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Just like that a week had passed and Rocky was still asleep.
The week had no problem taking its time to get here either.
I thought Paul and Nate were going to go nuts knowing Rocky wasn't awake yet.
I think it was bothering everyone.
And surprisingly.
I think it bothered Ares the most.

I only witnessed his frustrated temper a few times when we crossed paths throughout the day or night.
He was irritated and I felt like he wanted to see Rocky.
But something was stopping him.
And that was Paul.

While Rocky was asleep, Paul refused to let people in the cabin without him knowing.
He became a real guard.
And it was bothering us.

I walked up to the rope swing looking over the cliff with my arms crossed.
The waves were gently hitting the wall as the sun shinned down on the water making it sparkle.
I took a seat on the edge with a sigh.
I think Rocky being asleep this long had everyone frustrated.

Hyde wasn't even making jokes as much.
He told us he had to wait until Rocky was awake to tell the guy the best ones.
I leaned back looking up at the sky with a frown.

"Are you okay?" I looked over my shoulder to see Nash who came over and joined me.
I frowned with a shrug.
"I would be if Rocky would wake up, its exhausting knowing he's been asleep this long.. and-- the negative thoughts won't go away." I confessed biting my lip.
Nash looked to me.
"He's going to wake up, Casey. Ziggy said it was a mild concussion." He reminded me as I brought my knees to my chest.
"I know what it is Nash.. but I'm still allowed to worry about him." I looked at the other as Nash frowned.
"I never said you couldn't worry-"
"No, I know." I rubbed the side of my neck feeling awkward.

"Its also the fact that Ares lingers around his cabin, but he can't see Rocky. Nash its pretty fucking sad that the guy who was causing Rocky hell, is the one who ends up liking him." I looked at him with knitted brows.
Nash blinked but sighed frowning.
"I'd rather not interfere with that Casey, and neither should you. Paul is strongly against Ares seeing Rocky without the little guys consent." He frowned.

I blinked.
"Did you just call Rocky, little guy?" I could feel a smile trying to appear as Nash smirked.
"He's short-"
"Nash that's mean!" I laughed shaking my head.
Nash grinned.
"I'm just pointing out an obvious fact aside from you, Jamie and Josie. Rocky is pretty short." He told me.
I looked at him.
"Talking smack about the guy unconscious, that's cruel." I smirked.
Nash smiled.
"I'm sure he'd agree-"

"He wouldn't."
We both froze but looked to see Nate, Josie and Hyde who walked up and sat around us.
Nate looked at us.
"Rocky actually despises his height." He told us.
I blinked.
"Well you just ruined the fun." Nash frowned.
Nate's lips formed a thin line.
"I'm just telling you guys don't go around calling Rocky short or small, he can be pretty sensitive about it given the fact that his two younger sisters are only four and they're almost above his hips." He explained.

"Oh wow." I wanted to smile but kept it hidden as Nate looked to Josie and Hyde.

"We came to see what you two were doing since Paul and Jamie kind of walked off the face of the earth after they kissed a few days ago." He sighed.
I looked at him.
"I thought Paul was playing guard duty at Rocky's cabin-"
"Oh he is, but Jamie hangs out there because its where Paul is." Nate leaned back.

"I need to step up my game everyone's dating except me, Hyde and Josie well plus Rocky but there's honestly no telling how things will be once he wakes up and him and Ares actually talk." He sighed.

Josie looked to him.
"That should be fun but about your little crisis about being single? It's not that bad." She shrugged.
"After me and Elliot broke up I didn't realize the freedom I had after that, its better to take advantage of it rather than get depressed about having no one. We're still kids after all." She smirked.
Nate blinked but nodded.

Hyde sighed.
"Yeah well that's nice and all to know Josie, but its not going to stop me from seeing how well my luck is." He got to his feet looking at us.
"I'm going to see about finding either a lucky boy or girl to test my luck," his eyes fell on Nate.
"Want to come with me? The lucky girl might be out there." He smirked.
Nate thought for a moment but smiled.
"Sure, let's go be lady killers and see who's desperate enough to talk to us." He said walking away.

Josie looked bothered as her eyes followed after Nate.
Nash smirked softly.
"Someone likes Nate." He teased.
"Shut up I do not." Josie hissed as her cheeks gained color.
I blinked looking at her.
"Josie, do you like Nate?" I asked her carefully.
She looked at me annoyed.
"I don't know, maybe? But guess what. If he wants to try to find a girl blindly, then I'll go see about a boyfriend." She stated getting up and storming off.

