You/Katie McGrath - Instagram

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Katie groaned loudly as she fell back on the bed

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Katie groaned loudly as she fell back on the bed. Her meeting had gone terribly, despite her best intentions to avoid getting social media, the producers insisted for her to get one. Saying that they needed everyone to promote the show and so on. Katie didn't see a reason for her to get one as the rest of her cast mates would post pictures of her and promote the show so it was pointless for her to even get one. In the end, they told her that the wanted for her to post a couple of pictures by the end of the night.

"What happened, babe? Did you get them to agree that you didn't need a social media account."

Katie groaned loudly and covered her face with a pillow.

"Noooooo. They said that apparently every post that had me in the picture did really well and no doubt that my page will do well. I'm fine with promoting the show in everyone's page but is there really a need for me to make one? It's pointless."

She yells the 'no' into the pillow and then tosses it aside to continue talking to you.

"Well, if you want, I can manage it for you. I'll post the pictures they want you to post so you won't have to deal with all the unnecessary drama that comes with having a social media."

"No, that's okay. I just hope that my drunk self doesn't post anything stupid. You'll stop me if I try to post spoilers or something, right."

You laugh at the taught of what drunk Katie might post.

"Of course. I'll keep your drunk self in check."


Katie stared at the empty page for the longest time. She had to past a minimum of at least 5 pictures and despite having hundreds of pictures in her phones, nothing seem good for her to post. There were a couple of good ones with her and the cast and so she added those to the list. She was up to 4 and still needed another one more. Looking over at your sleeping self, Katie knew just what her last picture would be.

After posting each one with a caption, she cuddled close to you and fell asleep.


As usual, you had woken up bright and early to get ready for the day. There was still plenty of time before you had to actually climb out of bed and go to work so you pulled out your phone and checked your Twitter. Every single post on your feed and trending hashtags were about the picture that Katie had posted of you kissing her cheek.

Neither of you had discussed coming out to the world about your relationship but you were fine with whatever Katie decided. It hadn't bothered you when you realized that Katie had revealed that the two of you were dating. You were actually glad. It meant that the two of you would be able to go out without fearing that someone would take a picture and post it online.

"Morning, babe."

Katie mumbled as she clinged onto you like a Koala. She loved to cuddle in her sleep, even if she denied it.

"I might love books but I love her even more."

You were smiling as you read the post. How was it possible for you to fall even more in love with this woman.

"You saw..."

"It was quite impossible to miss it. It was trending all over my twitter."

"You're okay with us being out, right?"

"Of course, I am!"

"Now the whole worlds know that I'm dating the most gorgeous woman in the world."

"Oh hush, you're just trying to get me to make you pancakes."

"Was it that obvious?"

Katie lets out an offended gasp and playfully hits your shoulder.

"I'm deleting the post and say that we broke up."

"Nope, too late. Now everyone knows."

You pulled out your phone and scrolled through your pictures to find your favorite one with Katie. One where the two of you were at Disneyland to celebrate her birthday. After writing a quick caption, you posted the picture.

"Wait, what did you do?"

"Just confirming to the world that we're dating."

You hand her your phone so she could see what you had posted.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you posted that!"

"You looked absolutely adorable! I just wanted to show the world how cute you are."

Katie laughs and looks down to read the caption.

"You hold the woo-key to my heart?"

"It fit with the picture! Plus it tells everyone that you're the only one for me."

"Now the whole world thinks we're huge Star Wars geeks."

"Is there really something wrong with that?"

Katie thinks for a second before shaking her head.

"Not at all."



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Emilia Clarke - Coffee Part 2

Saskia De Merindol - Sweater

Saskia De Merindol - Jealous

Hope Mikaelson - Bond

Lena Luthor - Worry

Danielle Rose Russell - Avoiding


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now