"Take a deep breath, will you? You are hyperventilating. It's not that big a deal."
"I'm about to prostitute away my virginity. I would say that is a fucking huge deal. I still can't believe I let you talk me into this madness. What the fuck was I thinking?"
"Pretty sure you were thinking about that gigantic hospital bill your brother is racking up. Oh and also your tuition which is due by the end of the week. Arthit, we already went over this. You go on stupid dates all the time totally prepared to sleep with them to steal your precious ass flower. And 100% of the time they are absolute losers. My boss, on the other hand, is pretty much the sexiest man in the country. Plus you will walk away with 1000 bucks. For just one freaking night. I can't think of a better deal."
"I still don't get why this sexiest man, who also happens to be a multi-millionaire by the way, needs to pay to have sex. I would assume he would be able to get all the ass he wants."
"Well he does get all the ass he wants. And more. He is atleast nice enough to pay for it instead of sleeping with people knowing he is never going to call them back. Now are you going to go through with it or not? You know I'm putting my job on the line for you right? If he ever finds out I 'hired' my friend instead of going to the regular escort agency he is literally going to slaughter me. Now do you want to make the easiest 1000 bucks of your life or do you plan to continue whining about how broke you are until the next troll you go on a date with?"
Biting the inner lining of my cheeks between my teeth I contemplated for a moment before picking up the folder sitting between us on the back seat of the car. We were already on the way to the man's mansion after I had obsessed all night if I could truly sleep with a complete stranger in exchange for money. Well, atleast this Kongpob guy was good looking, right? Who knows it might even be fun. I flipped through the documents to sign the contract when suddenly my eyes bulged open.
"Blindfolded? Why the fuck do I need to be blindfolded?"
"Well, cause he is rich and famous."
"So he doesn't want to get recognized by whoever he sleeps with and then get blackmailed. All of the escorts only know him with a client id and no identities are exchanged. Really understandable if you think about it. So please don't go screaming his name when he is pounding you, or I am going to be in huge trouble. Honestly, it's not a big deal."
"Are you fucking kidding me? You keep saying that and I don't think you even know what the word means. What sort of a creep blindfolds the person they are about to sleep with?"
"Oh, you naive, naive kid. You have so much to learn about the world of sex. But anyway even for poor innocent you, I really don't see the problem. You close your eyes, he sticks it in you for 10 minutes and then you walk away with the money you need for the loans. Win, win."
I opened my mouth to argue with him when suddenly I couldn't really think of anything. Putting it that way, it really didn't sound like a big deal. Then why was my heart still slamming within my chest?
Cheek chewing still in full progress when suddenly the car came to a halt in front of a gigantic gate. Kite cocked his eyebrow at me questioningly.
"So? What are we planning to do?"
I looked between him and the mansion multiple times before the red numbers in my bank account kept flashing non-stop in my brain. I gave a tiny hesitant nod to him before I pushed the door open and stepped out on trembling feet. I guess here goes nothing.
Goodbye, virginity.
I am tired of getting reported for mature content.
So, I am going full-on fuck it mode.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.