Entangled in Vines

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"I should have guessed that I would find the two of you together." King Thranduil said, waking you and Legolas up. "Both of you have disobeyed direct orders, and I find you asleep in the grass. How sweet." his tone was taunting, but you sensed that there was some unknown emotion there.

You jumped up, immediately on guard.
Legolas was soon on his feet too, looking like he was ready to fight.

"Father," Legolas says coldly, "what are you doing?"

"I've come to take you home." King Thranduil laughs, composing himself from whatever previous emotion was there.

"And you," King Thranduil begins, looking you in the eye, "you shall be imprisoned for disobeying your king."

Panic flooded you, your heart sped up and you couldn't breathe.

"No, she has committed no crime!" pleaded Legolas.

"But she has." King Thranduil hissed, annoyed by his son's disobedience.

"Guards, arrest her, take her back to the dungeon." King Thranduil ordered, a grin creeping across his face.

The guards surrounded you, there was nothing you could do but surrender.

You lowered your head and walked between two guards back to the kingdom.

A sense of hopelessness creeped in your mind.

I'm going to die in a prison cell.

"You can't do this!" Legolas cried, walking behind you, pleading with his father.

"I'll do anything! I swear! Just let her go!" Legolas begged.

His words tore at your heart and tears slipped down your cheeks.

"I warned you. You didn't listen. This is your punishment as well as hers." King Thranduil walked passed his son, and led the way back to the kingdom.

When you arrived it was almost dark, the other residents of the Elf Kingdom had noticed the guards and had gathered at the gate.

They watched as the guards escorted you to the dungeon, your head hung low from shame and heartbreak.
Your family wouldn't even look at you, they just turned and walked off, embarrassment filled their eyes.

You didn't put up a fight when they put you in a cell, you just went in and sat down.
You knew this was a risk, but now you hoped for death instead of eternity in that prison.

"I'll get you out. I promise." Legolas peered through the bars of your cage.
You said nothing, not even daring look at him. Instead you stared at the dirt floor. You were broken, nothing more than an empty shell.

"Please look at me." Legolas pleaded, his voice was full of sadness. You could tell by his tone that he was crying.

"I'm so sorry." he said, sinking to the ground in front of your cell.
If there was anything inside of you left to be broken, that would have done it, but a dark nothingness filled you.

His sobs were soft, until he fell sleep outside of your cell. You continued staring at the floor, scared to sleep, scared to dream.

I can't stay in here.
I can't watch Legolas go through this.
Maybe if I ask Thranduil to end my life, he would.
It would solve his problems, but kill Legolas.
Though, Legolas already seems broken.
I can't watch Legolas break even more everyday.
I can't listen to him sob, or watch his tears.
This was torture.
This is what King Thranduil wanted.


King Thranduil walked into the dungeon after Legolas had left.

"Why did you risk it?" he asks.

"Why do you care?" You hiss.

"I'm simply curious." He says, but his eyes are searching yours for an answer.

You turn from him, and ignore any further comment he makes.

"Very well." He says when he sees he will get no where. Then he leaves you alone.

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