned.
"I'll be right back." I said getting out of Ares's lap who grabbed my wrist.
"Where are you going?" He asked me.
I blinked but smiled.
"I'm going to the toilet." I told him.
He got up but I shoved him back down.
He looked at me surprised.
I smiled.
"I am a big boy, I don't need you to hold my hand." I kissed him quick before leaving the group.
Ares was pouting the entire time.
What a handful he turned out to be.

I walked into the bathroom with a soft sigh.
"Two weeks huh.." I turned the sink water on before splashing my face.
I really wasn't ready to say goodbye the more I thought about it.
I mean we'd all make a way for us to see each other again.
But with school starting back up in three in a half weeks?
It would only be hard.
I knew it would be.

I walked back out of the bathroom to find Ares missing.
I made a face.
"Um, where did my pouting boyfriend run off too?" I questioned the group.
Nate looked up.
"He said something about needing his knife from the cabin, he should be back." He reassured me.
I frowned but nodded taking a seat beside Casey and Nash.

Twenty minutes passed and I was starting to actually worry.
"I'm going to go check on him, the poor guy probably pouted himself to death." I joked getting up.
"I'll tag along, I need to stretch my legs." Casey told me.
"I mean, if you don't mind." He added.
I shook my head.
"No its fine." I looked to him with a smile as he joined me on my quest to find Ares.

We made it to the cabins but found him nowhere.
"Ares?" I called out to him but got no response.

We walked out and Cruz's brother Joel came up to us.
"Hey Rocky, are you busy?" He asked me.
I blinked.
"I mean I'm looking for my boyfriend? He kind of went missing." I told him.
Joel made a face.
"Well can you pause real quick? I lost my watch and I heard you were the best at finding things." He told me.

I frowned at that.
"Who told you-"
"Please?" He begged now.
Casey also looked bothered.
"Maybe Ares went to shower? We still haven't done that yet."
"But he usually showers with me." I told him with my face burning.
This was irritating.
Why the hell did Ares go off without saying something first?

"Fine." I followed after Joel and Casey while looking around my surroundings.
Where could he of gone?
There was no way he went to shower without telling me first.
We started telling each other everything two weeks ago, and I mean everything.

We walked down the small trail that lead to the dock and lake.
"I'm really sorry about this." Joel stated now.
"No its fi..ne."

I came to a stop as my blood ran cold at the scene at the dock.
My stomach was twisted in knots.
Tears were even burning my eyes.
This wasn't happening.

Down at the dock stood Katie who's arms were hooked around Ares's neck.
Her lips on his while she pushed him against the pole.

"Oh what the actual fuck." I heard Casey hiss bitterly that snapped me back to reality.
Katie blinked before breaking the kiss.
She smirked at me.
"Oh hey you guys, sorry you had to witness that hot make out session." She winked looking at Ares who was frozen.
"You tasted delicious down below by the way." She kissed his cheek.

"Rocky-" Ares walked towards me but I stepped back glaring.
"They said you were showering, I knew that was a lie." I looked at him glaring as my eyes burned.
"But this?" I pointed at Katie who looked proud.

Despite everything I stood for I walked right up to her slapping her hard across the face.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" She screamed slapping me right back.
"I'm a god damn female in case you forgot, and you never touch girls! I'll have your ass arrested for hitting me you bastard!" She screamed.

"Fucking do it then!" I screamed right back as my heart ached.
"You're a fucking whore who just wanted something inside of her, but you picked the wrong fucking guy to do this too." I hissed bitterly at her as I lost my composure completely.

"He was mine!" I screamed pointing at Ares who stood there looking broken.
"So how fucking dare you do this to me!" I turned to Ares now.
"You lied to me-"
"No, Rocky listen!-"
"No!" I cried as the tears fell.

