The Time Lord Born From War

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Part 3

-Flash back-

The Daleks blew the walls to smithereens, the last soldiers were falling, Gallifrey was over.

Perciv screams in his sisters arms, you pull the trigger on your gun over and over and over again, hoping to kill the Daleks before they killed you and the children. Everyone else had already died. The Daleks had collapsed the sky trenches, they fell from the air and broke through what was left of the buildings roof. Smoke filled the room, fire blocked the doors, Daleks closed in. Your Tardis key glows in your pocket, the yellow light filling the room as the ship materialises around the children.

You shoot the the last Dalek in the room and snap your fingers, the ships doors open as you run through them, they shut themselves. The ship glowed a sinister red, it knew how this ended, it wasn't ending well.

Your fingers dance across the panel as you press button after button, the ship wheezes as it dematerialises into the outer atmosphere of Gallifrey. You turn on the ships shields and pull open the door, Gallifrey turned from flames to rubble as it explodes, taking the Dalek armada with it. A hand flies to your mouth, the Doctor was still down there. He was gone.

Tears brim your eyes as you shut the door and turn to two of the last Gallifreyan's in existence. They would never be safe, they were only children, you couldn't protect them on this ship. You were a warrior, always in danger. You walk on shake legs towards the console, you flick a switch and a machine falls down.

"Do you know what this is," you ask the children, Perciv shakes his head whilst Ty's eyes widen.

"A chameleon Arch, I'm not doing it." Ty says, her arms wrap tighter around her brother.

You crouch down infront of them, "It will keep you safe."

Ty sighs, she nods her head and steps forward towards the machine, "We'll do it."

You give her a sad smile and attach her to the machine, then Perciv and then yourself. The three of you scream in pain as the Arch re-writes your biological make up. The Tardis flies itself to Modern day London before shutting itself down and pushing the three of you out."

-End Of Flashback-

You push Tyler and Percy towards the school bus, they groan at the sight of the driver and the other children with their backpacks.

"I hate school," Tyler says as she steps onto the bus with Percy, the doors shut and you wave to them as they drive away.

You sigh as you head back towards your home. The sitting room lights flicker as you sit on the sofa, you turn the tv on to the news. It was more coverage on those ghosts, they had been showing up for as long as you can remember. Personally you didn't think they were ghosts, they seemed wrong. There was a little voice calling to you, telling you to think otherwise.

You look to the fob watch on the coffee table, you pick it up and twirl it in your fingers, you're about to open it when you're stopped by a shrill scream. You jump to your feet and run over to the window.

You were right, they weren't ghosts, they were Cybermen. You shake your head, they were robots. You grab the watch from the table and slide it into the pocket of your navy leather jacket. A robot makes its way towards your front door, your eyes widen as you head for the stairs. You make it to the top as the door is blown off of the hinges.

'Under Perciv's bed' a voice whispers.

You don't question it as you head to Percy's room and roll under the bed. Attached to the wood it a high tech gun, you smile at the sight of it but don't remember ever seeing it before, you pull it from its binding. You roll out from under the bed and throw the window open as Percy's door is smashed open.

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