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It was mind boggling how bloody excited I was just at the thought of having sex like I was some virginal horny teenager.

But to be fair it was not just sex. It was sex with a breathtaking specimen of human perfection while I got to handcuff him, spank him, and dominate him till my heart's content. Well, actually till the hour was up cause by the looks of it my heart wasn't that inclined to be satisfied just yet.

Blushing in embarrassment at my own actions as I thought back to the past few nights where I had spent more time than considered healthy previewing my own personal collection of tools. Testing out the paddles more than once until I had settled on the one with the perfect leather pad that I couldn't wait until I smacked his pale bottom. Staring at the clock every few minutes as it slowly crept forward at a snail's pace, tormenting me while I impatiently waited for our appointed hour.

Rushing to the house Kite referred to as my sex mansion, I hurriedly discarded my tie while I took two stairs at a time to jump into the shower. Scrubbing down my body before excited feet automatically took me to the bedroom where I knew my prize was waiting for me.

And there he was.

The blindfold perfectly wrapped around his eyes while he sat on the edge of the bed. Nervously tapping his foot the way he did every single time I have seen him in this room. Excitement rising up my chest as I caught a glance of his porcelain skin peaking through his pale blue shirt.


The boy jumped nearly a foot as he once again got startled when I silently sat next to him, moving a hand to softly caress the shell of his ear. I don't think I will ever get over just how natural he can fake this slightly scared, mildly trembling act of his. Perfectly managing to make me suspend my disbelief while I gladly participated in his game.

I leaned forward to place a quick kiss on his cheek, sliding my lips slowly across his face until I had settled on the edge of his ear, nibbling on his lobe while he began emitting a cute mewling moan that I have started missing hearing the rest of the week.

And as desperate as I was to strip him down and tie him up before I lived out my fantasies I needed to calm down my racing pulse. It was never a good idea to bring out my dominant side while I wasn't completely in control of my emotions, especially seeing how this boy tended to bring out my wildest side.

Slipping my hand through his thick strands I pulled his face closer to mine, my lips gliding across the warm skin of his neck, the light red flush causing his musky smell to penetrate my senses that was doing very little to tame my current libido. He was very clearly hot and bothered himself seeing how a thin sheen of sweat had layered over his face and body. The salty taste of his sweat making me even more hungry. My fingers assisting me in my exploration as they popped up his button while my greedy mouth moved lower on his chest. Nudging his shoulder softly until he was lying flat on his back on my bed. Spreading the edges of his shirt apart to expose his naked torso I leaned over him as I grabbed his nipple between my teeth. Squeezing it lightly I dropped another trail of kisses across his clavicle, giving a quick suck on his nape before I looked down directly in the face of the boy pinned under me. Watching him nervously chewing his bottom lip. A smile automatically finding a way on my face whenever I looked at his pretend innocent persona. Moving lower to give him one last passionate kiss before I unleashed the world of pain and pleasure on him.


I think he may have blinded me a little with the face full of splatter from the loudest sneeze I have ever heard.

"Did...did I get it on ... aaacchhooo... you? I guess, I did huh? Sorry, sorry, sorry."

"It's ok."

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