The Time Lord Born From War

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Part 2

"You, you and you." you point towards various Gallifreyan's, "Protect the north wall, there are two entry points, protect them all." they all nod and take their guns from their pockets. Two soldiers from your first battle take the south wall with their bigger guns and mount them onto two fallen pillars on either side of the door way. You had decided to take the east and west walls, they would be easy enough to protect from any Daleks and they gave you enough of a view of the city.

Everything was collapsing, the orange planet had flames to match. The sky trench were breached and falling from the air, Daleks stalked every inch of Arcadia, searching for any Gallifreyan and time lord they could point their gun at.

At the start of the time war nothing was nearly this bad, civilisations fell and planets burned but not Gallifrey. The planet still thrived and held its own but the second the sky trenches were breached the planet was doomed. You had lead the armies to battle only ten minutes after the Daleks entered the inner atmosphere. You had killed many of the race but they killed many more of your own.

The Master had spent no time waiting around on Gallifrey, he was resurrected to assist you in battle and lead Gallifrey to victory but instead he ran and you would never see him again unless you were able to find your Tardis or the Doctor.

That nut-job of a time lord had been blowing Dalek ships from the sky ever since they reached the towers and started shooting down upon the children. The double heartbeat of every time lord had quickened as they readied themselves for the end of time itself.

But not you, you never lost hope despite the fact you had lost all of your men, your brother and now apparently the Doctor too. He hadn't been seen for a little while, not since he had shot his message of 'NO MORE' into a single wall and was fired upon by any Dalek that could see him.

It wasn't like him to just disappear so he either had a plan or he had been killed, from where you stood there was not even a glimpse of his blue box on either side. The skies were just full of the enemy and the Tardis' of those who remained on the battle field.

You load your gun and point it towards the east as the sound of a moving Dalek fills your ears over the ricocheting gun fire and screams. It turns the corner and is met by your gun.

"Big mistake." you say as you pull the trigger and split the Dalek into two.

Ty and Perciv cling to each other as they lay against the only wall that had no sign of war etched on it, not even a single gun shot had pierced the wall. You crouch down in front of them and remove your coat, you lay it over their shaking bodies and smile.

The pair reminded you of your children, they had been lost within twenty minutes of the time war. Shot dead by a group of Daleks before you or your husband could get to them. You remember pulling them into your arms, both of their faces pressed into your chest as you let out a blood curdling scream. They were so young, so innocent, so full of life and rebelliousness like you and the Doctor.

The two of you had lost your children, along with them he lost hope and mercy, you had not. You protected everyone you could whilst he killed anything he could get his hands on. He hadn't followed you into battle, he instead over took you and blew armadas from the sky. He had regenerated into someone you didn't recognise, someone unknown to you, someone you wished belonged to another mind.

He was your husband but he was also a coward full of mourning. The Doctor refused to fight on the front lines and now he was no where to be found. Were you to trust in him or go against your better judgement and escape from this world with the rest of these people in your Tardis.

Were you to forget about your life and your children and live in a world without your husband because it was easier than excepting that maybe, just this once, the Doctor wasn't coming back.

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