Poof, You're Gone

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Part 3

"A bomb, what was the point of putting us on this side of the compound if all you had to do was get a bomb?" you ask, your cheeks slightly pink as the Doctors breath fans your face.

He blinks himself out of his trance and stands straight, he runs a hand through his hair, "Well, I need to blow the whole compound but to do that we have to be on this side."

Your eyes widen, "You are not blowing the whole compound." The Doctor gives you a look that says otherwise, "But..."

"No buts...its either the Daleks and the compound or You. I can't let you die."

You frown, "How does this turn out for me, how do you even know what happens?"

The time lord leans against the wall, a frown on his face, "I told you, I'm a time lord, I travel through time." you nod, signalling your interest, "This...this never happened when the Daleks originally attacked. I wasn't here, you died after an hour, the Daleks broke through the deadlocks and Harrison become a billionaire. I was speaking with my friend who runs torch wood, he told me about this place and about a girl who died in fire."

You swallow the lump in your throat, "Jack hates me, why would he help me."

"He isn't helping you, I am." says the Doctor with a small smile.

You nod and stand from your seat, you walk over to a wall with a key pad, you press in the code and the door opens. 

"You want a bomb, I'll give you a bomb." the Doctor follows you down a short corridor full of weaponry and documents that no one but you had access to, you had started to hide them when you found out that Harrison was stealing money and doing private sales.

You stop at a door way and clap your hands, lights turn on and brighten the large room before you. Each wall was full of different tech ranging from Dalek to Zygon. You let the Doctor enter, he narrows his eyes as he looks between the different boxes, a small smile dances on his lips as he see' what he looking for.

A dalek blaster, cyberman head and a sontaran bomb.

"Thats an odd combination, Doc" you say as you walk over to the opposite side of the work bench he was using, the time lord just shakes his head and begins to use, what appears to be a glowing screwdriver, to connect wires. He pulls apart the Sontaran bomb, half of it being chucked and the other half being attached to the Cyberman head. The Dalek blaster is emptied out, each piece of Skaro tech being attached to wires.

"Any reason this is all being wired up to a Cyberman head?" the Doctor nods and uses the screwdriver to activate the bomb.

"It will increase the size of the explosion, now we have 8 minutes to get this bomb back to your office and escape. So, run." He takes your hand and grabs the bomb, the time lord pulls you own the corridor and into your office. He places the bomb on your desk, the time now at six and a half minutes. The Doctor begins to open the office door before you stop him, you tap a finger to your ear.

The Daleks had made it through the dead locks and they were outside the door. You turn round as quietly as possible and grab your lap top, you press a couple of keys, activating P.I.E.R.C.E down the corridor. The computer de-activates all the deadlocks and readies the Dalek blasters.

The sound of a blaster shot resonates down the corridor, sending the Daleks into a frenzy, "The Doctor has been located!" the Dalek outside the door screeches. You place the computer on the floor and wait for the Dalek to move, the Doctor creeks the door open and peeks through the crack. He grabs your hand and pulls you down the corridor towards the Tardis.

The blue ship stands at the end of the corner, the two of you push yourself to reach the ship before the Daleks reach you. The Doctor pushes open the door and nudges you inside first, he enters seconds later. The time lord runs towards the console and presses a bunch of buttons, you lean against the Tardis doors a smile on your face.

"That was close-." you're cut off by the sound of a moving Dalek.

"The Doctor has been located!" it screams, its blaster already shooting the Tardis.

The Doctor smiles, "Allons-y." he presses the last button, sending the pair of you into the time vortex and away from the explosion that would happen in...3...2...1.

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