You/Hela/Captain Marvel - Godzilla Part 2

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"Strange, are you planning on telling us about who the hell was that? and most importantly, why  the hel

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"Strange, are you planning on telling us about who the hell was that? and most importantly, why the hel..."


Thor glared at Steve.

"This is not the time for that, did you not see that Strange brought my sister. The very same one that tried to kill me."

"Still. A lot of people look up to us. We need to watch what we say."

Thor lets out a sigh of frustration and doesn't say anything as he continues to berate Strange.

"Why did you bring my sister? You know she could've turned her back on us and could've helped Thanos."

Strange knew that the chances of that happening were slim but the only way that he knew was because of how in love Hela was with you and Captain Marvel.

"Thor, knowing what I know. You wouldn't be thinking of that. Hela wasn't going to betray us."

"How do you know that, Strange. You can see the future but you don't know what goes in her mind?"

Tired of being yelled at by Thor, Strange decided to reveal the one crucial piece that everyone needed to know in order to believe that Hela wasn't going to turn her back on the Avengers.

"She's dating Captain Marvel and (y/n). Both of which use their powers for good. Hela is deeply in love with them that the thought of using her powers to hurt others has not come to mind ever since they started dating."

No one knew what to say. They hadn't expected for this to be the reason why Hela was back on the good side.

"Prove it."

Tony tells Strange.

Dr. Strange rolls his eyes at them and pulls out his phone to dial Captain Marvel.

"Before you say anything, keep in mind that I told people because they didn't believe me about Hela."

"What are you talking about, Strange?"

The phone call was on speaker so everyone could hear what was being said.

"I told everyone that you were dating Hela and (y/n)."

"You what?! I told you that in confidence. This is why no one can trust you."

"Wait, Carol. It's our fault. We kept talking about Hela and he was growing tired of everyone fighting back and forth about the true intentions of her. Maybe we could all discuss this in a calm matter."

"I don't see a reason as to why I should bring my girlfriends over if everyone is just going to accuse them of turning evil at any second."

"We promise not to tell her anything."

Everyone but Thor say.

Carol would've declined the invitation but if this was the only way to get everyone of their back's then she was going to do it.

"We'll come over in an hour."


The meeting went well. Everyone was being civil to the two of you so both you and Carol thought everyone had gotten past Hela's past. It's not until you take notice that Hela and Thor had slipped without anyone noticing as everyone talked about how Thanos was beaten. You slip out as well, making sure to tell Carol you were going to be fine on your own.

Walking out of the room, you can hear loud yelling coming from a nearby room. You follow the sounds to find Thor arguing with Hela about the past. Both are clearly insisted that both sides had their reasons for what they had done and seeing it from your point of view, they were both in the wrong.

"Enough, you two. You two are gods but yet act like children. Thor, you had your reason's to think that Odin was a good man but he betrayed Hela and it wasn't fair of him to just lock her away because the two of them disagreed on something. Hela, I know you were hurt about what Odin did but it wasn't fair of you to attack and invade Asgard like that."

The two of them look ashamed about what they had both done.

"Now I'm going to come back in 20 minutes and if I hear you arguing again, I'll put you both in time out. If you're going to act like kids then I'm going to treat you like one."


After the meeting ended, you had told Carol what had happened between Thor and Hela. Both o you were nervous to head outside of the room and find them fighting but you were pleasantly surprised to find them hugging the other.

"Everything okay in here?"

Hela and Thor separate as you and Carol come in.

"Yeah, we apologized to the other. I even invited him to come over to our place so he can get to know the two of you."

You both smile and Hela and then at Thor.

"So long as you don't ever hurt Hela. Then you're welcome at our place Thor. How about Friday?"

"I can do Friday."




I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Nyssa Al Ghul - Revenge Part 2

Villanelle - Crazy Part 2

Prudence Blackwood - Bully

Daenerys Targaryen - Vampire Part 2

Hela/Sif - Superwoman - Part 2

Addison Rae - Collab

Katie McGrath - Mrs. All American

Maleficent - Two Worlds Collide Part 2

Maleficent - Fear

Addison Rae - Prank

Natasha Romanoff - Warning

Kara Danvers - Another World Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now