
586 22 16

Request by SuperNovaRueGrey23

The Doctor flicks the switches on the console, the Tardis protests every time he hits the wrong button but continues through the vortex at a faster speed than before. Panic fuelled him, the thought of you in danger putting him into overdrive.

The Tardis follows after the ship in front, the one you were confined to. The Doctor couldn't lock onto it, not in the vortex and especially not with the speed of either ships. He almost loses all hope when the ship in front, one owned by a race he had never seen before, blinks out of existence.

"No no no no no, I just locked on, they can't just disappear." he studies the screen infront of him, the whole ship had just disappeared, not a trace of it left behind other than a small bleeping signal left within the Tardis. The Doctor thinks for a moment before deciding to just be his usual genius self, he was going to save you and he was going to do it with a remote sense of style.


It had been a week, the Doctor still hadn't found you and for the first time in the six months you had been with the man, you had little hope in him ever finding you. Your captors were something you had never seen before, the Doctor said the exact same thing before they grabbed you, trapping you on their ship with crappy bedside manners.

Occasionally they would slip you food, probably just to keep you alive until the trip was over so they could do whatever they wanted with you. Your door was always guarded, never once did you get a moment alone.

"You're cutting shit really close this time, Doc." You chuckle, the thought of possibly dying wasn't even enough to scare you at this point, the whole week had been complete hell and death would, at this point, be a blessing.

The ship jostles, pipes whistle and rust falls from the walls. The thing seemed almost ancient, how it went through the vortex was a question that remained unanswered. Aggravated shouting sounds down the hall, the guard at your door runs down to meet the distress. You stand from the floor covered in dried blood and poke your head out of the barred window of your door. Shadows moved, figures emerge. A smile forms on your face as both the Doctor and Jack come out of the dark.

"Took your time." you say though it didn't sound as jokey as you had hoped, all optimism was gone from your voice, replace by exhaustion and pain.

The Doctor stretches out his arm, the sonic unlocks your door, instantly his arms wrap around you. "I was supposed to be here a week ago, I know but the Tardis refused." Your eyes land on Jack who gives you a wave.

"Let me guess, Tardis didn't work, vortex manipulator did?"

Jack shows you the device on his wrist. "Always does, don't know why he doesn't trust it."

"Because it's disgusting." the Doctor lets you go to grab the vortex manipulator, it sparks as he sonics it but the Doctor doesn't seem alarmed. He takes your hand and places it on the manipulator as well. "Better get going before they find out I blew up their ship."

"You what-" You stumble as you land in the Tardis. "I think i'm going to be sick."

The Doctor sits you down in the captains chair, his eyes scan your body looking for any cuts or bruises. He sighs in relief when he finds none, he lets his hands rest on either side of you.

Jack watches with a knowing smile on his face. "You should have heard the amount of abuse I have had from him, threatened my life at one point. Now look at him, ready to kiss you, ain't got the guts to do it." The Doctor glares at Jack. "Well, i'll be going, bye." Jack waves as he leaves the two of you alone.

You turn his face towards you. "You worry too much, dear." His brown eyes stare into yours, a mixture of emotions rest within the irises. "I'm fine, ok, stop looking at me like i'm going to disappear. You found me."

"Thats not why i'm looking at you." he raises a hand to your face, resting it on your cheek. "Jack was right, I can't do it."

You lean forward, your lips brush against his as you speak. "I can."

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