Poof, You're Gone

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Part 2

"Save you from that." The Doctor says in a rush as he grabs your arm, tugging you out of the door and towards a storage cupboard. You wriggle out of his hold and aim your gun at his chest. The man sighs and raises his hands, "(y/n), I know how this turns out for you, let me help you so whats supposed to happen won't be the only future you have."

Your finger twitches on the trigger, "How the hell would you know my future, you know nothing about me, I don't even know how you got in here. I know no more about you than you know about me."

The Doctor frowns, "I know you were born in (birth place), you never got on with your parents so you ran away at sixteen. At seventeen you and Harrison started this business, now you are two of the richest people on the planet. I also know that you know that Harrison has been lying to you for the past couple of months, there has been a sudden loss of a few million quid and now you're being hunted. Why do you think that is."

You drop the gun, "How did you get in?" arguing with the man was pointless, he had endless comebacks that you couldn't be bother responding to. You also didn't really feel like dying within the next ten or so minutes.

The Doctor smiles and pushes the door to the cupboard open. Inside stands a blue police box, your eyes widen at the sight. The time lord watches you press your hand to the wood and push open the door, a small chuckle escapes his lips as he hears your gasp.

"I could make a mint if I got my hands on this," you say in awe, the Doctor smacks your arm and nudges you inside.

"Here I am saving your life because really, it isn't your time, and here you are trying to find the most expensive parts of my ship. Keep your eyes off." he says, turning your face away from the console.

You take a seat on a ratty looking chair, your legs crossed and arms folded, "You keep saying you're saving me, saving me from what?"

The Doctor flicks switches and buttons on the console whilst your eyes scan over the man that you had decided was very good looking for an alien, "Daleks, Harrison sold you out to Daleks. What you are being hunted by are war machines born from hate, they feel no compassion, no mercy, no pain. Without me you are dead."

A dry chuckle leaves your lips, "I always knew Harrison was a bastard, ever since canary wharf, well I knew before hand but mainly since the big CW." the Doctor frowns and stops fiddling with the ship, "Did I hit a nerve?" you question, sitting up straight in your chair.

The Doctor smiles and hovers his hand over a button, "Hold onto something." you frown but does as he says, your fingers wrap around a railing behind you. His hand slams down on a button, the ships jerks back and forth as it rattles and shakes and wheezes, the motions throwing you every which way.

When the ships finally comes to an stop you fall back onto the chair, your hair a mess and skin quite a few shades lighter.

"Is it always this rough?" the Doctor nods, a grin on his face, "I've changed my mind about scraping this and selling the parts."

The doctor rolls his eyes, "We need to move, the Daleks know i'm here."

"Where is here exactly?" you ask as you regain your balance.

"We're still in the compound but we're behind the Daleks this time, not that that helps but it buys me a bit of time."

"A bit of time to do what?"

The Doctor smiles, "You'll see." He grabs your hand and pulls you out of the ship and into an office that just happened to be yours, you release the time lords hand and dash over to the computer on your desk.

Your fingers move swiftly over the keys, each letter encoding security systems and dead locking doors, "P.I.E.R.C.E, deadlock halls C5 through to F6. Activate security system F19HT."

"Fight?" questions the doctor, a ghost of a smile on his lips. You shake your head and continue to tap keys.

The rooms lights flicker from white to red, "I've bought us at least ten minutes, everything is dead locked except for the rooms around us plus I have Dalek guns active. Anything needs to be shot they will get it." The Doctor looks over your shoulder, his eyes memorising every single place where a Dalek was spotted.

"So, whats this plan?" you ask as you swivel your chair to face the Doctor, your faces are almost touching.

The time lord swallows, "Well...first of all I need a bomb."

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