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I wasn't sure what it was.
But after Rocky came out of the showers, he looked either really flustered by something or he was getting sick from whatever he suddenly caught in one of the stalls.
But sickness doesn't work that fast.
So it had to be him flustered about something.
He also seemed pretty hesitant when I called out to him as well as when he responded.
Did something happen in the showers?

My mind went south as my own thoughts caused heat to race to my cheeks.
Was he doing that..?
I looked back to the curly haired teen who looked like his old self again as he talked to Nate who was laughing at something the other said.
I made a face but shrugged it off as we made our way over to the rope swing.

Jamie was already looking like he regretted agreeing to this.
Which was normal considering it was Jamie and he tended to freak out over things like this.
I had only known these guys for nearly two weeks and it already felt like a lifetime.
Which is why I wasn't ready for summer to end, we'd go our separate ways and just share the stories about how we met some weird kids who became our best friends over the summer.
And then we'd go back to our normal lives once high school returned and try to survive that.

"We better make it quick." Paul suggested as his attention fell to the dark sky.
We all made faces at the sound of thunder.
"M-Maybe we should postpone..?" Jamie looked nervous.
Rocky looked to him.
"We're already here, might as well jump." He shrugged walking over to the edge.
I joined the other looking down at the waves crashing hard against the cliff's wall.
"It looks bad down there, someone might get pulled down based on how bad those waves are hitting, its probably stirring up a lot of weeds too." I pointed out.

Rocky ran a hand through his hair.
"I think it'll be fine, just a quick jump and-"

"You eight, head to the cabins now. A storm is heading this way and its going to get nasty." Came staff member Kyle Conley as he looked up at the sky through his prescription glasses.

I frowned hearing Rocky click his tongue against his teeth.
"It hasn't even hit yet, sir." Rocky argued.
Kyle frowned at him.
"Its not a negotiation kid, head to the cabins immediately." He ordered.

Just as we were fixing to head that way, I stopped at the sound of Josie gasping.
I turned around as Rocky grabbed at whatever he could before falling backwards.
"Rocky!" I cried running to the edge.
And for a moment, I could see the fear in his eyes before he hit the water.

"Shit." Kyle ran to the edge as he looked around.

"Don't just stand there!" My eyes grew wide as both Nate and Paul ran past us and dived over the cliff's edge.
Leaving us all there with worried expressions.

"We'll meet them by the dock." Nash told me taking my hand as we all ran down the trail towards the lake.
Did he slip on purpose?
Or did the ground underneath him actually collapse and that was why he lost his balance?
I felt like I was going to be sick with concern.

We all waited at the dock as the rain came down.
My heart was racing as we waited for the trio to appear.
And they finally did.
You think you'd be relieved.
But how could you be?
When one of your friends was being carried by another with the look of pure fear.

"We think he hit his head, he isn't waking up." Nate said through a panicked voice.
Kyle's eyes grew wide.
"Fuck, okay bring him to the office." Kyle looked to us.
"You five go to your cabins."
"But Rocky-"
"Don't argue with me!" Kyle hissed at Hyde who's brows knitted.
Kyle frowned.
"He'll be okay, the storm is coming and I'm sure he'd want you all to be safe in doors. So please, don't make me say it again." He said before running off with Paul and Nate who held Rocky close.
I couldn't sit still in the cabin as I began to pace back and forth in front of the beds.

"What's his problem?"Clive looked confused as Hyde looked to him.
"Our friend got hurt down at the cliff." He told him.
"It wasn't that girl was it?" Alex frowned with narrowed eyes.
I glared at him.
"No it wasn't Josie, shes safe. It was Rocky." I said biting my thumbnail with a deep frown.

"Its been two hours, you'd think someone would of came and said something by now." Hyde growled as Jamie brought his knees to his chest.
Just as I was fixing to speak.

Paul walked in with Nate who both looked equally destroyed.
My heart was in my throat as we looked at the duo who walked up to us.
"What did they say?" I asked them.
Nate frowned deeply.
"Storm called a doctor who came and looked at him," he rubbed the side of his neck as his eyes grew wet.

"Rocky has a mild concussion, Ziggy told us that it could be between seven or ten days before Rocky wakes up. He apparently hit his head on a rock after he slipped, and that's what knocked him unconscious which leads to the mild concussion." Nate's bottom lip was trembling as he glared harshly.
"Something was already bothering the guy before we even went to the cliff, and now he won't wake up." My chest tightened seeing the tears falling from the blond's eyes.
"Fuck!" He slammed his fist against the wall.

