Poof, You're Gone

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Part 4

"Are they dead?" you ask as the Tardis throws you forward and into the console, you take a deep breath, the impact knocking all of the air from your body. The Doctor starts to hit a button with a hammer and flicks the switch closest to him.

He steadies the ship, "Uhhhh..." his eyes study a screen, "Yes but we still have a little problem."

"Harrison by any chance." the Doctor nods, "Don't worry about him, I have that all sorted."

The Doctor shakes his head as he chucks the hammer behind him and pushes the scanner back to its original place, the time lord sighs and holds out his hand, his fingers flexing.

"Give me the gun, murder is not the answer." the Doctor says tiredly, almost like he had said this line to one too many people.

You shake your head and pass him the gun, "I don't see why not..." he puts the gun under the console, "Put it on safety. Anyway, I don't see why I don't have a right to put a bullet through his skull, he had me hunted by Daleks and stole weaponry so he could sell it to random strangers.

The Doctor leans against the console, arms folded across his chest, "Isn't that how your company runs. You steal alien tech and start wars which I, by the way, have to end. Me alone. I don't think you understand the fact that you are no different to Harrison."

You raise your eye brows and perch yourself on the edge of the captains chair, "There is a difference, that difference being that if I try to kill someone I do it myself. You might have saved my life but there is no way you are going to be able to save his. I am truly sorry, maybe after all of this blows over I will end some of the wars you talk of but right now there is a man who has tried to kill me. You see that word tried, he tried and failed, I won't make the same mistake."

"I know you won't kill him, I have seen this future play out, I know your future self. You never kill that man, you do try but you never go through with it." the Doctor sounded so sure of himself, he  knew you better than you knew yourself, your future was his future.

You shake you head, "Trafalgar Square." 

"What?" he asks, confusion lacing his words for the first time in almost ever.

"I want you to leave me in Trafalgar Square, I'm going to kill Harrison and you can find me afterwards. If you know me so well you know where I live." you stand from the chair and head towards the Tardis door, your fingers wrap around the banister, "Don't make me ask twice."

The sound of feet on metal fills your ears as the Doctor starts up the Tardis, you increase your grip as the ship enters the vortex, the trip was as bumpy as ever. The Doctors eyes meet yours as he steers the ship through time, they were sad but full of hope. You break the contact and look towards the door.

The ships stops and you instantly leave, refusing to say goodbye to the man.

The square was quieter than usual but that was probably something to do with the nipping cold air, you roll your shoulders and take a deep breath before heading towards Harrison's home. As you walk the pavement the Doctors words replay in your head, what did he mean by you were no different to Harrison. There were many differences, one being he was a male and you weren't. You sigh as you finally rule out all of your arguments and come to the conclusion that the Doctor was right. You frown as you see the lights in Harrison's pent house are on, you had kind of hoped to maybe smother him in his sleep or something, anything that included not being able to see the panic in his eyes.

You enter the building and smile at Teddy, the receptionist, before entering the elevator and pressing the button for pent house. The journey lasted for hours, each second double and then tripled, dragging themselves out as far as possible. Harrison deserved this, he tried to kill you. He deserved to go through the same thing you did, well maybe not quite the same but close enough.

You pull your second gun from your waist band and turn the safety off.

The doors open.

Harrison freezes as he see's you from the door way of his kitchen, "(y/n), how are you-"

"Alive? Well basically I just don't die but you-" you point the gun towards him, "You on the other hand have less of a chance of survival. Why would you try and kill me, Harry?"

He points a finger at you, "Why? WHY! Because we were supposed to be partners but everything was really just a dictator ship. You did every deal, came up with every plan, I just sat there and looked pretty."

"And this is why I ran the company, because you couldn't even look pretty. Honestly Harry, if all of this was over power then you are such an idiot. You some how contacted Daleks and had them try and kill me. One slight problem, I'm alive and they were blown up along with the compound." His face falls, "Whats wrong, Harry? We're you expecting a bunch of money, did you want to be a billionaire. Well let me tell you something, you will never be a billionaire because you couldn't even kill little old me, let alone run a company by yourself."

"So what are you going to do?" he steps closer, the barrel of the gun now pressed against his chest, "Are you going to kill me?"

Your eyes refused to meet his as you added pressure to the trigger, you pause, your finger close to ending the mans life. You shake your head and put the safety on.

Harrison sighs in relief, "Why did you change your mind."

"Because watching you turn bankrupt, your life crumble and seeing your whole life go down the drain would be a lot better to watch." you say as your eyes finally meet his, "But-" you throw your fist towards his face, it connects with his nose, a sickening crunch fills the room, "That made me feel slightly better, goodbye, Harry." you turn away from him and enter the elevator.

You watch him hold his nose as the elevator doors shut.


The door to your house opens, you don't even bother to look towards it or the footsteps that grow closer.

"I couldn't do it, you were right."

"I'm always right." says the Doctor with a slight smile on his face, he sits next to you and pulls you into a side hug, "You did the right thing by not hurting him."

"I broke his nose."

The Doctor sighs, "You did the right thing by not killing him."

You smile to yourself, "I guess I did."

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