I Want One Now

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(Mali is going to be your niece name because I just said so...)(Also sorry about the delay and the lack of posts this last what, 2 weeks?)

The Doctor sits on the porch with your niece on his lap. You smile at your boyfriend as he points at different parts of the sky, your niece giggles as he tells her stories of Mars and Jupiter and all of the aliens encountered on your adventures.

"(y/n), did you really meet talking cats?" your niece asks as you sit next to the Doctor on the porch.

You smile at the five year old, "Many times, some nice and some mean."

Mali giggles, "I want to meet a talking cat."

"Maybe when you're older." the Doctor says with a smile, "Right now, the only thing you're meeting is your bed."

Mali turns to face the Doctor, a frown on her innocent face, "But I want to talk about space."

The Doctor wraps his arms around the girls waist and stands, Mali's cheek rests against his shoulder as he carries her into your home and up the stairs to her room.

You stand in the doorway, a gentle smile on your face as the Doctor tucks the girl in.

"Night, Li." he presses a kiss to her forehead before leaving the room and shutting the door behind the two of you.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks as he takes your hand, leading the pair of you to your room.

"You sure you don't want kids." you say softly as you enter your room, the Doctor sighs and shakes his head. He brings your hand to his lips.

"I never said that I don't want kids, I just said that the life we live would be too dangerous to bring a child up in." he moves his lips from your hand to your lips, he pecks them before removing his jacket.

You fall back onto your bed, "I see the way you look at Mali, your smile doesn't quite reach your eyes. I know why you don't want kids, Doc. I just, I don't know. I guess I was just hoping that you would change your mind considering the fact that you only just met Mali and the two of you are inseparable."

The Doctor lies next to you and pulls you into his chest, "(Y/n), my love. I would love to have a child with you but not right now. Maybe in a year or so, just give me time." you sigh but nod your head, "Anyways, enough of us talking about our kids. When does your sister get here tomorrow with..."

"She'll be here at noon plus the baby's name is Olly, try not to forget that by tomorrow." the Doctor presses a kiss to your forehead before snuggling his head into a mixture of his pillow and your hair.

Mali squeals as her mum walks through the door with her newborn son in her arms. Your brother in law looked more exhausted than his wife as he carried a handful of bags in with him.

You smile at your sister, she was exhausted but she wouldn't let anyone know as she sat down on your sofa with Olly in her arms and Mali next to her.

"Hi Olly, Im your big sister." Mali whispers as Olly takes her finger in his small hand. You and the Doctor sit across from your sister, both of you with smiles on your face.

"You want to hold him." your sister says, her eyes landing on the Doctor. The Time lord nods but his face was unsure. Ever since the time war he had been terrified of hurting anymore children.

Your sister places the tiny baby in his arms, the Doctor smiles down at the baby in his arms before his eyes flick over to you, "I've changed my mind, I want one now."

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