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You exit the throne room, and start walking down one of the great halls trying to make your way outside.
You needed air. To much was happening to fast.
You pass several elves who stop to stare at you, and you even see your own mother, but that made you take off running for the gate even faster.
You felt like you were suffocation.
You finally make your way outside, as the sun was setting. A cool breeze blows your hair around your face, and you sit down, taking deep breaths.

"Changing your mind?" King Thranduil says from behind you, making you jump.

"I just needed some air." You hiss, in no mood to put up with him.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asks, in a mocking tone that made you want to punch him.

"Yes actually, your son is mad at me because I wouldn't tell him anything you told me on the way back here." You say, your tone was harsh.

"Why not just tell him?" King Thranduil asks, suddenly curious.

"Because it's not mine to tell." You spit, wishing to be left alone.

"That's surprising." King Thranduil says, more to himself than you.

"How so?" you ask, not understanding at all.

"I figured you would tell him everything as soon as we arrived." King Thranduil says, a strange look in his eyes.

"I may not like you, but it seemed like what you told me was deeply personal and I don't make it a habit to gossip." you say, tears building behind your eyes.

"It was deeply personal." King Thranduil says.

"Why can't you just leave me alone for a little bit? I just wanted a moment of peace." You hiss once more.

"They will stop staring eventually, this is just the first... royal scandal they've ever experienced." King Thranduil said, referring to the Elves inside that were watching your every move.

"Did you have something to tell me or were you just trying to elevate my misery?" you ask, annoyed with King Thranduil's presence.

"I was just coming to tell you that the gown I would like you to wear this evening at the feast is in your room. Now that you will be considered royalty, you must look the part." Thranduil smiled at you, a smile that didn't reach his icy eyes.

"Great." You say sarcastically. The last thing you wanted was to be paraded around for the other elves to gawk at.
"The feast is starting soon. You really should get ready." King Thranduil said, before leaving you alone.

You sit outside for a few more movements before heading back in and making your way to your room.
You take a deep breath before entering your room, you hadn't been here for what seemed like forever.
You walk in and the first thing you see is a breathtaking gold dress hanging up. You walk over and feel of the shimmery fabric, it was soft, but you thought a dress this spectacular would look ridiculous on someone as plain as you.

You put the dress on anyways, the material clinging to your body in the right places, it looked as though it was made for you.
You brush out your long hair and leave it down, letting it fall over one shoulder.

"Beautiful." Your mother says, standing behind you.

"Oh, what am I not shaming the family anymore?" you asked, annoyed by her intrusion.

"Do not speak to me in that tone." Your mother scowled.

"Get out of my room." You order, you've dealt with enough today, you couldn't handle her too.

"I am your mother and you will respect me." She demanded.

"Where were you when I needed you? you never cared about me. You never respected me, so get out." You hiss.

"Fine, don't expect to see me at your big engagement feast then. You want me out of your life, then so be it!" She yelled, before leaving your room.

This day was turning into a complete disaster.

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to find an elf maid, "King Thranduil sent me to escort you to the feast, my lady." She bowed before you, confusing you.

"Okay." was all you managed to say.
You followed her down the halls to the formal dining room where all the elves had already gathered.

When you walk into the room everyone stops and stares, moving out of your way as you walk to your place at the table.

You had to sit beside King Thranduil, who was at the head of the table, you and Legolas were to sit on each side of him.

An elf servant pulls your chair out for you and everyone sits at once, except King Thranduil.

"Tonight we are here to celebrate the engagement of my son to his lovely fiancé." King Thranduil says, raising a glass.
Everyone does the same and sips of the wine they've been poured.

"Let the feast begin!" King Thranduil boomed, and everyone immediately went to talking and laughing and sharing stories.
King Thranduil sat down, and the three of you just sat there awkwardly.
Legolas still seemed mad at you.

"Well don't let my presence here stop the two of you from chatting. It seems the two of you get along quite well." Legolas hissed at you and King Thranduil.

"Will you stop this ridiculous behavior." King Thranduil asked in a hushed tone.

"Two days ago she saw you as a monster and now she's keeping your secrets." Legolas spit.

You bury your head in your hands, as everyone around you started talking in hushed voices and staring.

"I told her something in confidence and she's refusing to gossip about it. You should be lucky enough to marry someone like that." King Thranduil said, and you realized that was the closest thing to a compliment that he has ever given you.

"Excuse me." You say, standing up and leaving the room. You couldn't handle this anymore.

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