I sat there before looking at Nash.
"Should we go see about new partners too?" I jokingly teased as Nash grinned at me.
"You serious?" He asked me moving closer.
I grinned as he pushed me down as his lips captured mine.
"I think you are my partner." He told me kissing my neck as I bit my lip.
"Well that's a relief and here I thought we were just casually flirting." I pointed out.
Nash smiled softly.
"The complete opposite, I want you to be my boyfriend. Is that alright?" He asked me.
I blinked as my cheeks grew warm.
But I smiled.
"Its alright with me." I agreed smiling as his lips pressed to mine.
**Josie's Pov.**

"Find a girlfriend my ass, surely he was joking.." I rubbed my upper arm with a frown that was shown as I walked down the trail.
I wasn't exactly a model or someone boys stopped and stared at.
My eyebrows were thick, my hips were wide and I was skin and bone.
I mean sure there were girls out there who had hips too.
But I wasn't exciting to look at.

I wasn't even sure how it lasted nearly two years with Elliot.
He just randomly asked me out one day at school and I stupidly said yes without thinking about it.
I rubbed my neck with a frown.
Nate was attractive to me, he had that light tan skin with honey brown eyes and messy blond hair that he never brushes.
He also had that perfect smile and amazing laugh..
Any girl would start crushing on him if they actually gave him a chance.

And here I was.
Being that stupid girl where I got jealous that he didn't want to hint at me about dating.
Instead he walked off with Hyde..
Maybe he just saw us as friends?
I mean it upset me and made me jealous.
But I didn't want him to date any other girl.
I wanted him to date me.

I made it to the camp where I spotted Hyde and Nate walking around looking at different girls.
It made my stomach twist as I looked around for some poor fool to use to make Nate jealous.
Well actually no.
That wasn't me.
I didn't use people to get others attention.
It just depressed me.
Knowing I wasn't who Nate wanted.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I heard a girl question with a laugh followed by a fit of giggles from the girls around her.
I looked back to where Nate and Hyde where and my skin crawled seeing who they were trying to hit up.

It was that girl Katie and her bunch, but Nate's attention was on this brunette with blue eyes who actually looked interested but Katie was butting in their business.

"She doesn't want to be around a bunch of fags and their ring leader." Katie told Nate who frowned at her.
"How about you let the girl speak for herself? I think all of that bleach you've put on your head has finally fried what you call a brain, because I know for a fact I was talking to Callie and not you." Nate told her.
Katie looked taken back as she glared.
"Are you really talking down to me? I'm a girl and I-"
"I don't care about your gender?" Nate's brows knitted.
"I was talking to her." His eyes fell on Callie.

Callie looked at him.
"Sorry guy's name I don't remember but if Katie says no-"
"You actually let this thing tell you who you can and can't date?" He asked her.
Callie blinked.
"Um well-"
"And here I thought someone may actually be interested-"

"No ones interested in ugly blond's with no muscles or respect." Katie interrupted with a shrug and irritated look.
Nate frowned at her.

"I am." I stated a little too boldly as Nate and Hyde turned to me now.
"Wow, talk about a shocking surprise." Hyde looked at Nate who looked surprised as I walked up to them with my arms crossed.

Katie arched a brow at me.
"Its called being desperate honey, look if you hang out with me and my girls. I can get you someone better instead of someone with an unattractive face." She told me.

I frowned at her.
"I'd rather slit my wrists than associate myself with you and your girls." I stepped up before looking to Nate.
"And this guy? He has a very attractive face to me and it doesn't make me desperate knowing what I want, it makes me smart by taking action instead of hanging out in the background." I stated.

And with that.
I stepped up and pressed my lips to Nate's.
I was afraid of him pushing me away but was surprised to feel him deepening the kiss.

"Ugh whatever you two jokes deserve each other." I heard Katie hiss before her and the girls walked away from us.

Nate broke the kiss as he looked at me confused.
"That was some amazing acting you just pulled off, I really think she bought it." He told me.
I frowned at him.
"I wasn't acting Nate, I was telling the truth just then. I am interested in you." I confessed.
Nate blinked with knitted brows.
"Really?" He looked around as I made a face.
"What are you looking for?" I asked him.
"Casey and Nash, making sure this really isn't a prank and they're not recording my dumbfounded face." He told me.

I smiled softly at him.
"You're really an idiot, its not a prank Nate." I said kissing him again as he looked at me.
"Why didn't you speak up earlier when we were talking about girls?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"I didn't want to toss myself out there, but when I heard what that bitch was mouthing off. I wanted to speak up and just put my feelings out on the table." I confessed.
"I really do like you Nate, so I'm hoping I didn't just embarrass myself by finding out you don't feel the same." I said going to pull away now but he stopped me.

