[ 002 ] children of adam and eve.

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chapter two, children of adam and eve.
[ to narnia ]


"Bloody hell!" She exclaims.

Peter and Edmund share a look full of shock. They glance back at their sisters. Then they take off to the mansion. Lucy, Susan, amd Rose scramble to this feet to chase after them.

Racing into the home, they stop when they reach Edmund and Peter. All five stare at the knightly armor that Edmund knocked over with the ball. Rose glances over her shoulder at the shattered window. She's going to leave the scene of the crime before Mrs. Macready finds them.

"Well done, Ed." Peter said sarcastically.

"You bowled it!" Edmund retorted.

"What on Earth is goin' on?" They heard the Macready.

"The Macready!" Susan said and they all took off. They looked for several places to hide until they ran into the spare room. They stared at the wardrobe as Edmund ran to it.

"Come on!"

"You've got to be joking." Susan said. The heard footsteps and ran towards it. Edmund and Lucy were the first two in. Followed by Susan, Rose, and Peter.

The five yelled at each other until Peter and Susan fell back. They both looked in shock and stood up. Rose stepped into the snow after them, "impossible." Susan said.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's just your imagination." Lucy said to them

"I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it." Peter said to her.

"No. It wouldn't. But that might!" Lucy threw a snowball at Peter, hitting him right in the face.

The four broke out in a snowball fight until they heard Edmund, "ow! Stop it!"

"You little lair." Peter said darkly.

"You didn't believe her, either." Ed said to him.

"Apologize to Lucy. Say you're sorry!" Peter stepped closer to him.

"Alright! I'm sorry." Edmund said to her.

"That's alright. Some little children don't know when to stop pretending." Lucy responded. Rose smirked.

"Oh, very funny." Edmund mumbled.

"Maybe we should go back." Susan suggested.

"But shouldn't we at least take a look around?" Edmund asked.

"I think Lucy should decide." Peter said and turned to Lucy.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!" She said excitedly.

"Well, then Mr. Tumnus it is." Peter said and moved back toward the wardrobe.

"But we can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this." Susan said. Rose looking down at her own clothing. It was a black and blue skirt with a blue button up tucked into it.

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