You/Regina Mills - Curse

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Summary: You're cursed

Requested by: _zuana

Regina was a changed woman. After dealing with the original first curse, she wasn't into the whole destroying Snow White. She realized what a big waste of time and how ridiculous it was to harbor such hate for someone about something that had happened years ago. Snow apologized as well as she did. All was good.

Things were better than good. Regina wasn't still sure how you managed to come into Storybrooke but she wasn't going to question it. You arrived in the middle of when everything was going down. Henry had been poisoned and the whole town was struggling to figure out a solution to save him. It was the lone stranger that had found the solution to save Henry. You knew everything about Storybrooke after Henry had confided in you when he went to go visit Emma. If you hadn't arrived to tell them about True Love's kiss, none of them would've thought about trying it out on Henry with both of his mother's kissing his cheek.

Regina had been entirely grateful that you had saved her soon and insisted on having you over for dinner. You tried to decline but it was like 'No' did not exist in her vocabulary. It wasn't even her second day of asking and you had crumbled to accept her invitation. That dinner started it all. It was how you got to know all of Regina and how she got to know all of you. Both of you spent a lot of time with each other after that dinner. It was how rumors began to spread around town about Regina and the stranger. Wild accusations would be spread. About how Regina was going to use you to start another curse or how it was all a ploy to seem normal. These rumors were all practically about the same thing. That Regina was still evil but none of them were true. The two of you had fallen in love. The town ended up figuring it out on their own when Snow had seen the two of you kiss.

From then on, it was pure paradise for Regina. She was happy. She had a loving girlfriend, a wonderful son and friends that she could count on. The town was finally changing their opinion on ger. Everything was great.

Or so she thought. Rumplestiltskin was not happy when he came to learn about Regina. He was not happy that Regina was no longer bitter and set on revenge. His whole plan depended on the fact that Regina would be angry. The only way he thought about doing this was to hurt your relationship with her. During a night that he knew Regina would be out of the city, he sneaked into your bedroom to curse you. Give you a curse that made you forget everything that had happened in the past few months and send you back to where you had come from. Regina would be devasted when she would realize that you were gone for good.

"Emma! She's gone! I can't find a trace of her."

Regina had barged into the Sheriff's office to ask for help in finding you.

"Regina, calm down. Tell me what happened?"

Emma lets Regina take a seat and helps her calm down before she explains her morning. Regina had come back from her business trip, only to come home and find that you had left a note about no longer being happy.

"I don't understand, Emma. We were happy. She never said anything about being unhappy.'

"I believe you, Regina. We'll get to the bottom of this."


It takes weeks for either of them to come up with an explanation for what happened. And that was only because Belle had come to know about Rumplestiltskin plan and wasn't okay with it at all. Regina thanked her profusely and set out to break the curse.

Emma didn't want to let her go alone so she designated herself as the driver. When the two of them arrived in the city, Regina refused to take the night to rest. She wanted to see you. She missed you. After much begging, Emma eventually took Regina to your place.

The woman standing in front of you seemed familiar. Your brain was trying to tell you something but you couldn't read it.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you.'

Regina steps forward, leaning in quite close to you that you could feel the heat off of her body radiating.

"I know. It's complicated but you have to believe me. You were cursed. Made to forget about your time with me.'

You weren't particularly a very trusting person but something about this woman made you trust her.

"I believe you."

Regina smiles and leans in to kiss you. There's a sudden burst of light magic and all your memories come back to you.


You pulled her into a tight hug, practically crying as you were reunited with the love of your life.

"You saved me."

"Of course, I did. I love you."


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any female celebrity or character.

I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Sarah Paulson - Death

Addison Montgomery - Pregnant

Sara Lance - Operation

Kara Danvers - Cheater

Claire Holt - ???

Cassandra Pressman - Savior

Melissa Benoist - Vacation

Sansa and Arya Stark - Goddess of Thunder, Sea and War

Alex Danvers - Lost Home

Cersei Lannister/Daenerys Targaryen


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now