Zelda Spellman - Enemies Part 2

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After the whole running away and begging for a second chance, you've been nothing but the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. You would bring her flowers every other day. Every morning as you woke up, you sent her good morning texts and before you fell asleep, you would text her goodnight. Fridays were dates night and not one date was ever experience another Friday. It was always something different because you didn't want to bore her.

Zelda loved your overall improvement. You were much more open to communicating with her and that was all that she ever wanted. The bonus part was how you had become a total romantic. Making sure to woo her every chance you could get.

In all honesty, the two of you were ready for the next step of your relationship. Moving in. It's just that neither of you were sure how to bring it up. Zelda wanted to move in with you but she wanted to have a place with just the two of you. You wanted for her to move in but you were afraid that she'll decline because she wanted to stay with her family. It was eating the two of you up and it was clear that it was affecting your relationship.


"So, I've been thinking about something for a while now."

You start off when the waiter leaves with your order. It was Friday, meaning the two of you were out on a date.

"Really? Because I've also been thinking about something for a while now.'

Your heart started to race as you thought about the possibilities of what she wanted to say. There were so many that you had to force yourself to stop.

"You should go first. My thing can wait."

"Mine too. You should go first."

You laugh softly and nod.

"Move in with me, Zelda"

Zelda was about to talk but you interrupted her.

"I mean we were kind of dating for over a year and we've officially been dating for another one. I want to share my mornings and nights with you. I want to wake up next to you and fall asleep besides you. I'm ready for the next step, Zelda. That's if you're ready. I don't want to pressure you into agreeing into something that you're not comfortable. Feel free to cut me off before I say something stupid."

Zelda laughs at your antics. Finding it adorable to see how nervous you were. You were always so confident in everything, this was a surprise.

"(y/n), breathe. You didn't even give me a chance to respond."

You give her a sheepish smile.

"I was nervous about your answer."

"I know you were and it was adorable. But anyways, what I was thinking about was for you to move in with me too. Not with Sabrina and Hilda. Just you know, a place of our own."

"Well I'm okay with getting our own place, My lease is ending soon so I have a chance to either renew it or move out. I'm fine with doing either of those."

"Why don't we talk about it later. We can't rush our decision."

You nod quickly.

"Of course. We'll take as much time as we can to decide."


Sabrina was sad about the fact that her aunt was moving out. She knew it was bound to happen when you entered her life but she didn't think it would be so soon.

"Is that everything?"

"It sure is. Thank you for helping us load the truck."

Sabrina nods and gives Zelda a smile along with a hug.

"I'm going to miss you, Aunt Zelda."

"And I'm going to miss you too but we're literally moving down the block."

You laugh as you hear Zelda's answer. It had been a compromise on the location as Zelda didn't want to be too far away from her family but still wanted to have your own place.

"I know but its not going to be the same. I'm going to visit everyday."

"As I expected. Like we said, our door is always open so don't hesitate."

Sabrina nods and wipes away her tears as she watches the two of you get in the truck. She stayed outside until the truck was no longer visible. She had wanted to come over and help the two of you unpack but both of you declined. Saying you had both wanted to do it together.

"I can't believe this is our house. If you had told me two years ago that we would be moving in together, I would have laughed."

You nod and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"As would I. I'm so glad we've gotten to this point. I can't wait for what comes next."

"What comes next?"




I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Addison Rae Easterling - ??

Kara Danvers - First Time

Rosa Diaz - Soft Spot

Katie McGrath - Instagram

Emilia Clarke - Coffee Part 2

Saskia De Merindol - Sweater

Saskia De Merindol - Jealous


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now