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Rose and Caspian were about a grand ship called the Dawn Treader. They had been set sail for a year in search of the seven lords of Telmar.

Rose was the only female aboard the ship. Some days it was harder than others but Caspian always defended her when one of the crew members disrespected his love. Not that Rose couldn't defend herself. She could very well actually.

"Man overboard!" The men shouted. Rose rushed to the side of the boat and watched as whoever it was in the water get lifted up with Caspian.

"Rose!" The girl said and the woman's eyes widened.

"Lucy!" Rose said happily and rushed to her sister. The two hugged tightly before pulling away. She saw Edmund and their cousin Eustace. Rose and Edmund hugged.

"That was thrilling." Lucy said.

"How in the world did you end up here?" Caspian asked her.

"I have no idea." Lucy replied. They heard a scream before they heard Eustace's voice, "hey that thing off me! Get off me!" He slung Reepicheep away from him.

"Reepicheep!" Lucy said happily.

"Oh. Your Majesties." He said as he looked up at them.

"Hello, Reep. What a pleasure." Edmund said.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir. But first, what to do about this hysterical interloper?" Reepicheep pointed at Eustace.

"That's giant rat thing tried to claw my face off!" He shouted and pointed accusingly as Reep.

"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, sir." Reep replied.

"It talked! Did anyone see? Didn't anyone just hear that? It talked!" Eustace shouted.

"He always talks." A crew member said.

"It's actually getting him to shut up is the trick." Caspian said. Rose laughed gently while looking down at the mouse.

"The moment there is nothing to be said, Your Highness. I promise you, I will not say it." The mouse said to him.

"I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I want to wake up right now!" Eustace shouted.

"Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reep asked his king and queen. Rose shrugged.

"Rose!" Lucy hit her arm.

"What? He's screaming bloody murder! And he's just fainted as well, I believe." Rose said. Caspian walked towards some of the crew members surrounding the young boy.


Rose and Caspian led the two to a room, "Aslan." Lucy said at the sight of the golden lion, "look, it's Susan's bow and arrows."

"Lucy." Caspian said and held out a box to the young girl.

She grinned in delight, "my healing cordial and dagger. Oh, may I?" She asked the king.

"Of course, they're yours." Cas replied.

"Peter's sword." Edmund said.

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