"B-But he'll be okay right? Once he w-wakes up?" Jamie asked worried.
Paul walked over to the blond with a frown.
"Yes, he should be fine.. Ziggy said when he wakes up that he's positive Rocky will be confused about some thing's, but that he should be fine within the next few days once he wakes up." He frowned softly.

They were both angry.
It was such an obvious fact, they were just hiding it so they wouldn't scare any of the guys in our cabin.
Nash had remained quiet the entire time and Josie was still left in the dark about what was going on.
Someone would have to tell her once this storm passes by.
The weather was too bad right now to even leave back out.
Not to mention we might get scolded for leaving the cabin while this was going on.

No one really said anything for the remainder of the night.
Not to mention it was hard for any of us to sleep knowing Rocky was unconscious.
Why did he have to fall?
The question kept repeating over and over again in my head as I lied there on the bunk.
All I could see was his panicked expression knowing he was falling.
He wanted to jump.
But not like that.
And now he's hurt because of it.

I turned over on my side with a soft glare while my expression remained confused and clouded on how I should react.
How were we going to get through the next upcoming days knowing that Rocky is in another cabin trying to recover?
Not to mention.
How were Paul and Nate going to be knowing their friend was hurt?

My own head began to hurt but I was glad that sleep finally took over.
So maybe these thoughts would go away.
When the next morning came.
Limbs were all over the place as well as some on the roof of the cabins.
I wasn't exactly sure if we were supposed to go on about our day knowing Rocky was still asleep.
I ran a hand through my hair standing on the small porch, leaning over the railing.
Even though I didn't smoke.
I'd kill for a cigarette right about now.

"You look like shit." Nash came up to me as I looked at him.
"I couldn't sleep." I confessed.
Nash looked over his shoulder as Paul and Nate walked out.
"I don't think they could either." He frowned as we looked to the cabin where Rocky was resting.
"I wonder if we're at least allowed to visit?" I wondered out loud.
Nash shrugged.
"I'm not sure." His eyes grew dark about something as I looked over to where he was looking and spotted Ares who was talking to the last person I'd picture him talking too.


Nash glanced to me.
I looked away from Jordan back to Nash to only feel his lips on mine.
I smiled softly but held a confused look.
"What was that about?" I asked him.
He smirked.
"Can I not kiss you out of random?" He questioned.
I grinned.
"I mean you can?" I smiled as he looked at me.
"Good." He smiled.

"At least you two are smiling." Nate commented walking over to us with Josie trailing behind.
"Hey.. they filled me in about Rocky." She rubbed her upper arm.
I frowned at her now.
"Yeah.. but Ziggy said he should be fine after he wakes up.. this just sucks right now." I said.
She nodded looking to Nate who frowned.
"I'm going to see if we're allowed to visit him." He looked to Josie.
"Would you like to come with me?" He offered.

Josie blinked looking to Paul now.
"Shouldn't you two be the first ones to visit? I'm sorry but I feel like Paul should go with you before any of us do." She pointed out.
Nate blinked as Paul looked surprised but smiled.
"Thanks Josie, but go ahead." He told her.
Josie looked unsure but nodded as she followed after Nate towards the staff's office.

Paul looked at us.
"You two look awfully close." He teased now.
I smirked.
"Maybe, when are you going to try to win Jamie over?" I asked him.
Paul shrugged.
"I don't want to scare him off, so I'd rather wait until he comes to me." He confessed.
Both Nash and I shared the same expression with arched brows.
"Well that'll never happen considering he's a ball of anxiety." I told the black haired teen.

Paul blinked.
"You may have a point there blondie." He pointed out.
I smirked.
"I'm just saying, it's Jamie after all." I told him.
He nodded.
"True." He sighed.
"I guess that leaves me with no choice but to apply a little pressure to the lamb into wondering what we are and how far we can go before he freaks out." He rubbed the side of his neck as both Jamie and Hyde walked out now.

"Where's Nate and Josie?" Hyde asked looking around.
"They went to see about us visiting Rocky." I told him.
Hyde blinked but nodded with a frown.

"I'm going to go shower before we even think about breakfast." He said.
"I think I'm skipping breakfast." I looked at them as Nash frowned.
"You shouldn't starve yourself-"
"I'm not starving myself Nash," I looked at him.
"I'm just not hungry and I can't make myself eat if I'm not." I shrugged.
Nash frowned.
"Well alright I guess I can't make you eat." He sighed.
I smirked.
"Nope." I said as he smirked softly.
While the guys all went to breakfast, I walked over to one of the bonfire's and took a seat on a log before resting my elbows on my knees then placed my face in my hands staring at the non lit fire.