"This was why I didn't date, why I refused to see people. Because shit like this that happens." I cried as my head pounded.
I looked at Ares.
"You let this bitch kiss you and do who knows what else and all you're doing is just standing there! You're a piece of shit." I spat as my voice broke.
"How could you do this?" I glared at Katie.
"And I didn't even do shit to you! Why would you do this to someone who did nothing to you?!" I demanded.

She looked like she regretted it, her expression told me that with the tears that formed in her eyes.
"I did it for the money." She told me.
I bawled my fists as she flinched as if waiting to be hit a second time.

But I stopped.
I was trembling as the tears fell.
"Then I hope this was worth it." I motioned between me and Ares.
"Because you fucking got what you wanted." I hissed going to storm off but Ares stopped me.

"Wait, wait wait. Please Ares, listen-"
"No!" I shoved him away from me as I cradled myself as the tears fell.
"No." I shook my head.
"I'm calling my mom and I'm going home." I told him.

"Rocky, let me explain!"
"There is nothing to explain, no matter what happened. You still fucking kissed her!" I screamed at him.
His brows were knitted and he looked angry.
"So you're just going to let that end us?" He asked me.
I stood there with tears in my eyes.

"Goodbye, Ares." I told him before running back off to the camp.

All of our friends jumped up.
"Don't touch me." I growled harshly at Paul before running into the cabin.

"Rocky, please wait." Casey told me inside of the cabin.
I shook my head shoving my clothes into the suitcase.
"Nope, I can't stay here. I can't." I told him but he stopped me and brought me into an embrace.
"Rocky.." He cried.
"He broke my fucking heart just now, Casey!" I cried as the tears fell.

"Who the fuck tells someone they love them to turn around and kiss someone else?" I cried with knitted brows.
"What if it was scripted?" Casey asked me frowning.
"It doesn't matter what it was! He could of told her no or shoved her back, but instead he let her kiss him! I'm leaving this place and no matter what you say or do, I won't stay." I shut the suitcase storming out of the cabin.

"Rocky, wait!" Ares called after him.
Rocky came to a stop as he turned to the blond, both of their expressions broken.
"When you told me you loved me, did you mean it?" Rocky asked him.
Ares looked taken back.
"What? Of course-"
"Then let me go." More tears fell as Rocky stood there crying.
"If you love me then you'll let me go and you will understand why I can't be here." He looked at Ares so hurt and betrayed before storming into the staff's office.

"What did you fucking do?!" Paul snarled slamming Ares into the tree as Nate, Hyde and Nash glared harshly at him.
Ares stood there and looked defeated.

"I fucked up." He told them.
The next morning everything sucked.
Mainly because this was Rocky's last few minutes with us and my emotions were killing me as he waited for his parents to come pick him up.

"He hasn't said a word to anyone." Josie nibbled her lip.
"He doesn't need too." I frowned as Rocky sat there spacing out, he had dark circles under his eyes from crying all night.
Who would of known this would of had that much of an impact on him?

We watched a light blue Toyota Camry drive up and I wanted to beg Rocky to stay.
His mom stepped out in a business suit before her eyes fell on us, she didn't look angry or anything.
She just brought her son into a gentle embrace before his dad jumped out and got the bags.
Rocky stepped back from her wiping his eyes before walking back over to us.

"I'm giving Paul and Nate permission to give you guys my number, but I have to go." His brows knitted looking at me, Jamie and Hyde.
"It was nice spending time with you guys and I'm sorry I can't stay here, they won." He hugged us before walking back over to the car.

We all stood there and watched the car drive away, all of the staff members were outside for the first time watching the car as well.

"We have another parent coming around noon to get another kid." Ziggy told the group.
I looked to them as Storm ran a hand through his hair.
"It's that blond kid right? The one that caused Rocky hell in the beginning?" He asked.
Ziggy looked down at the paper but nodded.

"Ares Landry is also going home." He said now.

We all stood there but no one said anything.
There was nothing to say.
I mean what was there to say?
Everything completely crumbled.
And now summer camp officially sucked.

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