The Time Lord Born From War

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Part 1

It was hard for you to breath, the air thick with smoke, the sound of choking filling your ears. It was on fire, everything was a light with the amber glow that was killing anything and everyone it touched. Children scream as they lose sight of their parents, their eyes full of tears and their ears full of blood.

Your head spins, the sight making you sick to your stomach. You search for your brother in the rubble and flames but he was no where to be found, it was unlikely he was still on the planet, not that that surprised you. The Master would forever be a scared little boy crying because of the drums in his head.

Daleks screech in the sky, the whole of Skaro descends from above, Gallifrey was close to death.

You were close to death.

You scramble forward and hide behind what was left of a pillar. Next to you is a pair of children, their eyes full of pain, their nimble frames shaking in fright. You give them a small smile, it was clearly forced and hard for you to maintain but you tried to keep a positive attitude despite what was happening around you.

"What are you're names!" You shout over the sound of heavy gunfire, the children shrink back against a wall and give each other a look.

The girl presses the younger boys head against her chest, covering his head with her hands, "Ty, my name is Ty and this is my brother Perciv."

You move closer to the children, hoping to protect them from any straggling Dalek that came towards you, "Well I'm (y/n) but most people call me Gen, short for general."

The children's eyes widen, "You are the master sister but that means you're also the D-" You press your hand to her mouth and lift a finger to your own.

"Don't move a muscle, do you understand." You whisper as you crouch and head over to the edge of the wall, you sigh and pull a gun from your pocket.

Ty pushes her brother behind her as you poke your head around the corner of the wall, four Daleks had converged, pushing a group of people together. There was no escape, not one of them was going to survive.

You turn to the kids and wink, trying to hide your nervousness, "Look after each other." they nod with frowns on their dirtied, innocent faces.

With a deep breath you move from behind the wall, your gun raised and war face on. This wasn't the first time you had faced Daleks but you wished that the last time you did would have been the final time. It wasn't though, nothing ever works out.

The Daleks were born out of hate and with them was you, the last time lord born in war.

The four Daleks turn to you, their eyes narrowing and flexing behind the mechanics, "The General has been located!" One screeches, no doubt to warn their ships in the sky. If you were here then so was your partner in crime.

"I have watched too many people burn, a society fall to the ground and blood shed that would put the earth to shame. The Dalek race, made from hate and born into war. What chance do you stand against me." Your eyes study the enemy, each of them standing still and silent.

"All Dalek converge, all Dalek converge. The General has been located!" You sneer as you pull the trigger, the blast wiping out the small group of genocide frenzied maniacs.

"Get the hell out of here." You yell to the group as you rush back to where you left Ty and Perciv, the children squeal as you pick the pair of them up and head towards the easiest area of defence that you had picked out when this whole war started. This battle would be the fall of Arcadia but there was no way in hell you were going to just let the planet burn.

The time lords numbers had fallen, only a handful of them still alive and trying to protect their home. Almost every soldier was dead, they had almost all died on the first day of battle. You lead each time lord into the time war but only carried a handful of them out.

You never chose the name General, it was your birth right, it was to be given to the child born out of war and pain. You were a symbol of the past victory and now you were the one everyone looked up to, you were their leader and saviour.

But, without your brother you would crumble and without the Doctor there by your side there was no doubt you would die without seeing him one last time, this war would be the end of you.

This war would be the end of everything.

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