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Two days had passed by since we were told about the new arrivals who would be arriving within three days.
My nerves were already shot from kissing Nash.
And now none of the guys were leaving me alone about it.
Especially the guy himself.
So I had no time to actually think.
Not to mention my phone kept blowing up with messages and phone calls from Jordan.
Yesterday was his birthday and I completely ignored it to try to focus on me for once.
But that didn't happen either.
Because I spent the entire day with the guys and left my phone in the cabin.

I wasn't dating either of these guys and they were both driving me up the damn wall, one being aggressively needy and the other just being attractive and wanting to make me flustered.
It was a nice change.
But still..

I lied on my bed inside of the cabin just staring at the bottom of the top bunk.
I just wanted to enjoy my alone time while I could.
Despite it being a nice day out.
It was nice just having time to myself.

I could probably fall asleep from how nice this felt for once.
But I fought against the idea of sleep as I sat up in the bed now.
I wanted to avoid the sunlight because of my burns still healing.
Still, it didn't stop my body from having other thoughts that caused me to get out of the bed and headed outside anyway.

I was surprised how cloudy it got within the last two hours from just laying inside.
It looked like it was going to pour.

I looked around as kids started heading inside cabins or under things as if the sky was going to fall any minute.
It didn't stop these trucks from pulling up with the cabins attacked to them.

"They're two days early." Jamie frowned walking up the steps to join me as I made a face.
"So what, does that mean the kids will be here tomorrow?" I questioned with knitted brows.

"Exactly!" Ziggy exclaimed with a smile as he carried some paperwork in his hands, he looked at us then at the sky.
"The trucks decided on the worst time to bring those cabins, they'll end up getting stuck in the mud if this turns into a storm." He frowned now heading towards the small office the staff crew shared.

I bit my lip nervously as Jamie glanced to me.
"I don't understand why these other kids couldn't just go to a different camp, why did they have to choose camp utopia of all places?" He questioned and I could hear the annoyance in his tone.
I shrugged.
"I don't know, but if they're anything like Paul and his crew then I'm sure it'll lead to a terrible time regardless." I looked up at the dark sky as the thunder roared above us.

"You kids better get inside!" Andrew instructed as he ran inside the office.
All of the boys and girls scattered as the men who brought in the cabins continued to do their job, as if the weather wouldn't bother them.

My eyes fell on Hyde and the other four who trailed behind him up to our cabin.
"Looks like its going to storm." Paul smirked.
"Hope no ones afraid of thunder or lightning." He teased heading inside.
I made a face.
"Is there something wrong with your cabin?" I asked him.
Paul turned to me.
"Yes a few things actually, the main one is that barbie isn't in it and two it smells like ass because teenage boys are nasty little things." He said sitting on one of the bunks as we all headed inside closing the door.

I sat next to Nash as we all listened to the rain come down now.
I brought my knees to my chest.
"So the new kids will be here tomorrow apparently." I frowned.
Nate looked at me.
"The staff crew have the money for them to come here so I guess it is what it is." He shrugged.
I frowned at that.
"Won't it feel cramped though?" I asked.
"It already feels cramped with the thirty two of us and the girls aren't even around most of the time, so it'll just be more guys to deal with." Paul pointed out with his arm resting on his knee on the floor.

I glanced to Nash who caught me as I looked away quickly.
"What's on your mind, Casey?" Nash smirked softly looking at me now with his attention.
I frowned at him.
"Nothing." I felt my phone buzz under the pillow as the guys all looked in that direction before looking at me.
"You gonna answer that? It could be your ma." Rocky pointed out now.

I frowned pulling the phone out to read the name.
"Who's Jordan?" Nash questioned peering over my shoulder.
I declined the phone call.
"No one important or even worth talking about, I've been meaning to delete his number for some time now." I said.
Nash arched a brow.
"Then delete it." He told me.
I stared at him then at the missed call from Jordan.
My thumb hovered over the delete contact option for the longest time.
Exhaling sharply I pressed the button then tossed the phone aside.
"Done." I forced a smile.
Knowing full well I was going to regret that.

"So how about a little truth or dare or are you guys too pussy to play?" Nate smirked at us.
Paul smirked at him.
"Its a terrible game to play with just us guys-"
"Sounds like you're being a puss, Paul." Nate grinned at him.
Paul's eyes flickered smirking at him.
"Alright fine, lets play this game that'll only end up embarrassing you jack asses, I was only trying to save you from humiliation Nate. But its your call." He shrugged.

