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**Hyde's Pov.**

She was in love with me?
Oh wow.
I didn't know she actually felt like that.
But it made me feel warm inside.
All this time..
I couldn't help but smile as her grip on my hand tightened as she stared at Casey, worried about how he really felt.

"Casey." I looked at him as his dark brown eyes fell on me, and for once I felt chills race through me.
I wasn't afraid of this marshmallow even though his look could kill me if he chose too.

"This wasn't how we planned for it to go, dating in secret wasn't ideal at all." I told him as Chelsea looked to me.
"It was complicated." She looked back at him.
"Especially when you brought Jordan home for the first time.." she bit her lip as she looked at him.
"After you two had that fight and stressed mom out over it, I didn't want to bring up the fact I was dating Hyde. I didn't want her to stress out anymore than she already had." She told him.

Casey's arms crossed as he frowned at us.
"I'm not mad so you don't have to keep defending your relationship like this." He told us.
I stared back at the blond.
"You're not?" We asked him in unison.
Casey smirked softly.
"No, as long as you've treated my sister with nothing but kindness and love. I have no right to be mad, I mean I was a little sore about not knowing." He looked at her.
"And there's something I've actually been needing to talk to you about as well, regarding the Jordan subject." He said now.

I made a face as Chelsea let my hand go before she walked up to the taller of the two.
Her arms crossed as she looked at him confused.
"What about him?" Her eyes traveled to Nash who remained close to Casey.
Casey looked at us even Ares who ended up whispering something to Rocky who elbowed the other in the gut before focusing back on our friend.

"Do you remember those nights where you needed me and I had my door locked, or I refused to take my shirt off when we went swimming over at uncle Jack's?" He asked her.
I watched the worry appear in her eyes.
"Yeah..?" She frowned as Casey hesitated but exhaled sharply before removing his shirt.

Chelsea's eyes grew wide with tears as her eyes fell on the scars and the light bruises that were finally healing.
The tears slipped as she looked up at Casey.
"W-Why didn't you tell us?!" She demanded with nothing but hurt in her eyes.
Casey looked at her.
"It was another complicated subject not to mention, I didn't want to embarrass mom or you-"

We all froze as Chelsea's hand swung connecting to Casey's cheek who stared off for a moment before he looked back at her.
"Embarrass me? Get real Cas! You always embarrass me, but this?" She pointed at a scar on his ribcage.
"This never would of embarrassed me." I watched something light in her eyes.

"Chelsea, don't-"

We all stood there for a moment before she ran past all of us and back to the camp.
"Of fuck why?!" I cried out as we all chased the smaller blonde of the group.
"She's going to get herself hurt." Paul hissed.
"Like hell she will?!" I growled as we ran to the camp and sure enough.
There was already a crowd of teens and a loud female yelling.
Who turned out to be my girlfriend.

We pushed our way through the crowd and my eyes grew wide.

"You monster!" Chelsea screamed swinging her fists against Jordan's chest who refused to move.
"We invited you to our home because you said you liked my brother!" She cried.
"You fake piece of shit!" Her hand swung but he caught her wrist as he glared down at her.

"What? Did your brother send you to fight his battles?" He smirked at her.
Chelsea's eyes grew wide.
"No you bastard I just found out how sick you really are!" She glared at Casey who flinched.
There was so much attention on them that it was making me dizzy.
Did I back my girl up or my boy?

"Don't." She hissed as I withdrawed my hand that had reached for her.
My brows knitted.
"There's nothing we can do-"

"Exactly." Jordan's eyes darkened.
"You think you can come up here and just start hitting people? You crazy bitch!" This time he swung and just as I leaped, my heart came to a stop at how fast Casey shoved his sister out of the way and took the hit himself.
He glared as Jordan looked shocked for a second but it died down.

"You will never touch my sister." Casey growled as Chelsea stood at the side with knitted brows.
"Hush." He looked to her then to him.
"I'm the dumb ass who saw your abuse as love so a hit like this? Isn't compared to the past." He stated as his bottom lip began to bleed.

Jordan glared down at him.
"You were so much more fun when you were quiet, this camp ruined you." He shrugged.
"No." He shook his head.
"It opened my eyes," his eyes fell on Nash then on us.
"The only ruined thing at this camp, is you." He looked at him with a soft glare.
"I'm no longer your toy so you have no other reason for being here." He frowned.