His brows were knitted.
"I do feel the same, honestly I thought you were interested in Hyde though so I wanted to let that play out.. but now." He smiled like he had fallen in love for the first time.
"I'm happy." He told me as his lips pressed to mine.

"Well I'm uncomfortable." We heard Hyde state as he stood there looking bothered as he looked around now.
I smirked.
"Want to try to find yourself a person?" I asked him.
Hyde thought for a moment.
"Honestly? After all of that, maybe I'm not ready to date." He shrugged.
"I forgot how girls could be and I'm not seeing any guys here that'd even interest me." He confessed.

I gave off a sad smile.
"I'm sure you'll find someone before summer camp ends." I told him.
Hyde shrugged.
"We'll see." He stated.
**Casey's Pov.**

"Nash we can't do this here." I laughed out in the woods feeling his lips against mine.
"What? Of course we can." He grinned lifting my shirt over my head.
His eyes fell on my body and for a moment I felt self conscious.
His eyes flickered as his eyes met mine.
"You're beautiful." He told me now.
I made a face.
"And you're a real bad liar." I said now.

He grinned pressing his lips to mine as he removed his own shirt.
He pressed me against the tree as his hands traveled around grabbing my ass as I let out a soft moan just feeling his touch.
I melted every time this guy touched me.

"Maybe this will be more comfortable if you lay down." He suggested bringing us into the grass as I felt heat race to my cheeks at the feeling of his hands on my hips before tugging my jeans down.
He smirked softly.
"Relax." He said kissing me.

I smiled softly but tensed feelings his fingers as he kissed my neck.
"Relax.." He told me moving his fingers as my face flushed red.
"Nash I think its okay now." I told the other.
He looked at me.
"Are you sure?" He asked me.
I nodded as his lips pressed to mine, he used his free hand to undo his jeans before pulling them down.
I felt my heart racing but I wanted this.
I wanted him.

I shut my eyes before my brows knitted feeling him pressing against me.
I looked at him with teary eyes but he kissed them away as he began to slowly thrust.
He was being vanilla and it was different.
I wasn't used to someone being slow and cautious about having sex with me.
I was used to being slapped and hit before being shoved on the bed and letting someone have their way with me.

Fear shot through me as I clung to the other.
Nash came to a stop as he looked at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked worried.
I looked at him with more tears.
"I'm fine." I told him for the first time without lying to him.

He hesitated but nodded as he continued to thrust as I let out a sharp moan.
He smirked softly.
"Well that didn't take long." He teased as I glared.
"Shut up." I smiled as his lips met mine.
"Where did you two vanish off too? We came back to see if you guys wanted to check in on Paul and Jamie but you were gone." Nate pointed out.

We stood at the rope swing and I knew my face was red because Josie was grinning.
"You two must of taken advantage of being alone." She grinned.
I grew red.
"And you three must of had no luck because you're all back here empty handed." I pointed out.

Josie blinked as Nate cleared his throat.
"Well actually." He raised his hand that held Josie's.
"We're dating now." He told us.
I blinked.
"I mean I kind of saw this coming." I stated.
"We did see it coming." Nash nodded as Josie smirked.

"But what about you, Hyde?" I looked at the brunet who was spacing off before his eyes fell on me.
"Oh me?" He thought for a moment before smirking.
"I'm dating a tree." He sighed.
I smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry-"
"No no," he smirked.
"Don't apologize," he walked up to me now.

"But you should fix your shirt, its inside out." He told me now.
I grew red looking down at my shirt before removing it then turning it back inside out.
I put my shirt back on then glared at Nash.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.
He grinned.
"I thought it was cute." He shrugged.

"Anyway did you guys want to come with us to check on Paul and Jamie?" Nate questioned again.
I nodded as Nash took my hand and we headed towards the camp where the other kids were.

I looked up at the cabin where Paul and Jamie were.
They were talking before their eyes fell on us and Jamie waved with a soft smile.

"Sorry we didn't hang out with you guys." Paul looked to the door that had Rocky on the other side.
"We've just been waiting for Rocky to wake up." He frowned.
I bit my lip.
"Have you guys been inside yet?" I asked him.
Paul looked pissed about something as Jamie looked at us.
"Storm came by and told us to stop going inside so much, that he'll wake up on his own and doesn't need us constantly in there waiting." He frowned now.

