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it had been a year since they left narnia. a year since they left their double life. every trace of narnia had been erased from them all except for the memories of the magical place. athough, the necklace of eve had never left rose's body. the necklace didn't burn in the face of danger as is used to. it just simply laid there on her chest.

at the current moment, rose was rushing behind edmund toward the fight. "ed, stop!" edmund quickly tackled one of the boys peter were fighting. she watched in horror as one shoved peter and held his head by the rail road track.

"stop!" rose yelled and quickly rushed down the rest of the stairs. she tried to pull the boy off of him but edmund pulled her back, "don't get yourself hurt." he said to her and tackled another one.

they heard the sound of a whistle blowing and saw guards running their way. the students all rushed off leaving peter, edmund, rose and the idiots they were fighting. "act your age!" nne yelled.

the siblings all sat on a bench with rose pacing in front of them, "you're welcome." edmund said to peter.

"i had it sorted." peter replied.

"what was it this time?" susan asked as peter stood up.

"he bumped me." peter replied and rose stopped pacing and looked at her older brother, "so you hit him?"

"no. after he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. that's when i hit him." peter said.

"really? is it that hard just to walk away?" susan asked.

"i shouldn't have to. i mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" peter asked.

"um, we are kids." edmund said.

"well, I wasn't always." peter replied, "it's been a year. how long does he expect us to wait?"

"i think it's time to accept that we live here. it's no use pretending any different."

"no, my home is narnia." rose piped.

"oh, no. pretend you're talking to me." susan said.

"we are talking to you." edmund replied.

"ow!" lucy suddenly shouted and shot up.

"quiet, lu." susan said.

"something pinched me!" she said to them. the siblings all clamored about, "it feels like magic!"

"quick, everyone hold hands." susan said.

"i'm not holding your hand!" edmund yelled at peter.

"just..." peter grabbed his hand. rose held onto edmund's other hand. they all watched as the train station was pulled apart and the train finally passed them.

they then stood in a cave. they walked forward.

"it's home." rose immediately said.

The siblings all raced towards the ocean, stripping of their shoes, jackets, and scarves. They all ran into the crystal blue water splashing and laughing. Edmund stopped, "where do you suppose we are?" He asked.

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