Jordan smirked softly.
"I have plenty of reason of being here, you see." His eyes fell on Ares.
"I sort of took over being the head of these guys," he pointed backwards and my chest grew tight.
Porter Dawson, Anthony Stone, Patrick Gates, Avery Booker, Jason Stein and Blake Morse all stood behind this guy.
"Since this guy decided to become a loser among the rest." He finished with a shrug.

"What was that?" Ares stepped up with a smirk.
"You think those dumb asses behind you are some tough shit?" Ares's smirk grew.
"Porter sucks his thumb at night, Anthony is a weak ass pussy when it comes to arm wrestling, Patrick is just flat out stupid. Avery.." His eyes fell on the blond who stared back at him.
"Avery is Avery, Jason is an emotional piece of shit who can't get a girl to notice him and finally Blake is just like you. All talk and no bite." Ares crossed his arms with a smirk.

"I know those idiots more than you do you stupid idiot, so before you try to threaten me with the past trash? Try again because it failed, just like your thought process." He shrugged.

Jordan glared harshly at him.
"Don't." Ares smirked bitterly at him.
"First you try to hit a girl which is frowned upon where I come from, and secondly you attempted to put me in my place? You really are a stupid piece of shit." He laughed and with that.
His fist connected to Jordan's face.

"Before you try growing the balls to get in my face about something, at least know who you're talking to! I'm Ares Landry and you will never drag me down, understand?" He growled as his eyes darkened.

I looked to Rocky who's eyes were wide.
Talk about an impressive turn around, now Paul has no choice but to shut up about the distrust he feels towards Ares.
The man just shut up an entire group of teens.
It was actually terrifying.

Jordan glared harshly at the other.
"This is not over-"
"Oh no its over, believe me. I don't want to waste my time on trash like you, its pretty exhausting just standing here and making sure you understand the English vocabulary. I mean," his brows knitted and he looked concerned.
"You are understanding me right? Or are those words too much for someone so slow at understanding?" He asked him.

I could hear other kids around us snickering as Jordan glared at him.
"Just wait, you'll get what's coming to you." He spat storming past him.
Ares turned on his heel with an arched brow.
"Can't wait." He shrugged.

"That was amazing, Ares!" My eyes widened at how fast Rocky ran past us and threw himself at Ares who smirked kissing the other.
"I am pretty amazing, right?" He grinned.
Rocky pulled back.
"And there it is, your ego." He sighed as Ares smirked softly.

"Ares." The blond looked to Paul who looked annoyed but offered his hand out.
"Thanks for not tossing Rocky under the bus and actually defending those guys that were once with you." He said.
Ares blinked studying the others hand.
He smirked softly but sighed.
"God this is embarrassing." He shook the others hand.
"I mean my name got brought up in that mess, might as well end it with some humiliation somehow." He looked over his shoulder.
"I mean I really can't wait to see what a bunch of rocks try to plan together. It'll be exhausting but oh well." His eyes fell on Rocky.

"Can we go now? I'm ready to sleep and you're crashing over at my cabin, I need someone to protect me from the morons who think they have a brain." He grinned.
Rocky rolled his eyes looking to us.
"I guess I'm protecting this idiot." He told us walking ahead but yelped at the feeling of Ares smacking the others ass but pulled the smaller closer to him afterwards.

"What a night." Josie smiled softly at Nate.
"Should we go on as well then? It's late." She pointed out.
Nate nodded looking to us.
"We'll see you guys in the morning." He grinned.
"Separate cabins." Paul told them with an annoyed look.

I smirked as my eyes fell on her.
Chelsea walked up and kissed my cheek.
"Sorry for getting mad at you." She told me.
"Mad? You were mad? I didn't notice." I grinned as she smirked softly.
"I'm sure you didn't." She said kissing me this time.

"Let's all head back, it is late like Josie pointed out." Casey looked to us before his eyes fell on Chelsea.
She bit her lip but walked over and hugged the other.
Casey hugged her back as Chelsea looked at him caressing his bruised cheek.
"Night you idiot." She smiled softly.
Casey blinked but smiled back.
"Night moron." He said as she smirked before walking back over and took my hand.
"Let's go." She said tugging me away from the guys.
Two weeks had passed since that fight nearly broke out between Ares and Jordan.
And even with Jordan's warning to the blond.
Nothing had happened, at least not yet.