"Well this is a first." My blood ran cold looking up to find Ares standing there with an amused look.
"Did you and your boy band break up or something?" He asked.
I glared at him.
"No, they're all at breakfast." I told him wishing the other would leave me alone.
Ares looked at me.
"Your pitiful ex came to me yesterday wanting advice about how he could get you back." He told me with a small smirk.

I looked up at him as he grinned.
"I see that caught your attention." He stated as I frowned.
"Of course that'll get my attention," I glared.
"I hope you actually gave him shit advice because he can burn in hell for all I care." I told the other.
Ares arched a brow with a smirk.
"I actually told him something similar to that, but in my own words." He shrugged.

I was surprised.
"Why would you care about that anyway?" I found myself asking.
Ares blinked.
"Oh I don't care, I mean I'm not a good guy either but I'm not someone who abuses my partner and calls it love." He told me.

I felt chills race through me.
"He told you?" I frowned.
Ares looked at me.
"Unfortunately." He sighed.
"The poor guy came up to me-- wait no, he was actually talking to himself like an idiot before I caved and he followed me into the showers to continue talking about his problems. He doesn't like your new boyfriend or your guard dog by the way." He told me with a smirk.

I glared at him.
"Sounds like a personal problem." I frowned.
Ares smirked before looking around.
"Where's the mouse at? I'm supposed to talk to him today." He said now.
I frowned with an arched brow.
"The mouse? Who's-"
"Rocky, where is he?" Ares asked me now sounding impatient.

My stomach dropped as I glared harshly at him.
"You're the last person who should be wondering where he is at, since you had no problem beating him up or stringing him up." I growled getting up.
Ares smirked.
"You're still sore about that?"
"He's my friend of course I'll be sore about that!" I hissed bitterly.

Ares blinked.
"Well that's pitiful, but I have my own reasons on wanting to know where he is, so I'll ask one more time." He stepped up.
"Where is he?" He asked me smiling.

I glared at him.

"Casey." I felt relief hearing Nash's voice before turning to the teen who stormed up to us followed by the guys and Josie.
Ares smirked.
"I see the boy band added a female to their group, maybe someone else could tell me where he is since this guy has you by the balls on whether you can tell me or not." He stated looking to the other five.

"Where is Rocky at?" He asked.
Paul glared at him.
"Are you really asking us where he is? How about you fuck off and go find someone else to torment." He growled bitterly.
Ares stared at the other for a moment.
"I'd rather not involve myself with another when him and I are already much involved." He smirked walking away.

"Wait." Nate called out to Ares who came to a stop then turned to him.
"What?" He asked with a frown.
Nate frowned at him.
"What do you mean you two are already involved?" He dared to ask the other.
Ares blinked but smirked.
"I didn't think I'd have to spell that out for you, but because I'm in a good mood. What I mean by involved is, we were going to have sex today." He shrugged.

Nate's eyes grew wide as if he knew something we didn't.

Paul glared harshly.
"Rocky wouldn't have sex with someone like you, you're a god damn liar." He growled.
Ares frowned.
"Well if the little mouse was around, he'd probably tell you-"

"H-He can't." I heard Jamie say with knitted brows as he held a bothered look.
Ares looked to the blond with a frown.
"Really? Why can't he?" He asked.
Paul glared at Jamie who flinched biting his lip.
"Jamie." Paul frowned at the other as Jamie's voice died down and he hid behind Hyde who glared.

Ares sighed.
"What a waste of time." He stated walking away now.

"I can't believe you both nearly told him." Paul hissed at both me and at Jamie.
Jamie flinched.
"I-I'm sorry Paul, I was just trying to get him to l-leave." He said softly.
Paul's glare died down.
"Fuck I can't stay mad at someone so cute." He groaned.

I glanced to Nate who looked bothered about something.
"What is it?" I found myself asking him.
Nate blinked.
"Huh? Oh.." He looked at Paul.

"Rocky didn't pull an allnighter yesterday because he couldn't sleep," he frowned looking at the other black haired teen.
Paul frowned at him.
"Then why did he-"
"He was up all night because Ares told him that he'd leave us alone if Rocky slept with him." He told us as my eyes grew wide.

