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Rose and Caspian sat together as they listened to Drininan. Caspian's arm was around his wife as they watched the troubling waters and storm.

"So we're stuck here at half - rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum. This is your last chance to turn back, Your Majesties. There's no guarantee we'll spot the Blue Star anytime soon. Not in this storm. Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place. We could sail right past it and off the edge of the world."

"Or get eaten by a sea serpent." Edmund replied.

"I'm just saying the men are getting nervous. These are stranger seas we're sailing, the likes of which I've never seen before." Drinian said. Caspian stood.

"Then perhaps, Captain, you should be the one to tell Mr. Rhince that we're abandoning the search for his family."

"I'll get back to it. Just a warning. The sea can play nasty tricks on the crews minds. Very nasty." Drinian said and walked off.

Caspian hit his fist against the table, "Caspian." Rose stood and grabbed his hand. He looked down at her, "calm down, my love." She said to him.


Rose stood in front of a burning castle. Inside was her family and Caspian. "No!" She screamed in shock as the castle collapsed. "No! No! No!" She ran towards the castle only to be stuck in place. "No! Caspian! Susan! Ed! Peter! Lucy! Please." She sobbed as the rest of the castle collapsed. Her sobs echoed through the air as she had just lost everyone.

She woke with a gasp. Caspian shot up right after her. "I can't sleep." They heard Lucy say.

"Let me guess. Bad dreams." Edmund said. Rose look over at him. She felt Caspian's hand grip hers. She gripped his back, "so either we're all going mad, or something is playing with our minds." Edmund laid back.

Lucy soon left to go back to her quarters which she shared with Gael, Mr. Rhince's daughter who snuck abroad.

Rose couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Caspian had his chest pressed against her back as she started at the wall. He couldn't sleep either. His hands ran up and down her side to comfort her. "I can't sleep." Rose whispered to him. Edmund fell asleep shortly after Lucy left.

"Neither can I." Caspian replied. Rose rolled over to face him. The locked eyes and Caspian gently kissed her lips. Rose kissed him back. Rose felt Caspian's teeth graze her bottom lip causing her to gasp. The two needed to get those awful dreams out of their heads.

They pulled away and Caspian stared at her with his dark eyes that Rose fell in love with, "I told you. I'd have my way with while your siblings were abroad. Better yet while ones in the same room as us." He said darkly, lustfully.

Rose grinned and moved on top of him to where she was straddling his waist. "You'll have to be quiet now. Wouldn't want to wake up Ed." Rose said to him and smirked.

"Oh, love. You're the only that'll have to keep quiet."


The next day some of the crew were paddling to the island. "I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege. There's no sign of anything living." Reepicheep said from the other longboat.

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