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A gasp escapes your lips as fingers prod into your side, you squirm under his grasp, hoping to escape him. His laugh echoes off of the Tardis walls, the sound makes your heart flutter along with the butterflies in your stomach.

"Just say sorry." he says through chuckles. You shake your head in defiance, refusing to apologise for something you weren't even sorry for.

"I will never apologies for calling you sand shoes." he stops tickling your sides, "You are such a child." He smiles down at you, his gaze makes you shift underneath him. "What are you looking at, Dork?"

His fingers trace shapes softly against your skin, each movement sending a shiver up your spine. You take the moment to fully come to the realisation of the position the two of you are in. The Doctor straddles your hips, his hand are both soft and firm against your waist, the eccentric hair on his head was close enough to brush against you nose. You blush at the close contact, although the pair of you confessed to liking each other, nothing had come out of it.

"You were wrong by the way." he whispers, his voice gentler than a mother speaking to a child. You raise a brow.

"About what?"

His fingers dance up from your waist on one side, one hand rests against your cheek whilst the other keeps itself planted on your waist. "You once said that I could never love someone more than Rose, everyone else would be just like Martha. You were wrong."

The Doctor runs his thumb over your lip, you swear he could hear your heart beating out of your chest. "Who do you love, Doc?"

He leans down, his lips brush against yours, his breath fans your face. "You, Dork."

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