I made a face.
"Storm really said that?" I asked him.
Jamie nodded.
"Storm's been in a bad mood today, I think him and Ziggy may have got into a argument about the weather or something." He murmured.
Paul rolled his eyes.
"So he's taking his anger out on the campers which doesn't look good on him, not that he'd care about something like that." He stated.

I frowned looking at them.
"Well maybe he'll wake up today." I suggested.
Paul frowned.
"It'd be nice." He looked to Jamie who looked upset.

"What's going on with you two?" Nate looked at them.
"Paul got scolded earlier because he chewed Ares out for showing up, telling us to let him see Rocky." Jamie told us.

Hyde frowned.
"Why not let him just see the guy? Its not like Rocky would even notice, Paul." He pointed out a very obvious fact that earned a glare from the black haired teen.
"No." He growled.

"Okay stop being the parent." I looked at him.
"Rocky is sixteen and you're eighteen, I get you guys have been friends a whole lot longer than we have. But you really don't know how Rocky feels about Ares and you can't guard the cabin to keep someone away from seeing him, for all you know. Ares may be the best thing that came into Rocky's life, sure not in the beginning. But what do we know? You can't keep being a heated jackass over what happened, especially if Rocky is allowing Ares to actually talk to him." I told him frowning deeply.

Paul glared at me.
"Damn it Paul, just let the guy see Rocky!" I hissed.
They all looked at me with poker faces.

"I don't think we've ever seen Casey so pissed off about something." Nate frowned as Paul looked at me.
"You trust this guy?" He asked me now.
I frowned at him.
"I don't know yet Paul, we don't even know him besides from the fight but he's obviously trying to redeem himself by trying to see Rocky." I told him now.
He frowned looking around.

"Paul.." Jamie looked at him with knitted brows.
Paul stopped and looked at the other.
He frowned.
"Shit." He hissed.
He looked back at me.
"Fine, go get the bastard but if he fucking does something. I swear I'll kick his ass then yours for letting me lower my guard just this once." He growled.

I smirked.
"That's fair." I said heading off with Nash.
"Do you think this is a good idea?" He asked me as I shrugged.
"I don't know, it might be? I want to see the better in him than Paul does, Ares may come off as a violent jackass but I'm sure he's actually the complete opposite if hes around the right people or person." I told him.
Nash glanced to me as we walked over to the cabin that Ares was inside.

I frowned knocking as the door swung open and I recognized him from our group when we arrived the first day.
Patrick Gates I think his name was as he stood there with an arched brow.
"Can I help you two losers?" He asked frowning.
I glared.
"Is Ares here?" I asked him.
"Depends, who's asking?" Patrick questioned.

"Obviously he is, dumb ass." I froze as the blond came to the door with an annoyed look.
"What is it?" He frowned.
I looked at him.
"Do you want to see him?" I asked the other.
Ares blinked.
"Is the mouse awake?" He asked me.
I frowned.
"Not yet, but Paul finally caved and said you could see him." I shrugged.

Ares smirked.
"I can see the mouse whenever I want too, he doesn't stand in the way of that. But because you tried so hard to convince him, sure. I'll go see Rocky." He told me walking out as Patrick glared.

"You're going to hang with those losers?" He demanded.
Ares looked to him annoyed.
"Yes and you'll do well to keep your mouth shut before you end up like Porter for pissing me the fuck off." He growled walking out with us over to the cabin where Rocky was.

Paul was glaring harshly at the blond who walked up the steps.
"Make it quick." He told the other.
Ares looked to him.
"Don't tell me what to do." He told him heading inside of the cabin.
Leaving us all not knowing what he would do while he was inside.

"Shouldn't someone watch him?" Paul hissed.
"No." Jamie looked at the other.
"Let's trust him, just this once." He told the other.
Paul glared but it died down.
"Fine." He said defeated.
Ares leaned against the wall as his eyes locked on Rocky who lied there not awake or moving.
His head was bandaged as Ares frowned deeply walking over to the bed now.

"Who would of thought a mouse would have this kind of power over a lion." He smirked softly looking down at Rocky.
He looked over his shoulder before kneeling down and resting his forearms on the edge of the bed as he looked at Rocky.

"I need you to wake up little mouse." He frowned softly.
"We have much to talk about as well as an unfinished to do on the to do list." He smirked softly now.
"But maybe that can wait, only if you wake up." He told the other.

He remained knelt there for what felt like an eternity even though it had just been ten minutes.

And just as he was about to get up to leave.
He came to a stop at the sound of a soft groan.

Ares looked over his shoulder and watched as Rocky's steel blue eyes slowly opened.
Ares smirked softly.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, how did you sleep little mouse?"

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