You/Cassandra Pressman - Savior

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Summary: You're stuck with them

Prompt by: shookydoughh

You watched as everyone tried to figure out what the hell was going on. It amused you to see them so confused and it kept you preoccupied to not worry about how you managed to get yourself stuck in this situation as well. One second, you're in your apartment alone and then the next, you're manage to find yourself stuck in this new town.

After much exploring on your part, there's really no way to get out. You tried talking to your father about what kind of sick game he was playing but nothing came from his end. There was even a time where you tried to contact your brother, but nothing came back from him. Rr

Since, you weren't going to get any help from your family, you figured to stick around the group to see what they were planning to get out. One of the blonde ones, managed to stick out as she took the role of leader. It was fascinating to see how most of them listened to her. It wasn't everyday that someone could get the whole room to listen. For this reason, you decided to stick around her. There was bound to be someone that would want to harm her, and you weren't going to let that happen. If there was a way out, she was going to be the only one to find it.

You hated being wrong, but it turns out you were right about someone wanting to harm her. Not wanting to be seen, you stayed near the shadows as she talked to a man in a hoodie. You seem him raise his hand and that's when you decide to step in.

"Hold on there. You wouldn't want to kill your savior."

The guy, clearly panicked, shots. Not wanting to leave any witnesses to what he was about to do. When he realizes that you still hadn't let go of him and you weren't bleeding anywhere, he continued shooting.


Cassandra yells to Greg. She was horrified to see that there were no holes or blood pouring out of you.

"What the fuck are you?! Why aren't you dead?"

"Oh. I'm your worst nightmare."

You said with a smirk. Your eyes turned red as he stares at them and soon enough, starts screaming.

"It's not so fun is it."

You push him against the wall, watching him fall and curl into a ball. He starts muttering about how he's sorry and he won't ever do anything like that again.


You scoff at him.

"Wh..what are you?"

Hearing her voice, makes you remember that there's still another member in the audience.

"The Devil, Lucifer, Satan or any of those crazy names. At your service."

The way you speak so calmly and in a joking matter, helps her deal with her nervousness. She had been afraid of you after what she had seen but it seemed to her that you weren't going to hurt her.

"Are you the one who put us here?"

"Oh for crying out loud. Why does everyone think I'm the one who does all the bad stuff? What about my father or my brother? They always like to meddle in people's business."

"Okay, so it's a no on the trapping us."

You nod and motioned for her to head inside so the two of you could talk. You tell her about how you've been here the entire time, watching over her to make sure that no one had tried to harm her.

"That's oddly romantic?"

"Romantic? I don't do any of that romance stuff."

Cassandra raises her eyebrow at you, not quite believing what was coming out of your mouth. You did spend several weeks, to make sure that no one would hurt her. That was quite romantic in her book.

"Right, well what else can you do? Apart from not getting hurt and stuff like that?"

"Well. I can figure out what people desire, I can traumatize someone, and I used to fly but when I came to Earth, I cut off my wings."

"I could use you to help me. You help me keep them straight so I can figure out a way to get us out of here."

"You got yourself a deal with the devil."


As promised, you helped her make sure that everyone followed the rules. Everyone suspected of you not being human from the things that they would see but no one would say anything. They were too afraid of you.

Since everyone was too afraid, there was really not a lot of things to keep in check, so you spent the majority of your time with Cassandra to help her figure out a way out. The more you spent time with her, the less you were interested in wanting to get out. Who knows what would happened when everyone was back in the real world. You didn't want to lose her.

"I got it!"

Her sudden yell, startles you.

"Got what?"

"A way out. We'll be able to go home."


"Oh? You don't seem too happy."

"Don't get me wrong, I am happy."


As the ruler of hell, you feared nothing. However, talking about your feelings seemed to be your one weakness. Father, truly hated you.

"But nothing. How soon can you get us out."

"Come on, (y/n). We've spent weeks together. I know you like the back of my hand. What's going on?"

You sigh and look down at your hands, not really wanting to look at her while you talked.

"It's just these past few weeks have been the most fun I've ever had. I liked spending time with you."

"You're fun too."

"What I'm saying, Cassandra is that I like you. I know, shocking. Everyone is always talking about how the devil has no feelings and yet here I am, confessing how I feel to the woman I love."


You shake your head and stand up, heading for the door to get out of the conversation. Cassandra seems to have another thing in mind as she steps in front of you, placing a hand on your stomach to keep you from moving.

"Just forget about it, it was dumb."

"I can't forget something that I've always wanted to hear."

She cups your cheek, making you look at her.

"I love you too."

Cassandra pulls you in for a kiss, only pulling back when she needs to breath.

"I'm glad I had the devil on my side."

"Me too."


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any female celebrity or character.

I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Melissa Benoist - Vacation

Sansa and Arya Stark - Goddess of Thunder, Sea and War

Alex Danvers - Lost Home

Cersei Lannister/Daenerys Targaryen

Maeve Wiley - Bullied

Lena Luthor - The Wedding

Lena Luthor - Annoyance

Jessica Pearson - Assassin

Melissa Benoist/Katie McGrath - Part 3


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now