You/Villanelle - Crazy Part 2

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The continued tapping on the table was driving Eve crazy

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The continued tapping on the table was driving Eve crazy. For the past day, Eve and her team had set up surveillance near your apartment to wait for Villanelle to visit you.

"Where is she? Her last kill was 2 days ago. Why hasn't she visited her wife?"

Eve mumbles to herself.

"Maybe she got sent on another mission?"

"No, that's not it. You saw that video, Villanelle likes to show off her kills to (y/n). I don't doubt in my mind that the two of them do something to celebrate Villanelle's latest kill. We're missing something."

"You don't think that they know about us, right Eve?"

"That's ridiculous. It's been almost a month since we found out about them and no one outside of us knows about the wife."

Max doesn't quite believe Eve but didn't want to argue with her. They've already been there for a day, who knew how long it was going to take for Villanelle to come out.


You looked through the window again to look at the van that had parked right outside your bedroom window view. It was quite obvious that they were MI5. You were a Navy Seal, of course you were going to be able to spot a surveillance van a mile away.

"Can't we just go out and kill them, baby. I'm tired of being holed up in this apartment. No offense but sex can only go so far. I'm getting restless in here. I need to get to my next target."

You cupped Villanelle's cheeks to pull her in for a kiss.

"No, they are MI5. If we kill one of their own. They'll use everything they have to track us down. It's obvious they know about me so more then likely get help from the CIA to track me down. You've taken care of me, now it's my turn to take care of you."

Villanelle looks at you, trying to understand what you had in mind.

"What are you talking about? When we got married, I promised that you never had to worry about anything. I'm supposed to take care of you."

You give her a smile and pulled her into a hug.

"I know, it's why I need to do this."

Distracted with your hug, you pulled out a syringe and pushed it into her arm to inject the liquid.

Villanelle jumps away from the hug to pull out the needle, only to find out that you had already pushed it all in.

" bitch. You drugged me."

"I did this because I love you. Konstantin will be here to pick you up after they leave with me."

You caught Villanelle before she fell to her knees. She tried to push you away but she was too weak.

"I'm not going to risk you getting hurt to protect me. I love you Villanelle"

You kiss her cheek as her eyes finally close.

'She's asleep, as soon as the van disappears. Come pick her up. Anything happens to her and I'll hunt you down, K.'


You pretended as if you were going to take a walk down the neighborhood, to not make them call backup. As you reached the van, you knocked at the door and held up you hands so they wouldn't shoot you.

"Eve, it's so good to see you. Villanelle has told me all about your obsession with her."

Eve looks at Max in shock and fumbles to pull out her gun to point at you.

"Oh, you can put that thing away. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to turn myself in. If I wanted to really hurt you, I would've killed Niko the moment I heard that you were after my wife."

"Shut up and put your hands behind your back."

You simply smile as you comply with her command.

"Oh, Villanelle was right. You are kinky. She's not going to like this at all."

Eve ignores you as she pushes you against the van and makes sure that you don't have any weapons stored away.

"I'm going to find Villanelle. The two of you are not going to get away with this."

She whispered in your ear. All you can do is laugh as she pushed you inside the van to sit besides Max. Now you understood why Villanelle liked to annoy Eve. She was fun to mess with.



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Prudence Blackwood - Bully

Daenerys Targaryen - Vampire Part 2

Hela/Sif - Superwoman - Part 2

Addison Rae - Collab

Katie McGrath - Mrs. All American

Maleficent - Two Worlds Collide Part 2

Maleficent - Fear

Addison Rae - Prank

Natasha Romanoff - Warning

Kara Danvers - Another World Part 2

Jennifer Jareau - Family Troubles


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now