You/Saskia de Merindol - Crazy First Date

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Summary: She's not so sure about it

Requested by: Kali_Story

Saskia had no idea why you had requested for her to dress comfortably. She didn't even know where you were taking her so she could see how comfortable she needed to be. 

"Come on, give me a hint. How am I suppose to know how comfortable I'm suppose to be."

"Saskia, just don't wear any heels. You'll be fine. It's meant to be a surprise."

You could tell she was pouting through the phone and it made you smile. 

"Okay. If I'm not wearing the appropriate clothing for said date then I'm making you trade clothes with me."

"Fair enough. I'll pick you up at 10."

"10?! Where the hell are we going to late?"

"Just trust me. We'll have a lot of fun."

"At 10?! Where the hell would we go at 10. Everything is closed."

You chuckled softly and looked down at the pamphlet 

"I'm hanging up now. I'll pick you up at 10"

You hung up the phone before Saskia had a chance to question you more about the date. She could be terrifying  when she demanded answers. 


 As promised, you picked up Saskia at 10. Handing her the flowers you had bought for her earlier, you led her down to you car. 

"You look beautiful."

"I didn't even dress up."

"You always look beautiful."

You tell her as she climbs into your car. Leaning down to kiss her cheek, you can't help but smile when you see the blush covering her cheeks. 

"Are you going to tell me now?"

"Saskia, you waited the whole day. You can last 30 more minutes."

She groaned but didn't say anything. Choosing to just pick a random station on the radio and talking about her day. 


"You brought me to the graveyard?! What the the hell are we doing here? Are you going to kill me? I told Olivia and Melanie that we were going out on a date and they have an app to track me."

You laughed and shook your head. 

"Saskia, I brought you to a ghost tour. You said that you had it on your bucket list and I though it would be fun to go on one."

Saskia smiles at you. She had never been on a date where the other person truly cared about the little details. It touched her heart. 

"Oh! Well come on. We don't want to be late."


When you signed up for the tour, you didn't think it was going to be scary. It was all fake so there was no need to be scared. What you didn't expect was the jump scares that happened every 20 minutes in the tour. You tried being discreet about the fact that you were scared but Saskia could tell. She took your hand and kept you close as the rest of the tour continued. Wanting to make sure you knew that she was there for you. 

You had expected to be the one comforting Saskia but this was also nice. She would often whisper some jokes to you to make you laugh. It was her new favorite sound in the world and it helped to distract you from the scary parts of the tour. 

The tour finally comes to an end 2 hours later and you couldn't be more relieved. 

"That was fun, we should do it again."

You looked at her like if she had grown a second head, making Saskia laugh. 

"I'm kidding! I don't want to put you through that ordeal again."

"For you, I would go on a million ghost tours if you wanted to."


I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Saskia de Merindol - Pride


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now