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The siblings and Trumpkin watched as the Telmarines cut down the trees. The sounds of horses caught their attention and they all ducked, "perhaps, this wasn't the best way to come after all." Susan said. Peter walked off with they other trailing behind him.

"So, where exactly did you see Aslan?" Peter asked Lucy.

"I wish you'd all stop trying to sounds like grown - ups. I don't think I saw him. I did see him." Lucy said.

"I am a grown - up." Trumpkin said.

"It was right over -" she was cut off by the ground underneath her caving in. Her scream lingered out.

"Lucy!" They all ran and saw her standing below them, "here." She finished.

The group walked down the side of the cliff and to the water.

Night soon fell after the crossed the gorge. Rose was curled up beside Susan. She had fallen asleep much easier on the soil of Narnia in one night than she had in her own bed for a year.


Rose rushed towards the sounds of her brother fighting with someone. "No, stop!" She heard her sister call.

She came to a stop when she saw Peter standing in front of a man with a sword pointing at him, surrounding by Narnians.

"Holy shit." She whispered. The man looked over at her before looking back to Peter and then looking back at her. Her eyes widened at how beautiful he was and his did as well, at the same time the two muttered, "woah," and "bless up."

Peter raised his eyebrows at the interaction between Prince Caspian and his sister. Not liking it whatsoever.

He looked down at the sword, "High King Peter."

"I believe you called." Peter replied.

"Well, yes, but I thought you'd be... older." Prince Caspian said.

"If you like, we could come back in a few years."

"No." Caspian said quickly, "that's alright. You're just, not exactly what I expected." Caspian's eyes swept over the four siblings. His eyes staying on Rose longer than the rest. Peter and Edmund both noticed this and shared a brotherly look.

"Neither are you." Edmund said.

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes." A badger said. Rose looked to him and she immediately thought of Beaver and his wife.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service." A mouse stepped forward.

Lucy leaned in to Rose, "oh, my gosh, he is so cute."

"Who said that?" The mouse demanded and pulled out his small sword.

"Sorry." Lucy apologized.

"Oh, uh, Your Majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe courageous, courteous, of chivalrous, might more befit a knight of Narnia." The mouse said.

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade." Peter said.

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army, sire." Reepicheep said.

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