Poof, You're Gone

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                                                                                      part 1

You were getting paid and not a little amount either. The only problem? The amount of lies you have told to get where you stand today. The amount of people that you have conned and scammed to build the empire that you now run with the help of your business associate, Harrison Price, a hacker and dealer on the black market from your home town.

The two of you had met during canary wharf, the attack of both the Cybermen and Daleks opened your eyes up to possibilities that Torchwood would never have been able to imagine. You stole advanced alien tech from badly secured Torchwood bases and Harrison hacked into UNIT data bases to find where there was more alien tech for the two of you to use.

Now the pair of you were co-owners of an empire based off of alien technology and expensive lawyers, no one could compete with you because they didn't have the same advancement that you and Harrison had managed to snag when it was possible.

Neither one of you were fazed by the warfare your tech caused, the Dalek blasters sold for twenty five million each, that price tag was enough to make anyone over look the outcome and devastation of their own making.

The compound was dead silent, no one but you roamed the halls and storage rooms. The building had almost a billion pounds worth of weapons inside it but still there were no guards, not one person would be stupid enough to break into this place. The compound had a fail safe security system, invisible trip wires were waiting to be caught and thanks to Dalek technology the doors could be dead locked.

Your footsteps echo off of the stone walls, each one making it four doors down before falling silent. Harrison had gone home hours prior but you had stayed like you usually did every night for the last year and a half.

Although you and Harrison said you were partners it was clear that the relationship was part of a dictator ship, the dictator being you, the brains and brawn of the company. No one said it out loud but it was true, Harrison was a mighty fine hacker but he was no leader, he never looked at the bigger picture.

The bigger picture being partnerships with both UNIT and Torchwood, if you could make them your allies you would be unstoppable and soon all armies of the world would be asking for a taste of your goods.

You enter the containment room, files, data, computers and business logs are displayed in both alphabetical and date order on oak shelves. You run your fingers over the shelves and pluck the book you were looking for from its spot, your eyes scan the information infront of you, a frown forms on your face.

"Son of a bitch." you hiss, the numbers pointing towards the treachery you had suspected for the last month. You close the book and place it back on the shelve. You take a deep breathe, your hand pressed against a shelve as you try to calm yourself.

The shuffling of feet grabs your attention, the empty compound was apparently not so empty. You take your gun from behind your back and hold it out in front of you, finger on the trigger as you make your way through the corridors and towards the source of the sound.

You check round the corners, your eyes scanning for any form of life but none is seen, only the continuous scurrying of feet is heard.

You take a deep breathe and make your way down the next corridor, your finger never easing off the trigger. You go to pass another door but stop as you see a flash of red.

Silently you push open the door, gun raised and ready. You tip toe round a shelf full of spare parts, your face void of emotion as you press the barrel of the gun against the intruders head.

"Move and I shoot." you state coldly as the intruder raises their hands in surrender. The man in front of you sighs but makes no attempt to move, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor." He says, his voiced soft but tired. 

You roll your eyes, "The Doctor isn't a name,"

"Yes it is. Now, to more important matters." he takes a step forward, the gun leaving his head, "This is dangerous stuff but you would know that wouldn't you, the door was deadlocked, so either you know this technology is incredibly dangerous and you don't want it to fall into the wrong hands or you don't want to lose out on millions if any of it was stolen." His fingers dance over labels on boxes.

You chuckle darkly, "The latter, no point in building a business on Alien Tech if you cant keep ahold of it." 

The Doctor narrows his eyes and pushes his hands into the pockets of his brown pinstripe suit, "Do you know what you are dealing with? The races this technology comes from would wages wars if they found out this was here, Daleks would blow this place to rubble and the Cybermen would delete you from existence, Poof, you're gone, hope you had a nice life."

You lower your gun, "P.I.E.R.C.E, scan storage room seventeen for non-human entities."

"Non-human entity present in storage room seventeen." says the voice of the computer that is controlled by no one other than you.

"Well, at least my thoughts have been confirmed." you say with a small smile, "What are you, may as well tell me, i'll find out one way or another. Don't try to say human either, that computer is never wrong, I should know considering I built it."

The Doctor looks you dead in the eye, "A time lord, the last time lord in existence but more importantly I'm the man thats about to save your life."

You raise your eye brows, "Save me from what exact-?" you begin to question before you are cut off by a ground shaking explosion.

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