Nate smirked softly.
"I'll go first then, Rocky." His eyes fell on the steel blue eyed teen who was looking at the pouring rain from the window.
"Truth or dare?" He questioned.
Rocky blinked.
"Shit putting me on the spot, hm.. truth." He smirked walking over and taking a seat next to the blond.
Nate looked at him.
"Is it true that you stole the keys to my moms car a few weeks back to go get high?" He asked the other.
Rocky snapped then pointed at him.
"False! I stole ya mum's car to hook up with that blond from the mall." He grinned cheeky.
Nate made a face.
"That's gross I hope you cleaned the car out." He frowned.
Rocky smirked at him.
"Who said anything about doing it in the car?" He asked him.

Rocky looked around.
"Jamie, truth or dare?" He looked the baby blue eyed teen who flinched being called on but frowned softly.
"U-Um.. I guess dare?" He asked.
Something sparked in Paul's eyes as he leaned over whispering something in Rocky's ear who made a face but smirked.
"I dare you to tell us your true hair color-"
"What? I didn't tell you-"
"Paul," Rocky grinned at him.
"When its your turn, you can dare Jamie to do whatever you want. It was my dare for him and I've been dying to know." He smirked at the pout on the others face.

Jamie looked at him.
"My original hair color is actually black, but I didn't like the color." He shrugged.
"Wow." Paul clutched his chest.
"As a fellow black haired human I am offended." Rocky laughed as Nash smirked softly.
"Why didn't you like the color?" Nash questioned.
Jamie looked at him.
"It was too harsh for me and I wanted something lighter, so I just bleached it and would go over it when the black tried to appear." He answered.

Jamie nibbled his lip as he looked around.
"U-Um Paul-"
"Yes barbie?" Paul smirked at him.
Jamie frowned.
"Truth or dare?" He questioned.
Paul thought for a moment.
"Hmm.. truth." He smirked.
Jamie looked down at his lap.
"Is it true.. t-that you have cigarettes in your bag?" He asked him.

We all froze as Paul stared at the other.
"True." He answered honestly.
Jamie looked at him.
"You'll get in trouble-"
"Jamie." Paul smirked now.
"Truth or dare?" He questioned.
I leaned back as Jamie frowned.
"Dare." He looked at him.

"I dare you to sit in my lap for the remainder of the game." Paul patted his lap.
"Talk about bold." Nate looked at Paul with an arched brow.
Jamie looked like he was shrinking.
"Pass." He frowned.
"You can't pass." Rocky looked at the blond.
"You have to do the dare or quit the game." He frowned.
Jamie inhaled sharply.
"I can't, this is too much pressure for me." His eyes fell on Paul.
"I qui-"
"I was joking." Paul looked disappointed but his eyes were soft.
"I dare you to tell us the first thing you've ever stolen from a store." He smirked.

Jamie blinked but looked relieved.
"I stole a computer." He confessed easily.
"What?! No way." Hyde looked at him with wide eyes.
Jamie nodded biting his lips.
"Y-Yeah.. it was a nice one and I knew I would never afford it, so I asked for the guy to get it for me and when he handed it to me.. I just ran as fast as I could and when I made it home, I hid it." He looked guilty.
"But then the police came." He let out a quiet laugh.
"They searched the entire house but couldn't find it." He told us.

Nate looked at him.
"Where did you hide it?" He asked.
Jamie looked up.
"Behind the wall, it was more like a safe but was placed in my room and I used that to hide the laptop." He smiled softly.
"And I still have it." He looked proud.
But that made me nervous.

"So the other blondie is a thief, that's actually kinda cute in a strange way." Paul confessed rubbing the side of his neck.
Jamie looked at me.
"Truth or dare, Casey." He was ready to get the attention off of him and I could understand that, it was a lot of pressure especially after Paul's dare he used to tease the other with.

"Truth." I answered looking at the other.
"Is it true..." He looked towards the door then back at me.
"Is it true that you like Nash?" He asked me.
I felt my face grow warm as the black haired teen smirked next to me.
"Well?" He glanced to me.

"Nope." I lied.
Nash looked at me now.
"Really?" He moved in closer.
"Because I'm pretty sure I have ways to make you change your mi-"

"Okay smooth talker." Paul waved us off.
"Casey your turn." He smirked at me.
I looked around the room.
"Hyde." I looked at the olive eyed teen who sat on the top bunk, his legs dangling over the side looking down at me.
"Casey." He smirked.
I smirked back.
"Truth or dare?" I asked him.
Hyde leaned back with a stretch.
"Damn this game, lets go with dare." He said now.

