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Rose, Peter, and Edmund walked towards Miraz and his men all clad in chain mail as they had years before when they battled the White Witch. Miraz smirked when he saw that Rose was with them.

Miraz stood from his chair and Peter pulled out his sword. "You got this, Peter." Rose said to her brother. He nodded.

Miraz pulled down his golden mask and stepped into the the ruins, "there is still time to surrender."

"Then, feel free." Peter retorted making Rose smirk.

"How many more must die for the throne?"

"Just one." Peter's words started the duel. The two men began fighting.

The two went on fighting for several minutes before Miraz hit Peter so hard his helmet went flying off of his head. Rose instinctively reached for her sword but Glenstorm's hand stopped her. Peter sliced Miraz's leg. The two continued fighting but were both distracted at the sound of a horse.

Caspian had returned after Rose sent him to follow Susan and Lucy. He only returned with the older one. The two agreed of a three minute respite.

"Lucy?" Peter asked as he limped towards the two. Caspian brought Rose into him for a hug. She hugged him back quickly before pulling away, not wanting Miraz to see but he had.

"She got through, with a little help." Susan said.

"Thanks." Peter said to Caspian.

"Well, you were busy." The prince replied.

"You better get up there, just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." Peter said to Susan. She rushed off after hugging Peter.

Peter kneeled down before asking Edmund, "what do you think happens back home if you die here? You know, you've always been there and I really... ah!" Peter was cut off by a yelp of pain as Edmund snapped his dislocated arm back into place.

"Ouch." Rose said.

"Save it for later." Edmund said. The two men were ready to go back into battle, without their helmets this time. Peter quickly initiated the first strike. The two's swords with knocked from theirs hands. The two began to battle it out with Miraz's shield.

The older man got ahold of his sword and nearly got Peter with it. Peter reached around and hit Miraz's cut. The man yelled out and fell to the floor. "Respite!"

"Nows not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund yelled.

"Kill him." Rose hissed. Peter turned and went to walk away but as he did so Miraz grabbed his sword, "watch out!" Rose and Edmund both yelled.

Peter quickly turned around and dodged Miraz's strike. Peter turned in a circle and grabbed the sword from Miraz and stabbed him. The man gasped and fell to his knees.

Rose's eyes widened when Peter held the sword out to Caspian. The prince wakes forward and took the blade. Peter grabbed his sword and walked off. Rose watched in anticipation as Caspian rose the blade before screaming and slamming the blade into the ground in front of Miraz.

The crowd of Narnians cheered. Caspian laid his head on her shoulder. She placed her hand on the back of his head but be shot around at the sound of her gasp.

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