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"I'm his boyfriend, who the fuck are you?" I heard Jordan demand as everyone stood there looking at the scene in front of them.
My chest grew painfully tight as I tried to breathe.
I just had to be mature in this situation.
Don't freak out.
Don't panic.
Jordan was here.
I should of known the psycho would of found a way to get here.
Even if he was nineteen.
He was a great liar.
And that was terrifying how well it worked at times.

Nash glared softly at him.
"I'm his friend and from this perspective? I don't think boyfriends are supposed to treat their partners that way." He pointed to the grip Jordan had on my arm.
Jordan smirked at him.
"That's nice and all, but the next time I ask for your opinion? I'll look in the trash first." He said pulling me away from the group.
But I came to a stop.

Hyde held a grip on my wrist as Jordan glared at him.
"I'm fine, Hyde." I reassured the brunet but none of them looked convinced.
I wasn't sure if it was the way my bottom lip was quivering.
Or the fact my hand was trembling as I held Hyde's.
But none of them wanted me to leave from their sight.

Hyde looked like he had a lot to say on the matter.
But went against it as he slowly let go of my wrist and stepped back.

Jordan looked victorious with a smirk that drew out on his face before pulling me away from the others.
I was scared and wanted to scream.
I thought I was finally free for once.

He brought me towards the rope swing before finally letting go.
"You've lost weight, are you not eating while being here?" He asked me.
"Why are you here Jordan?" I asked him.
"Answer the question, Casey."
"No you answer mine!" I hissed but yelped being shoved against the tree.
My eyes burning as he glared at me.
"You have some balls actually talking to me like this in person, you're no longer behind the phone so you can't hide from who's right in front of you." He told me bitterly.

I couldn't back up from this guy.
He literally had me in a corner as I frowned at him.
"I just want to know why you're here." I crossed my arms looking at the other.
Jordan's eyes pierced mine.
"I missed you." He lied as he smiled softly at me.
I made a face.
"It wouldn't kill you to be honest." I told him.
Jordan studied me but smirked.
"I am being honest-"
"You're lying Jordan-"

"Man I can't wait to swing off the rope again!" I heard Rocky exclaim and even though I wanted to feel relieved.
Jordan's glare wasn't helping me at all.

"It was pretty fun--wait, Rocky you didn't even swing you jumped like a damn psycho." Nate pointed out walking past us with the others who all tried their best not to look our way.
Save me.
Someone say something.
Don't let him have his way.

I flinched at the sound of my name coming from Nash.
I looked at the other and now all of their eyes were on us.
"Wanna swing again?" He offered.
I wanted to tell him yes.
More than anything if it meant I could get away from Jordan.

Jordan hadn't moved from his position as he looked at them annoyed.
"Jordan." I found my voice that came out quietly.
His eyes fell on me as I looked at him.
"Do you mind if I hang out with my friends?" I asked him.
Jordan frowned softly at me.
"Go ahead, but this conversation isn't over with." He pressed his lips to mine for the longest minute before storming off.

I stood there as their eyes fell on me.
"Casey?" I heard Jamie question.
My eyesight grew blurry from the tears I blinked back.

"Lets get jumping." I told them heading to the edge.
Nash's arms crossed.

"Just give me the word." Paul said now.
We all looked to him.
"The word?" I asked.
"To beat that guys ass, I'll get punished I don't care! Casey you need to tell Storm, that way he can kick that guys ass outta here!" He hissed at me.

I looked at him then at the water.
I let out a heavy sigh and without warning to anyone.
I jumped.

Hitting the water as I went down further and this time I didn't race to the top.
I allowed myself to open my eyes under the water as I looked around.
I wanted to get away.
Somehow without leaving the guys behind.

I could feel my chest growing tight from lack of oxygen.
I heard shouting from above as I finally raced to the top.
Letting out a sharp breath.

"Oh my fuck! He's okay!" I heard Paul exclaim as he looked at me with worry.
I looked at him.
"Sorry.. my leg got tangled." I lied swimming in front of him.
Paul frowned at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
My eyes burned and I wanted to tell him no.
"I'm okay." I lied to him.
"I heard that we're gathering around the bonfire tonight." Rocky stated as we walked out of the water.
My arms were crossed as I looked to him.
"Don't tell me its going to be scary stories and smores." I smirked.
Rocky smirked at me.
"It better be, my family used to tell scary stories all the damn time before my sisters were born, but then they stopped." He said now.