I thought for a moment.
"I dare you to tell us what team you bat for." I said.
"Oh that should be interesting." Rocky looked up to him now.
Hyde made a face.
"What a lame dare Casey, I thought you'd at least have me do something. But I'm pansexual if you weirdo's must know." He smirked.

"Does that mean you have an attraction towards pans?" Rocky teased.
"I'm literally four steps away from shoving my foot down your throat smart ass." Hyde told the other.
Rocky grinned at him.
"Truth or dare you jack ass." Hyde looked at Rocky.
"Truth." Rocky answered grinning at him.
"Is it true you have a crush on someone in this room?" Hyde asked him.

"Hold on wait-- before you even answer that, who the hell is straight in this room besides me?" Nate asked looking at us.
No one raised their hands.
Nate pursed his lips.
"Wow man that's some fucked up shit-- anyway carry on." He sighed.
Paul smirked at him.
"You know I'll talk about girls with you, I'm only bisexual." He winked.
Nate rolled his eyes with a smirk.
"Fine I guess that's fair." He said.

"I do actually." Rocky answered looking at Hyde.
Hyde looked surprised by the answer.
"I see." He leaned back now.

Rocky looked around.
"Nash, truth or dare?" He asked.
Nash smirked leaning forward.
"I'm not shy, dare." He shrugged.
Rocky looked at me then smirked slyly.
"I dare you to kiss Jamie-"

"Whoa!" Paul jumped up.
"If anyone is kissing Jamie it'll be me." He pointed at himself.
Jamie covered his face.
"I-I am also strongly against that idea? N-No offense Nash but I don't like you." He said now.
Nash looked dumb struck.
"Rocky." He got to his feet.
Rocky was grinning at him.
"Yes Nash?" He asked innocently.

Nash smirked down at him.
"I don't do drama and I'll quit the game if those dares are not aimed at Casey, no one else interests me. And I'd rather not break Paul's heart by going through with the dare that'll only scar Jamie." He told him.

Rocky looked at him.
"Honestly I'm surprised by yours and Paul's reactions, I was actually wanting to see how Casey would react." His eyes fell on me.

And I was flustered.
I felt this jealousy hit me that came out of nowhere.
I didn't want him to kiss anyone else.
And if he had.
I think it would of hurt more than anything.

"I think you got your reaction, Rocky." Hyde pointed out as his eyes remained locked on my troubled and frustrated expression.

"Nash." Rocky called out to him now.
Nash looked to him.
"I dare you to kiss Casey." He said now with his arms crossed.

My face grew warm as Nash walked over and without complaint.
His lips were back on mine and I felt like each time he kissed me.
I would melt.
I liked the way his lips felt on mine.
He liked me and didn't hurt me.
He was gentle and playful.
It was nice.

Nash smiled softly looking at me.
"Your hearts going to explode if you don't calm down." He smirked at me.
I glared softly.
"Its your turn Nash." I told him.
He smirked softly.
"Truth or dare, Nate?" His eyes never left mine as he leaned over the bed.

Nate looked at the back of him.
"Dare." He answered.
"I dare you to end this game." He grinned turning around.

I felt my phone buzz again and I frowned.
"Great timing." I pulled out my phone to see my mom calling.
"Ah! Hang on, I actually need to take this. Its my mom." I said heading towards the back.

"Hey mom." I answered the phone.
{"Hey pumpkin! How's camp so far for you and your sister?"} She asked me.
I leaned against the wall smiling softly.
"Its been going great actually." I told her.
{"You sound happy baby, I'm guessing its a boy?"} I could feel her smiling on the other side.
I bit my lip placing my foot against the wall with my knee bent.
"You could say that." I answered.
{"Aw! I'm so happy you've found yourself someone while being out there, whats he like? Is he as cute as the last one?"} She asked and I felt my stomach twist in a painful knot.
"No, actually he's a lot cuter than the last one.. mom have you talked to Chelsea yet?" I asked her wanting to get off the subject.

{"Oh yes! I just got off the phone with Chels a minute ago, she said you got burnt up a few days ago. Are you feeling better baby?"} She asked me.
I nodded into the phone even though she couldn't see me.
"Yes mom I am, its actually raining over here. What about over there?" I questioned.
{"No not yet, it looks like it could any minute now though."} She told me.
I looked to the guys who were all talking to each other.

{"Well baby I'm going to get off here, I'm sure your trying to hang out with that new boy-"} My face grew warm but I smiled softly.
"Alright, bye mom." I said.
{"Love you baby."}
"Love you too." I told her before hanging up.

I looked at the several missed calls from him as I frowned deeply.
I would only regret it if I called him back.
But something was controlling me to call him as I listened to it ring.

