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They exited the tent and saw Orieus. He nodded towards a rock and they saw their brother and Aslan talking. Susan and Lucy left their tent and saw what the two were looking at, "Edmund!" Lucy went to run toward him but Peter stopped her.

Aslan and Edmund soon made their way toward the siblings, "what's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about the past." Aslan sauntered off.

"Hello." Edmund said. Lucy walked forward and hugged him. She moved away from him and Rose stared at him. Susan hugged him.

She pulled away and Edmund stared at Rose, "come here you, bloody idiot." She smiled and pulled her brother into a hug. He hugged her back tightly.

"Are you alright?" She asked him to which he responded with, "I'm a little tired."

"Get some sleep." Peter said and Edmund walked off, "and Edmund, try not to wander off." The two brothers grinned.


"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed." Lucy said to her brother.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." Peter spoke from his spot where he was leaning against the rocks behind them.

"We're going home?" Susan asked.

"You are. I promised mum I'd keep you four safe." He moved and sat with them, "but that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."

"But they need us. All five of us." Lucy said.

"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed! Rose was attacked by a wolf!" Peter said.

"Which is why we have to stay. I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

"Well I suppose that's it then." Susan said and
stood up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked her. She grabbed her bow and arrow and replied, "to get in some practice."


Peter, Edmund, and Rose all rode on horses fighting with their swords. Teaching Edmund how to fight.

"Peter, Edmund, Rose!" They heard. Beaver ran towards them. "The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here."

The siblings ran back to the camp where they saw everyone crowded around. Rose's eyes stared daggers at her. She looked from the Witch to Aslan who growled lowly. The one eyed creatures sat her down and she stood.

She carried herself with pride as she walked forward. Her eyes looked to Edmund. Rose grabbed Ed's wrist and pulled him slightly back.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She said to him.

"His offense wasn't not against you." Aslan stated.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" The Witch asked him.

Aslan growled, "do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."

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