"Boo hoo how tragic." We heard an unfamiliar voice state.
But it was enough to earn glares from all of us as we looked up at this blond with messy hair and piercing green eyes that looked anything but nice.

Rocky glared at him.
"Anyway," he looked to us ignoring the blond jackass.
"Scary stories-"
"Are lame and meant to waste your time." The same guy stated.

"Okay guy what is your fucking problem?" Rocky demanded with a harsh glare.
The blond smirked.
"Just wanting some kind of amusement is all and  you're definitely delivering it to me, so thanks." He smirked.

Rocky glared at him.
"Okay bye." He looked to us as we walked past this guy.

"Yo Ares! They have a rope swing, lets go try that shit out!" This blond ran past us with soft blue eyes as he grinned at the one known as Ares.
Ares made a face.
"It sounds lame, Avery. I don't want to." He frowned.
Avery frowned at him.
"Then I'll just go without you." He said heading off.

Ares's eyes had remained on Rocky before letting out a sigh.
"Okay okay, here I come." He said following the other blond.
"Have you guys ever wanted to punch someone so hard before?" Rocky asked over beside the volleyball court.
He was still angry from earlier with that Ares guy.
I didn't blame him.
He was an ass.
Who actually got my mind off of Jordan.

Nate patted the others back.
"We're going to stay clear of that guy so you don't get in trouble." He told him.
Rocky frowned softly.
"He was fucking rude Nate! Who the hell butts in someones conversation like that? It was like he wanted to start a fight on his first day here. Man what the fuck." He hissed.
I frowned deeply at the other.

"Wow look at this group of cuties." I heard a girl state.
We turned around to a group of girls, five of them stood there and god did they look like a group of sluts.

The one in the center had blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Her shorts were too short and I don't think her shirt was squeezing her hard enough to show off her breasts.

"Too bad we're all gay." Nate lied with a shrug.
The blonde smirked at him.
"Gay boys are cute too." She smiled walking up to us placing a hand on her hip.
"Especially the innocent ones with baby faces." Her eyes fell on Jamie who stepped back behind Paul who had no issue with that as he frowned the blonde.

"I don't know what it is with you blonde's showing up with your annoying mouths, but its far from pleasing." Paul stated bitterly.
"Its irritating, go find a straight guys dick to ride on you slut." He growled lowly.
She smirked at him.
"Awfully defensive aren't we?" She cooed.

"My name is Katie Giles, lets be friends while we're all here." She smiled at us.
"No thanks." I frowned as the words left my mouth.
Katie blinked.
"How cruel and here I thought you were pretty cute, such a shame you're all faggots." She said icily now.

"I really want to punch you in your mouth." Nate growled at her.
"But I was raised to respect the female gender, so how about you respect ours you uptight bitch?" He snarled.
Katie smiled tightly at him.
"Sure why not? If that's what you group of faggots want, I'll play nice so your blond friend here doesn't cock any more attitudes with me. After all, I just wanted to be friends with you. But instead, we'll just be your fellow campers. Bye." She waved us off before the five of them walked through us.

"What a bitch." I heard a new girl comment.
I looked to her as she wore black basketball shorts a white tank with a red skull in the center and short black hair with bright blue eyes.
"Hey, I'm Josie Downs." She introduced herself to us.

We all looked at her.
Josie smiled.
"Right, so this is awkward.. I'll just g-"

"Hold on sorry!" Nate stepped up as he looked at her.
"Sorry today's a mess so I think we're all just shocked to actually see someone being nice?" He looked at us to make sure he was in the right about his statement.
No one denied it as Josie arched a brow.

"Sounds rough, but not as rough as that uncomfortable ride was with the weird brunet who kept talking about this chick named Casey-"
"That would be me." I told her tightly as the guys behind me tried their best not to laugh.
Josie's face fell.
"Oh wow I am sorry." She looked at me.
"Its just the way he was talk-"
"I know how he talks, that's my ex boyfriend." I said through a frown.

Nash looked to me.
"He told us he was your boyfriend?" He looked confused.
"Because he's a fucking psycho!" I hissed looking at him.