{"You're lucky your miles away from me right now Casey, who do you think you fucking are to decline my phone call?"} He demanded bitterly.
I frowned softly.
"I was talking to a staff member about my sunburn." I lied to him.
{"Sunburn? How bad of a sunburn?"} He asked and I could hear that fake worry in his tone.
"Not that bad, just my arms and my-"
{"You didn't wish me a happy birthday yesterday, do you know how sad that made me feel?"} He cut me off no longer caring about the previous subject or my burn.
I frowned into the phone.
"I was busy, my phone isn't my priority while being here." I told him.
{"It should be, but I guess it doesn't matter. You sound happy, its annoying. What's got you all smiley?"} He wasn't smiling into the phone, I knew he wasn't.

"Being away from home-"
{"Being away from me, is what you want to say right?"} He questioned harshly.
I gripped the phone with a frown.
{"Answer me, Casey!"} He yelled as I flinched dropping the phone.

All of the guys jumped up with their eyes locked on me.
I stood there letting out a shaky breath as Nash raced over to me.
The phone didn't hang up as Nash knelt down picking it up as he pressed his ear to it.
"Who is this?" He demanded.
The phone call ended as Nash looked at me and I felt this fear take over as I slid down the wall, my entire body trembling as I let out a scared whimper.

"Wait, is he scared of storms?" Nate asked looking to the pouring rain.
"Nate! Stop being an idiot!" Rocky hissed at the other.

Nash knelt down in front of me as he took my shaking hands into his own.
"Who was that, Casey?" He asked me carefully.
I felt the tears fall as I frowned deeply, my brows knitting together as I tried to find my voice but the only sound that came out was a scared cry.

The guys ran over to us as Nash brought me into an embrace.
I wanted to shove him back.
To scream at him not to touch me.
But all I could do was cry and cling onto this guy.
The next day came and it felt like I didn't get a wink of sleep.
My head was killing me and all I could think about was that phone call and how Nash comforted me the rest of yesterday.
Jordan has never scared me over the phone.
Not like last night.

I couldn't even eat breakfast because I kept spacing out and dreading the new kids arrival.
What were they going to be like?
I know Rocky wanted some of them to be competitive.
But I just wanted them to be sane and nice.
It wasn't asking for too much.
Was it?

"Alright kids, the bus is arriving in a few minutes so lets gather around the court yard to greet our new prisoners!" Ziggy announced and instructed.
I crossed my arms as the guys walked with me over to the court yard.

Something was telling me that this was a bad idea.
And it made me feel sick from how bad my stomach was twisting up because of it.

When the bus came into view I could feel myself wanting to hide in the crowd to remain unseen.
I didn't need new eyes falling on me.
I was still adjusting to the others around here and now I had to accept more new faces.
It just wasn't sitting well with me.
And I wasn't sure why.

The bus came to a stop and we could see the movement from the sixteen new kids getting ready to get off.
I sighed softly as the doors opened and one by one they all began to walk off.
I was fine because they all looked sane from this perspective.
That was until I saw the familiar brown hair and light tan skin that matched Rocky's.

"No fucking way.." I felt myself backing up and pushing against the guys who all looked at me confused.
Why here?
Why of all places?!
I wanted to hide.

He walked off the bus looking around as if he were looking for someone in particular.
My heart was stuck in my throat as the tears burned and all the scars and bruises began to ache painfully.

I watched him walk with the other fifteen kids over to where Ziggy was who began talking all over again.
But he kept it short and sweet which didn't give me enough time to run or hide.

As soon as his eyes fell on me I shrank as I turned around sharp meeting Paul's chest.
"Casey?" He looked down at me with this concern drawn out on his face.
"H-Hide I need to hide." I cried.
"What? From who?" Paul looked towards the newbies who had already went towards the new cabins.

"There he is!" I froze at the sound of his voice.
I wasn't sure how hard a person could tremble with actual fear.
But here I was.
Testing exactly that.

I forced myself to turn around and he was a foot away from us.
Jordan was here.
In the flesh.
And I was fucking terrified.

Jordan walked right up to me but Nash forced himself between us as he glared at the other.
"Who the hell are you?" Nash demanded.
Jordan blinked as his eyes locked on me and he smirked.
Without warning he grabbed my forearm and ripped me from between Nash and Paul pulling me over to him.

"Who am I?" He pressed his lips to mine and it hurt how rough he pressed them against mine.

"I'm this guys boyfriend, who the fuck are you?" He demanded glaring now as he held me still.

No one moved.
No one said a damn thing.
And right then and there.

My hell started all over again.

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