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Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in"

I pushed open the heavy door to peer inside the unnecessarily large room, where behind an equally massive desk sat the very man that has haunted all my conscious thought. Dressed in one of his immaculate suits giving off an aura of some super powerful mafia boss that had the power to obliterate me from my very existence. Actually, he really did have that power. And yet like the fool that I possibly am, I shed all reasonable thought as I walked further into the lion's den, softly shutting the door behind me.

As I stood there bouncing nervously on the balls of my feet he kept his eyes trained on me. Measuring every single minute action I made while those dangerous golden brown pupils bore holes into me. Crooking one index finger he called me closer, and like an obedient puppy closer I went. Legs shivering under me as I took one shaky step after another until I came to a halt on the other side of the vast desk he was currently sitting behind. Would the man ever stop intimidating me so much? Perhaps never. And perhaps weirdly that is exactly why I got drawn to him over and over again.

"Is today the last day of your internship?"


"Are you ready to sign the contract then?"


Staring at me unwaveringly for a few more moments before he slid a thick leather folder in my direction. Inside it ofcourse was the said contract printed on some fancy paper that was probably more expensive that my entire wardrobe combined.

"The conditions are just as we discussed. Neither of us gets to disclose this to anyone without the other's knowledge. You don't get to take any other clients while the contract is still valid. You will receive a 1000 bucks per hour we are together. We are free to end the contract anytime we choose upon informing the other. And finally, upon the end of the contract, there shall be no further communication. Does that all sound reasonable to you?"

Reasonable yes, but also very businesslike in a weird sort of a way. In a way that sent a not so pleasant shiver down my spine. Especially with him sitting behind that large desk, looking all expressionless. But just as I hesitated at the bizarreness of my actions I felt his expressions soften once again. His tone friendly and assuring. The one I had almost become used to before he had began ignoring me.

"Arthit, you don't need to sign anything you aren't comfortable with. Infact you shouldn't sign anything you aren't perfectly satisfied with."

Huh, if only my idiot brother followed that rule.

As for the contract in front of me, that I was actually completely ok signing, businesslike it might be but that didn't mean it didn't also have everything I needed from Kong. Both in the matter of money as well as... actually, the other part of equation we aren't ready to delve into just yet.

Squaring my shoulders, I picked up the heavy pen between partly trembling fingers and eager Lu signed away atleast a part of my life to Kong. Still staring at the squiggly black lines I had drawn on the paper, I got slightly startled when I felt the large warm hand close around my fingers. Carefully prying out the pen before Kong beautifully printed his name next to mine.

And there it was. I was officially his for as long as he chose to keep me with him.

My brain still grappling with having singed away my life to the devil I felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling me further into his chest, lips instantly dropping soft quick pecks on the shell of my ear, nibbling the lobe before grazing down the nape of my neck. It wasn't until fingers began fumbling with the buttons on my shirt did I finally stiffen up slightly. Being weirdly attuned to even the smallest reactions of my body he instantly pulled back to stare into my eyes with an intensity that always seemed to leave me speechless.

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