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"I need new shoes." You say to the Doctor who leans against the console.

"You have tons of shoes."

You shake your head, "They have all been destroyed because of you and your death trap adventures, so if you wouldn't mind, I would love a trip to schuh." He gives you a smile and a nod before turning to the console, messing with all the wrong buttons and sending you into the vortex in the bumpiest way possible.

When the Tardis lands you feel slightly more sick than usual but brush that off as you grab your jacket, purse and Doctor. "Do I actually have to come shoe shopping."

"You can suffer like my shoes did, you murdered them all." You smile as you link your arm with his, pulling him out of the Tardis doors and into Trafford centre. You smile as you enter a large hall, most of it being taken up by the titanic. You guide the doctor through various lunch tables and up a flight of stairs. 

"We've passed multiple shoe shops, can you just choose one." the Doctor grumbles like a little child as you pull him into the store you finally found. "I'm waiting here."

You roll your eyes but continue into the store without him anyway. You instantly find what you are looking for and don't hesitate to ask an assistant if they have your size in stock. You stand at the cash register, paying for the shoes that they luckily had one last pair of.

You grab the doctors hand as you walk past him, "So, how many times did someone ask for your number whilst I was gone? Last time it was four times in under five minutes."

The Doctor gives you an almost sheepish smile, "Nine times."

You laugh, "I'm telling you that it's the hair."

He shakes his head and looks down at the bag in your other hand, "What did you get then."

You smile up at him and almost giggle. "I think you'll love 'em." You pull him back down stairs and all the way through the lunch tables once again until the two of you are in the Tardis.

The shoes on your feet are kicked off and replaced with your new ones. You look up at the Doctor who you had told to close his eyes. "You can one them now."

"You didn't."

"I did."

He laughs, "We match now. Brilliant."

Your smile at the Doctor before looking down at your matching pair of white converse. The two of you almost matched, your converse were white but his were almost a beige because the man just couldn't look after shoes.

Doctor who- 10 X Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now