"Three weeks left you guys." Josie whined sitting at the bonfire.
Chelsea, Cruz and Libby were also joining us considering the fact that mine and Chelsea's relationship was finally out there.
But it felt nice.
Now no one will try to set me up with anyone and I don't have to sneak out of my cabin at a certain time in the night to go see Chelsea.
All of our friends knew and it made it easier on us both.

"Don't remind me." Casey frowned leaning against Nash who held him closer.
"We're still going to be friends after this, there is no point in getting upset." He smirked softly.
Casey looked at him.
"It just sucks, a summer of freedom turned out to be a summer of drama and annoyance plus a side of romance." His eyes fell on us but smiled softly.
"I'm just not ready to say goodbye, in three weeks we have to pack our bags and say goodbye to this place." He sighed.

"We can always come back." I reminded him.
Casey looked at me.
"Without Nash, Paul, Nate and Ares?" He questioned.
I felt myself shrink at the death glares from the other three who had arms around their partners.
"You know what? Never mind." I laughed nervously.
"I guess this really is goodbye then." I looked to Chelsea who smiled.

"To the camp Hyde, not to anyone present." She told me.
I blinked but smirked.
"Well no not to anyone here." I looked at our group.
"To be honest, I didn't actually think I'd make friends while being here." I looked at Casey.
"Actually no, I mean I planned on being your friend so when mine and Chels's relationship was exposed, you wouldn't hate me as much at first." I said now.

Casey smirked at that.
"I feel used." He joked.
I smiled softly.
"I just know sometimes I'm too much to handle and you guys would of tossed me aside." I looked down.
"Kinda hard to toss someone aside when they have a personality that matches Rocky's." Paul pointed out.
"Speaking of Rocky, where are those two even at?" I looked around finally noticing the other couple went missing.

Cruz made a face.
"They said something about a shower like...forty minutes ago?" She looked to Libby who arched a brow.
"I thought girls took longer showers than guys?" She questioned.

They're not showering.
Is what everyone else thought as we sat there with poker faces.

"Maybe we should go shower?" Paul teased as Jamie glared.
"No." He said sitting in the others lap.
Paul's poker face returned.
"Okay." His lips formed a thin line earning all of us to grin.

"Sorry we're late we were showering!" Rocky was practically dragging Ares.
"Is that what we're calling it?" Nate teased as Rocky's face grew warm.
"Yes." He said tightly fixing to sit down but yelped being pulled down in Ares's lap who relaxed more.

Cruz and Libby exchanged looks.
"I guess its a good thing Chelsea confessed about her relationship with Hyde, not many people here are actually that supportive about the whole LGBTQ thing." She said frowning.
I looked at her frowning.
"Are you referring to that girl two months ago who announced she was homophobic?" I smirked softly.
Cruz nodded.
"Yes, she formed a group of homophobic asshole's so its hard to walk around with your girlfriend." She sighed.

"Wait." Chelsea looked at Cruz and Libby.
"Girlfriend?" The corner's of her mouth twitched into a small but curious smile.
Libby grinned.
"She asked me out!" She announced.
"Oh my god!" Chelsea grinned widely.
"That's awesome, congrats!" She smiled.

Josie looked to Nate.
"I'm sorry you're the only straight one here." She smiled softly.
Nate sighed.
"It is what it is, after this I'll just go back to school with those three to a school full of either gay, confused or straight guy's. It's a nice change to see some girl x girl though." He confessed with a shrug.

I looked to Chelsea.
"I brought this up to Casey a few weeks ago, but would you consider transferring to my school?" I asked her.
She blinked looking to Casey.
"I already told him I'd talk to mom, it'd be nice to go to the same school as our friend and boyfriend, wouldn't you agree?" He questioned.
Chelsea looked at him then at me with a smile.
"Yes, I would love nothing more than to attend the same school as you. If our mom actually agrees, we'll finish our next two years together." She smiled softly.

