Eliza Minnick - Trouble in Paradise

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Summary: She's jealous

Prompt by: FiooBlossom

Eliza did not like the fact that you were spending all your free time with Arizona. It was even worse when she had requested a week off and not even then did you pull away from her. She tried going with you to wherever you would spend time with Arizona but you straight up told her that she couldn't. You did however promised to make it up to her by the end of the week.

Everyone but Eliza knew what was going on with you and Arizona. The truth was that you were planning to propose to Eliza and needed her help to get everything ready. If it hadn't been for her, you wouldn't have finished on time for your anniversary. The thing was that as happy as Eliza was at the beginning that you were hanging out with her best friend, she was not liking your budding friendship as the weeks went by. Eliza knew how Arizona could get so she believed that her thoughts were justified. It did not help one bit that Arizona simply gave Eliza a smirk when she had asked what the two of you were up to.

"Alright. Either you can tell me what's going on between the two of you or we're over."

Eliza snapped. It was your anniversary and you had even spent it with Arizona. It upset her that she didn't even get to have the morning with you. But that was because you needed to check up that everything had been set up correctly at the restaurant.

"Eliza, please, we've been dating for 5 years already. I've never given you a reason to not trust me. I know I've been secretive these past few weeks but they're for a good reason. Meet me at our restaurant."

Hearing you mention to meet you there, made her a little less upset. Not enough to forgive the fact that you had soent half of the day away.

"Fine. This better be good."

"I promise. I love you."

Eliza hung up and began to look for something fancy to wear. Although, the first date had been awkward at the beginning, it had been a lovely evening. The two of you had eaten dinner and danced for most of the night. Eliza smiled as she remembered how beautiful you looked in the dress that matched your eyes. Shaking the memories away, she finished getting ready and made her way to the restaurant.

As she arrived, Eliza thought that the restaurant was closed. There was just a couple of cars parked when it was usually packed to the brim. She thanked the valet and headed inside to find that it was alone except for just a waiter.

"Right this way."

Instead of finding, tables and chairs, she just saw you on one knee with a box in your hand. She bit her lip, noticing how you had worn a (dress/suit) similar to the one you had worn on your first date.

"What's all this?"

She asked while walking closer to you and looking around at all the candles and balloons that were around the room.

"It's your dream proposal. The one you imagined having but thinking that it wasn't going to be possible."

"B-but how?"

"I had a lot of help that convinced the owners to let me rent out the place."

Eliza finally reaches to where you're kneeling and leans down to kiss you.

"My answer is yes."

"You're not even going to listen to my whole speech."

"If you went through this amount of effort to make sure that I have exactly what I wished for, I know you're clearly in love with me. Besides, you can save it for your vows."

You slid the ring on her finger and stand up to give her another kiss.

"I can't wait to marry you."


Feel free to send me prompts, story ideas or anything you'd like. Only do fxf relationships.

Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers - Stuck

Kara Danvers - To Whom It May Concern

Mia Queen - No One's Fault

Sansa/Arya Stark - Last Kryptonian

Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers - The Devil Part 2

Lena Luthor/ Kara Danvers - The Devil Part 3

Lena Luthor - Sue Me

Morgana Pendragon - Queen's Devil


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now