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Caspian and Edmund had set out to find the boy. The others had returned to the Dawn Treader.

Rose watched in horror as a dragon flew towards the boat. The crewmen fire bolts at the creature while Gael and Lucy clung to her. The dragon flew fire at them until Reepicheep stabbed its toe and it flew off.

Before the knew it the dragon had grabbed the young king of Narnia, "Edmund!" Lucy and Rose yelled.

"Lucy! Rose!" He yelled back as the dragon flew around the Edmund in its grasp.


Once again, they stood on the island with the dragon. It was Eustace. "He must've been tempted by the treasure."

"Anyone knows that a dragons treasure is enchanted." Caspian said and Eustace glared at him, "anyone from here." Lucy walked towards him and he backed up. She pulled the bracelet off of his arm causing him snarl.

"Is there anyway to change him back?" Edmund asked.

"Not that I know of." Caspian replied.

"Aunt Alberta will no be pleased." Edmund said and Eustace glared at him.

"Sorry about the hand, ole boy. I can be a little overzealous at times." Reepicheep apologized.

"The boats are ready, sire!" They al heard Tavros.

"We can't leave him alone." Lucy said.

"Well, we can't bring him on board, Your Majesty." Drinian replied.

"Drinian, you and the others take on boat back. The others and I will stay here until morning." Caspian said.

"But you've no provisions, or no way of staying warm, Your Majesty." Rhince said. Eustace blew fire onto a long causing it catch fire.

"You were saying?" Reepicheep asked the man. They all laughed.


Edmund, Caspian, and Rose all day together looking up at the night sky.

"I've never see these constellations before." Edmund said.

"Me either. We're a long way from home. When I was a boy I used to dream of sailing to the end of the world... finding my father there." Caspian said to the two.

"Maybe you will." Edmund said.

Eventually the three went to bed. Caspian and Rose laud side by side. His arm was draped over her waist and hers over his chest. Their legs were tangled up and she laid her head on his chest.

The next morning they were woke by Lucy exclaiming to see the Blue Star. Before they knew they were sailing in its direction with Eustace flying along side them.

After several hours they made it to Ramandu's Island.

Several of them walked along. Rose walker beside her husband.

They approached a table full of food, "food."


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