"Meanwhile, some of us have to see about traveling costs just so we can see our partners." Paul looked to Jamie who looked at him.
"Yeah.." He bit his lip.
I smiled softly as Nate looked at Josie.
"In a non creeper way of asking, where do you live?" He asked her.
"That still sounds creepy." Paul joked.
"Shut up!" Nate cried as his eyes remained locked on his girlfriend.

"I live in Oldfield." She told him.
Nate blinked.
"That's like..-"
"An hour away." She looked at the blond who made a face.
"That's not fair." He whined.
She smiled softly.
"We'll still see each other." She promised.

Rocky looked to Ares.
"What about you? Do you live close or far?" He asked.
Ares blinked but rested his chin on the others shoulder.
"I mean knowing our luck it'll be far, but its this town called Salthill." He told him.

"Hold the fuck up." Paul locked eyes with Ares as Rocky's grew wide.
"We live in the same fucking town?" He demanded.
Ares blinked but smirked.
"Do we?" He grinned at Rocky who was already staring back at him with shock.
"Well shit, there goes my vacation from not seeing you for a bit." He teased as Ares smirked at him.
"I don't go to that boy school you were talking about though." He told him.

Rocky made a face.
"You could transfer." He suggested.
Ares smirked.
"You could."
"No." Paul, Nate and even Nash cut in with narrowed looks at the blond who shrugged.
"If I went to an all boys school like you do, I'd get expelled for beating ass if some guy tried hitting my mouse up." He shrugged.

"My name isn't mouse." Rocky sighed.
"Shh, it is mouse because that's exactly what you are." He smirked pulling the other closer while Rocky rolled his eyes but adjusted to the hold.

"What even started for you to call him mouse?" I questioned.
Rocky's cheeks turned red as he glared at me.
"He was a very stupid boy a month ago by listening in on mine and that idiots conversation-"
"I was not-"
"Hush." Ares cooed.
"And he thought he was sly enough but slipped and turned the shower on, you know when a mouse gets caught they squirm and make a lot of sound? That's what this mouse did, and that is why I call him it." He smirked.

I blinked as Rocky sat there trying to get out of Ares's hold but the other had no problem keeping him still.
He whispered something in the smaller's ear who's face turned a dark red before shaking his head.

"Well that's fucking uncomfortable, can you two stop being so gay in front of us?" Paul complained holding onto Jamie who glared.

"How about we just chill all day at the bonfire for once? Instead of swim, or play volleyball-"
"So you don't get embarrassed?" Chelsea questioned but grinned.
Casey made a face.
"Yes." We said in unison now as Chelsea grinned at me.
Casey glared at me as I flinched.
"I'm sorry Casey, you're my bro but this is my girlfriend. If I don't back her up, she'll ignore me for like.. ten minutes! And I can't live with being ignored by her." I told him.

Casey made a face.
"You ignore Hyde?" He asked her.
She shrugged.
"When he pisses me off or says something stupid, OR doesn't back me up when I argue with my brother who sucks at sports." She grins.
Casey blinked.
His eyes fell on me.
"Sounds like you trapped yourself, she can be the spawn of Satan sometimes." He told me.
I know.
Is what I wanted to say.

"Nah not really." I argued.
Chelsea looked at me.
"Don't suck up to me Hyde." She smirked.
"I know I can be Satan sometimes." She told me.
I blinked but sighed.
"Well if you're agreeing than I guess I won't deny it." I shrugged.
"Oh you won't?" She arched a brow.

"Oh shit." Ares grinned as Rocky shushed the other.

"What am I supposed to do?" I cried.
"You don't agree when a girl tells you too!" Chelsea scolded.
"That's like the opposite of what she wants." She got up.
"Wait Chels-"
She walked towards the fire.
"Your ten minute penalty starts now, don't talk to me." She crossed her arms sitting beside Libby and Cruz who both looked uncomfortable.

My brows knitted as all the guys tried not to laugh.
I knew I was pouting because Rocky leaned over.

"It's not too late to come to the gay side." He told me.
I blinked.
And that actually stuck with me.
It's not too late to come to the gay side..

"Hey Chelsea, we need to make a shirt that says that-"
"Don't talk to me, Hyde!" She hissed.
I shrunk.
"Right, sorry." 

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