Paul's face molted red.
"What..?" He growled walking up to Nate who stayed perfectly still.
"Rocky didn't want to bring it up because he knew you'd react like this, Paul." Nate continued as Paul glared.
"How the fuck am I supposed to react? That bastard punched him three times then strung him up like nothing! How the fuck are you not angry?" He demanded.
We all frowned as Nate looked at him.
"I was angry when Rocky told me about what was keeping him up, but the thing about this problem is the fact he didn't look bothered knowing Ares wanted to screw him." He said now.

I took Nash's hand who frowned deeply looking at the two.
"Rocky wasn't even being himself yesterday if you think about it, he was completely spaced out so its possible that Rocky actually agreed in the end before he had his accident." Nate explained.

"That doesn't make it okay! Rocky was fucking vulnerable and that bastard took advantage of it, which makes me hate that guy even more." Paul growled.
Nate frowned at him.
"Paul, what if Rocky actually wants to do it though? You can't tell him no, he isn't yours to control and even if he was." Nate looked at him.
"I'd have no choice but to step in." He told him.

Paul arched a brow.
"Are you telling me that you're okay with Rocky having sex with the guy who hurt him the second day he got here?" He asked him bitterly.
Nate frowned.
"Whether I'm okay with it or not, he's our friend Paul. If he wants to make mistakes like that at this camp, then you have to try and be supportive-"
"No." Paul shook his head.

He glared.
"That's like telling me to support the fact Jordan abused Casey and called it love, all that bastard would do to Rocky is break him until he's nothing!" He snarled.

"I actually don't think Ares is the abusive type.." I said now.
Paul glared at me as I felt myself trying to shrink.
"Casey, don't-"
"No listen to me Paul-"
"I don't want to fucking listen!" Paul yelled starling the other kids around us as I frowned deeply at him.
"When Ares was talking to me earlier, he was disgusted knowing how Jordan treated me. He said it wasn't love, I don't think Ares would purposely hurt Rocky."

"Are you actually supporting it?" Paul growled.
"No-- well I don't know? Look Paul, the relationship doesn't sound healthy I know it doesn't. Based on experience, but I really do think Ares may like Rocky. In the hurting sense, I think he'd just be more of the dominant and nothing more than that, if they got together. I don't see Ares hitting or hurting Rocky." I tried to explain.

Paul glared harshly at me.
"I can't support it, not with Rocky in the state he is in right now. I need to hear it from him before I make a decision on whether I can support this or not, if its a big fucking joke. I'll kill that bastard for hurting him." Paul warned.
Jamie looked at him frowning softly.
"What?" Paul growled but froze as Jamie's brows knitted.
"N-Nothing, I'll be back.." He said slipping off and heading towards the restroom's.

"Nice going you damn hothead." Hyde hissed.
Paul flinched.
"Fuck." He growled.
Jamie stood in front of the sink with his face flushed.
He was so angry just then..
Not even Jamie had the power to calm him down.
Maybe Paul liking him was nothing more than a joke as well?
It made his heart ache.

"Well isn't this convenient?"

Jamie froze but turned to Ares who walked out of the stall and went to the sink to wash his hands.
"I need you to do me a favor." Ares looked at Jamie.
Jamie nibbled his lip.
"You want to know where Rocky is." He frowned as Ares smirked softly.
"Well at least you catch on fast, you were the second one who almost told me. So how about you tell me now that no one is here to stop you?" He suggested.

Jamie frowned.
"R-Rocky is my friend and I don't completely understand the relationship between you two.." He thought for a moment but looked at Ares.

"Rocky fell off the cliff yesterday.." He began and felt his chest tighten watching Ares's eyes slightly widen.
"H-He has a slight concussion and Ziggy told us it could be between seven or ten days b-before he wakes up." He explained nibbling his lower lip.

Ares stood there frowning deeply.
"Thanks." He said walking out as Jamie tried to breathe but stopped once Paul walked in with knitted brows.

"You told him?" He sounded hurt.
Jamie's eyes swelled with tears.
"P-Paul I'm sorry, I just-"
"No." Paul walked up to him with a frown.
"I'm sorry for startling you earlier, I'm just worried about Rocky.. and now this whole bullshit with that guy.. it just puts a bitter taste in my mouth." He confessed.
Jamie blinked the tears away as he frowned.
"We're all worried about Rocky.. but Ziggy told us he'd be okay.." Jamie looked at him.

"So.. can you please.. just smile for me?" Jamie looked at him as the tears returned.
Paul's heart raced as he took Jamie's hand and pulled him closer now.
"I will, for you." He smiled softly before pressing his lips to Jamie's who flinched but relaxed feeling the others lips on his own.

So this..

This is what your first kiss should feel like.

It was nice..

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