Josie made a face.
"Wow okay it feels like I stepped into a whole mess of drama, should I escort myself out or can I be apart of this gay group of yours?" She asked me trying not to smirk.
I blinked.
"Why are you asking me?"
"Yeah why him?" Paul looked offended.
Josie shrugged.
"I don't know, usually the petite ones call the shots in a group. Like how that bitch just did." She shrugged.
"I'm just trying to find some friends to mingle in with that isn't over bubbly girls and guys who talk about nothing more than banging girls-- or well each other." She made a face.

"You guys don't do that, right?" She asked carefully.
"Of course not!" Nate looked at her.
"Oh and I was lying, I'm not actually gay. I'm pretty damn straight." He told her.
Josie arched a brow.
"Backing up your boys, how manly of you." She smirked softly.
"So, am I in or not?" She asked.

Nash looked to me as I smirked at her.
"Sure Josie, you're in." I told her.
"Nice." She grinned.

For the remainder of the day I tried my best to forget that Jordan was even here.
Instead I focused on Nate trying to flirt with Josie who kept dismissing it as him aggravating.
She was either bi or a lesbian.
There was no way someone with her build was straight.
She looked like she could bat for both and with make up on, I'm sure a lot of guys would fall for her and even more girls would spill in.
But I couldn't make myself ask her.
It wasn't my place or my business.

Josie walked up to the cliff where the rope was as she looked down.
"This is a high jump and you guys actually jumped it?" She smirked.
Jamie flinched as Paul grinned.
"Twice actually, maybe later we can come down here and you can give it a go?" He suggested.
Josie smiled with a shrug.
"We'll see, I gotta admit hanging out with you guys feels a lot like back at school. That's all I hang out with, I mean it made my boyfriend jealous but I wasn't going to bail on my boys just to please him." Her eyes fell on me.
"I'm not for a controlling relationship, if we can't treat each other equally with no jealousy. There is no point." She shrugged.

Nate looked at her.
"Well that's good you broke free of a relationship like that, so are you stra-"
"Pansexual." She smiled at him.
"Oh hell yeah!" Hyde high fived Josie with a grin.
"Welcome to my very small pansexual club, shirts are still not being made but I can offer you a mint every day from the cafeteria." He grinned at her.
Josie grinned back at him.
"I'm loving the welcome to this club of yours, can I be the vice captain?" She asked him.
Hyde smirked.
"Fuck yeah you can be the vice captain!" He looked excited.
And I was happy for him.

But Nate looked jealous that Hyde was getting the attention that he wanted.
I guess he needed to step up if he wanted her attention the way Hyde was getting it.
But I guess if two people can relate to something like that.
It would become hard to compete.

When the night finally came and we were gathering around the bonfire like Rocky said from earlier.
I knew I would regret it if I looked.
But I looked for Jordan.
I lied to the guys telling them I was going to take a shower.
But I did agree with Jordan.
We needed to finish that conversation from earlier.
I knew I wouldn't sleep if we didn't.
"Jordan I saw you walking this way, where are you at?" I asked walking in the showers.
I couldn't even react before I was forced into a stall with the shower head.
And Jordan stood right there with two towels.
"Remember how we always showered before sex then cursed ourselves for not doing that afterwards?" He asked with a smirk turning the water on.

I frowned pushing myself against the cold wall.
"Jordan they're all gathering around for the bonfire, we need to go join them-"
"If you care so much about a fire why would you come look for me?" He smirked removing his shirt as I frowned at him.
"I keep asking myself that same question." I confessed frowning softly.
Jordan frowned at me.
"Undress Casey." He told me.
"Jordan I don't want-"
"I told you to undress!" He slammed his fist against the wall as my eyes squeezed shut, flinching as I waited to be hit.

"Why do you have to fight me about this? Why can't you just submit and do as I tell you too?" His fingers ran through my now soaked hair.
I frowned at him.
"Jordan I don't love you." I told him.
Jordan grabbed the back of my hair tugging violently.
"I know, that's what makes this relationship so fun." He smirked smashing his lips to mine as I cried out.
"Jordan, stop-"
"Shut up!" He yelled his fist connecting to my face as I yelped in pain.

"Alright that's enough!" I watched the shower door swing open and Paul ripped him out shoving the other into a closed shower door as his fist connected to Jordan's face.
"You wanna beat on someone so bad you fucking punk? Pick on your own damn size!" Paul growled slamming his fist into the others face again.

