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**Rocky's Pov.**

Everything felt foggy as I tried to force myself to wake up.
I don't remember all of the details.
I just remember Kyle bitching at us about the weather and then everything that came after was blank.
My head pounded as I looked around my surroundings but came to a complete pause when my eyes met his.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, how did you sleep little mouse?" He asked me.
I wanted to get angry.
To shout for someone to get this guy out of here.
But I didn't do any of that.
I just stared at him for a moment.

"You're the last person I'd expect myself waking up too." I confessed.
Ares smirked at that.
"That's fair." He shrugged looking at me, his attention fell on my head.
"Do you remember falling from the cliff?" He asked me now.
I blinked as my brows knitted.
"I fell..?" I tried to think back but it only made the throbbing worsen as I hissed in pain.

"Alright don't knock yourself back out from thinking about it." He told me.
I looked at him.
"You said I fell.. what time is it?" I looked for a clock or something but found no such thing as Ares frowned at me.
"Well right now its four pm, but you've been asleep for eight days." He told me.

My heart came to a stop as I stared at the blond, my blood ran cold as I glared now.
"That's a shitty joke." I growled.

"It's not a joke." My eyes fell on the door that opened and all the guys plus Josie poured in with crossed arms and concerned looks.
My brows knitted as Nate and Paul both came up and wrapped their arms around me.

"You're such a damn lazy ass." Nate cried holding onto me.
My brows knitted as Paul held on.
"Not to mention careless you idiot." He hissed.
I wanted to yell at these two for the insults but stopped when I felt something wet hitting my shoulders.
They pulled back and my heart began to ache.
Tears fell from both of their eyes but they were smiling as they looked at me.

"We weren't sure if you would wake up." Paul told me.
I could feel my eyes burning as I looked back at these guys.
"So its true..? I really was asleep for eight days?" I asked them.
Nate frowned with a nod.
"You hit your head when you fell off the cliff eight days ago, Ziggy said you had a mild concussion.. god its so good to see you're awake." He cried hugging me again.

I hugged him back as my eyes traveled around the room.
Casey and Nash were still together, that was a relief.
Hyde was near the door and Jamie stood at a distance from Paul.
Josie was the same way with Nate.

"Alright, what happened while I was away. You four look too cozy." I pointed out now.
The guys and Josie all blinked but they grinned.
"I asked Jamie out." Paul shrugged.
"And Josie told Katie off after confessing she liked me, so ya know." Nate smirked.
"We're also kind of dating." He told me.

I smirked looking to Casey and Hyde.
"What about you two?" I asked.
Casey smiled.
"Nash and I are dating." He said as Hyde smirked at me.
"And I'm in a relationship with a tree." He stated.

I blinked.
"That poor tree." I grinned.
Hyde smirked.
"What can I say? It couldn't resist the way I care about nature." He shrugged.
I made a face as Casey arched a brow.
"Yesterday you were carving something into a tree." He pointed out.
"Shuutthefuck up, Casey!" Hyde hissed as I let out a laugh.

Everyone's eyes fell on me as I smiled softly.
"I guess I missed out on some interesting stuff while I was asleep." I stated.
Paul looked at me.
"You did but we still have over a month before we have to leave, so there's still plenty for us to get into." He told me.
I smirked before my eyes fell on Ares who stayed in the back as he leaned against the wall, his eyes locked on me as I frowned now.

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