You/Lena Luthor - Rivals

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You were dreading coming to L-Corp for another meeting with Lena

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You were dreading coming to L-Corp for another meeting with Lena. For some reason, L-Corp's CEO, absolutely hated your guts. Every time the two of you were in the same gala or event, Lena would always find way to argue with you about everything. It got to point that you had to avoid her and make sure that you never crossed paths with her. However, this time, you couldn't avoid the meeting with her. The two of you were called on by the government to build a device to help aliens and in order to get the money, both of you had to work together. It's been a week since the start of the project and nothing had been started. The two of you would just argue back and forth that neither of your lead scientists showed up for meeting since the middle of the week.

"Sleeping on the job, that's just sloppy Ms. (l/n)."

You held back a groan as you head her voice. Your head was killing you and you weren't really in the mood to deal with her. attitude. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your head to look at her.

"Can we just get started?"

For a second, Lena had given you a look of concern but it was quickly masked by an annoyed expression.

"Why? Am I keeping you from your company? I have a job to do too but you don't see me complain that I have to be here."

"Ms. Luthor, just start with the meeting."

She looked like she wanted to say something else but ended up changing her mind as she started to bring up the points that the two of you had brought up since the last meeting.

"As reported to me by my team, our deadline is approaching sooner than we thought. We need to start working on the prototype, Ms. Luthor. The governor wants this as soon as possible and the longer we wait to finish the product, the more dangerous it could be."

"I'm not the one holding us back! You're the one that refuses to even listen to any of my ideas. In return, I simply just tell you what's wrong with everything that you come up with."

You pinched the bridge of your nose as you could already tell another argument was going to start.

"You know what, I think it's better if we just work separately. We both build our prototypes and the better one gets to be mass produced. I'm quite tired of all this arguing and nothing getting done."

"Perfect. I'm tired of arguing with you."

You just nod and pack up your things to head back to your building.

"We'll meet in a week, Ms. Luthor."

Lena sighed as she watched you leave. Perhaps she might've taken it to far. She honestly just wanted to work a little longer with you. There was no doubt in her mind that both teams would finish the prototype earlier than the deadline so it's why she had been delaying starting on the project.

Lena doesn't know how it started but ever since she had met you, she always argued with you. At first, it had been a genuine argument but the longer the two of you knew each other, the less they made sense. This was because Lena had no idea how to actually talk to you normally. She liked you a lot and despite her attempts to have a normal conversation with you, it always ended up with the two of you arguing. Nonetheless, she knew that she needed to fix things with you and apologize.


Lena looked down at the flowers and food that she had brought over to your office. She knew for a fact that you were like her so it was more than likely that she was going to find you in your office. As soon as she was free, Lena had picked up some things and made her way to your building. Only to be stopped by your security and then your secretary.

"Please, I just need to apologize for what happened in the morning and then I'll leave."

Your secretary looked down at the flowers and then the food.

"Let me go ask her. Take a seat."

Lena nods and watches as she disappears through your door and then walks out a minute later.

"You can go in."

"Thank you."

The secretary doesn't say anything as Lena steps in. As the door closes, she dials Jess.

"You were right. Your boss is head over heels in love with mine. She just came over with flowers and food to 'apologize.' We fucking won the betting pool!"


"Ms. Luthor, what can I do for you?"

You asked as you turned off your monitor and looked up to face her.

"Lena, please. We're colleagues now."

"Well, Lena, what can I do for you?"

"I came here to apologize for everything."

She places the flowers and food on top of your desk as she takes a seat.

"I don't understand."

"Look...the reason why I've just been arguing with you for the better part of how long we've known each other is because I've been trying to get your attention."

"My attention? Forgive me, Lena but I don't understand what you're trying to say."

Lena takes a deep breath to calm her beating heart.

"What I mean is that I've liked you for quite some time, (y/n). I've never felt like this with anyone else and I don't know how to deal with such feelings."

Your face remained neutral but your heart was beating quite fast.

"You've liked me for quite some time, huh?"

You take the flowers, admiring them for a second and then leaning in to smell them.

"I'm quite curious as to how you know what my favorite flowers are."

"I uh had some help."

You nod and stand up to place the flowers on the bed, you take a seat on the couch, smiling as you take notice of how tense Lena was.

"This is definitely a start but you're going to have to do more than that to earn my forgiveness. For now, why don't you join me and help me finish the food you brought me. I couldn't help but notice that you brought two meals."

Lena gives her a sheepish smile.

"I was hoping you would let me join you."



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Katie McGrath - Social Media

Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers - Bakery

Saskia Merindol - Part 2

Emilia Clarke - Part 2

Brittany Snow - Attack

Hailee Steinfield - Live

Emilia Clarke - Gamer

Nyssa Al Ghul - ??

Hela/Captain Marvel - Godzilla

Hope Mikaelson - Enough


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now