I stood there like a deer caught in headlights.
Fists were swinging faster than I could keep up with.
And kids were piling into the showers trying to see the fight while Nash and the guys tried to break it up.

I just remained standing there trembling with fear and shock.

Storm, Andrew and the other staff member Luke all raced in immediately breaking the fight up.
"Okay stop it you two! Enough ENOUGH!" Storm roared in pure rage.
The only sound that was heard was the pouring water from the shower as Storm glared harshly at both Paul and Jordan.
His eyes fell on me and I knew that he realized something as his eyes flickered.

"Paul Webb, Jordan Mendes and Casey Foster. You three come with me, right fucking now." Storm ordered as he pushed past the kids who all scrambled to get out of the way.
I could taste blood in my mouth as I followed behind Paul who made sure that Jordan was nowhere near me as we followed Storm to the staff's main office.

"I should call all three of your parents and send you straight home." Storm growled pacing in front of us as he glared harshly with the other staff members present.
All with bothered looks.
"We're only a week in and there's already a damn fight and I want to know who the hell started it!" He yelled glaring at us as I flinched.

"Okay Storm, you're scaring Casey." Ziggy frowned at him.
"Good." Storm glared at him then at me.
"These idiots want to rough each other up then get scared over adults yelling at them? There isn't enough discipline here!" He yelled.

"Stop yelling at him! Casey is the victim you jackass!" Paul yelled at Storm who's fist tightened but made no movement.
"What happened, Casey?" He looked at me with a frown.
Jordan glared at me as I frowned softly.

"Jordan hit me-"
"You fucking bitch." Jordan snarled.
"And Paul stepped in." I looked at Storm frowning deeply at him.
Storm looked to Paul and Jordan.
"Is this true?" He asked Paul now.
Paul frowned.
"I noticed Casey was gone a bit longer than usual and I told our friends I'd go check on him, that's when I heard Casey cry out in pain and I knew I had to step in, there was no one else there and there's no telling what this monster would of done to Casey if no one had shown up in time." He stated.

"Are you saying I would of raped him?" Jordan demanded glaring harshly.
Paul shrugged.
"I don't know what you would of done man, but I wasn't taking the damn risk of finding out. Casey is my friend and if hes in trouble, you bet your ass I'll step in." He glared before looking at Storm.
"So understand when I tell you that I am not sorry for punching this jackass in his face." He said through gritted teeth.

Storm stood there with a frown as his eyes fell on me.
"Casey and Paul you're both excused but you'll go straight to your bunks. No bonfire tonight." His arms crossed.
Paul looked at him.
"That's our punishment?" He asked frowning.

Ziggy cleared his throat stepping up.
"The whole two strikes was actually a lie.. the only way you get sent home is if you do some majorly bad, we're not sending you home for breaking the simple rules. But as for the fight? Jordan will remain in the cabin near us for the next three days and if he acts out again, he will be sent home without a second thought." He told us.

"Wait, you're letting him stay here?" I asked with my face aching.
Ziggy looked at me.
"He's on thin ice Casey, no one else saw what happened in the shower so therefore we can't send him home without actual proof-"
"My face is the proof!" I yelled at him.

"Okay okay, come on Casey lets go before it stirs up more problems." Paul pulled me out of the office where our friends had been waiting.

"Casey, are you okay?" Jamie asked me worried.
Tears burned my eyes as I looked at Nash who walked right up to me without hesitating he wrapped his arms around me.
"It's okay, he won't come near you." His eyes fell on Paul who rubbed his jaw.
His face was bruised but it didn't stop him from smiling at Jamie who looked concerned at the other.

Josie looked at us.
"I feel like a story needs to be explained," her eyes fell on me.
"When the time is right of course." She forced a smile.
I looked at her.

"Casey, Paul. Cabins, now." Storm barked out the door.
I flinched but headed off with the guys and Josie trailing behind us.

Now they knew who my abuser was.
Who left the scars and bruises on me.
And because the adults had no proof of tonight.

Jordan would continue to torment me while he stayed at this camp.
And I felt like.
He wasn't the only one who was fixing to stir up trouble for us.
Ares and Katie both came to mind.
And it worried me.

This was supposed to be Camp Utopia, not Camp Try To Avoid Jackasses.
Because now.
The drama was pouring in.
And no one was going to like it.
Especially Rocky.

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