The Time Lord Born From War

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Part 4

"Impossible," you say as you rush towards the Tardis, the ship hums softly as you press a hand to the wood. "I've missed you old girl." You push open the door and pop your head inside, no one was in. You look around the room, it was empty. From above the sound of metallic footsteps echo through the walls, you sigh and take off down a random corridor. A door flies open and a Cyberman steps out, you groan in annoyance, "Listen buddy, I don't have time for this. So either take me to my husband or be shot."

"Time Lord located." it says bluntly, you roll your eyes and cock your gun.

"You are the weakest link," you pull the trigger, "goodbye."

You push past its smoking corpse and head up the stairs that the door lead to, "Elevators, has nobody heard of those here." your push yourself up each step despite the feeling of wanting to be sick washing over you at least twice. After a few floors you hear a female voice coming towards you, you push through a door and come face to face with an older woman with blond hair. You press a finger to your lips and point up before stepping into the corridor she was in.

"Whats your name?" you ask as you sonic the door and press your ear against it, the footsteps had stopped, you turn back to the woman with your eye brows raised, "Well?"

"Jackie, sorry its just...The Doctor uses one of those."

Your eyes widen, "Where is he?"

"I don't know, we were separated."

You smile, "As long as he's alive. Come on then." you walk down the corridor with Jackie at your side, "Is he still old?"

Jackie shakes her head, "He used to be but then he changed, he looks at least thirty five."

"I hope his face ain't pretty because I would really hate to bruise it with the slap I'm about to give him. First he runs away from battle, then he leave me behind and now he turns up alive. I have been human for a ridiculous amount of time, do you know what its like to have only one heart. Well of course you do you are human. Sorry I'm rambling aren't I" you give Jackie a sheepish smile.

"A match made in heaven," she mumbles. You shove your arm out infront of her, halting her as you cock your gun. A Cybermen steps out infront of you.

"Time Lord Identified." it says to no one in particular before raising its arm.

"Too slow."you say as you pull the trigger. The Cybermen explodes but its not because of your gun, its because of another shot by a man at the front of a group of people.

Jackie eyes widen, "Pete?" you look between the two.

"This looks awkward." Jackie nods and points towards a man in a brown pinstripe suit.

"Theres your one."

Your eyes narrow as they meet his, he looked as if he had seen a ghost which he practically had. You walk towards him with a frown on your face, you stand infront of him and place a hand on his cheek.

"(y/n)." he whispers as tears line his eyes, you draw your hand back and slap him hard across the cheek, "What was that for?" he asks as he raises a hand to his throbbing cheek.

"My name is General, not gen, not (y/n). General. You lost the right to call me that when you completely ignored my orders and left me to die on Gallifrey. The fall of Arcadia was the worst thing I have ever had to witness and I saw it all by myself because both you and my brother ran away. I even ended up adopting two kids, they had to go into the chameleon arch, all because of you."

The doctor reaches his hand out towards you but you move away, you look over your shoulder to Jackie, she was hugging the man she named Pete. You smile at the pair before turning back towards your husband and pushing past him. A man grabs your arm, you slap his hand away.

"Do not touch me."

"I'm trying to stop you from getting killed. That way is worse than the other." he says bluntly.

You rest your hand on his shoulder and give him a smile, "I have fought wars that raged over planets and galaxies. Nothing down there is going to phase me, love."

"Not even a Dalek,"

Your face falls and your hand drops to your side, you cock your gun and place your sonic between your teeth. The key in your pocket burned yellow, it glowed in your hand and brightened more when you took the sonic from your teeth and buzzed it again. The familiar sound of a materialising Tardis fills your ears, you smile as the ship lands just infront of you. You push the door open and step inside.

Greens and blues fill your sights along with your arsenal spread out along the floor. Remnants of the time war were still visible within the ship, maps and guns and the chameleon arch telling people of what was here once upon a time. You throw the Tardis' key into a pot on top of the console and grab the biggest gun from the floor.

The door clicks shut, you sigh as the Doctor stands alone in the doorway, "I thought you were dead, thats the only reason I didn't look for you. I didn't listen to you and i'm sorry, I'm sorry for so many things. Please don't act like we are nothing when the ring on your finger says otherwise."

"I waited for you, I fought every Dalek I saw because I was afraid they would kill you if i didn't. I don't need an apology, I just need you to help me kill the things that killed out children."

He walks towards you and takes your hands in his, "For you, anything." his arms wrap around your waist and pull you into his chest, "I'm sorry, (y/n)"

"I know."

You press a quick kiss to his cheek before stepping out of his embrace, you load your guns and step out of the ship. You smile at the small group of people that were huddled outside of the ship.

"Well it was very nice meeting you all but I have a war to finish. It seems only fitting that the first one to go into battle in the time war should end it completely. Take care of my husband, oh and would it be possible for someone to pick two children up from school if I don't return."

"You're coming back." the Doctor says as he shuts the door behind the two of you, "I just got you back, you aren't leaving me again."

"You could never really get rid of me love." you press a kiss to his lips and nod at the group of confused humans before turning away from them all and heading towards the bane of your life., "Allon-sy." you yell as you aim and fire at a Cyberman.

The Doctor watches you with tears in his eyes, he knew you weren't going to come back but he just couldn't move. He watched as you disappear around a corner, gun raised, pain in your eyes. His wife driven by anguish, it wasn't the first time he had seen you like this and he hoped it wouldn't be the last.

But he was right, you weren't going to come back. He realised that when he found your body on the ground, a smile on your face, Cybermen surrounding you. The Doctor fell to his knees, tears left his eyes. His wife was taken from him twice but this time it felt so much worse. He cups your cheek with his hand and presses a kiss to your forehead.

"I love you." he whispers to no one but himself.


I hate this ending a lot but I'm half asleep and I'm ill so this really isn't going to get any better, sorry!

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