"Done with breakfast...?"
As soon as I stepped back into the dining room, having just completed the millionth so-called immensely urgent phone call from Kite, I saw Arthit hurriedly shut whatever he was currently doing on the phone and stuff it back into his pocket. Something I have seen him do more than once in the past five days he had been recuperating from his illness at my home.
And probably I should have spent time a little more time mulling over exactly what it was he was trying to hide from me but it turns out I was too busy being giddy over his charming little smile flashing brightly only at me. That mischievous sparkle in his eye making me forget a lot of things I shouldn't have been ignoring. But then I saw him rushing to load up the rest of his scrambled eggs onto the spoon in a gigantic heap, opening his mouth wide to gulp all of it in one go, while nodding vigorously, mumbling a muffled 'yeah, yeah, I'm done...' in that immeasurably adorable way that my normally reasonably sharp brain blocked all the hundreds of little hints he had been dropping. Instead I found myself smiling at his antics as I sat on the chair across from him, hand reaching out to brush away the crumbs stuck around his lips.
"So, what should we do today?"
"Today? Aren't you going to work again?"
"Haha, that desperate to get rid of me huh?"
"No, no, no...I just meant that...I mean, you are so busy and you still have to stay back every day for me. I really am all OK now. Anyway, I need to start going back to my classes tomorrow, I can just go back to my apartment and rest."
He would never go back to that wretched place if I have anything to say about it.
"I am not going to work simply cause I don't want to. I feel it's more than reasonable to take a couple of days off in say three years or so don't you think?"
"Good. And I am not keeping you company, you are keeping me. So now how should we spend our very valuable day off?"
"Well, in that case...you better not forget it was your idea in the first place."
As if materializing his choice of entertainment from thin air, I found my arms stuffed with a pile of DVDs from my collection that Arthit and I hadn't managed to get to for the past five days. Honestly, I don't even know how he had arranged everything this quickly but not fifteen minutes after we were done with breakfast I found myself being ushered into my own projector room with multiple bowls of popcorn ready to be consumed as he plopped down comfortably on the couch, patting the seat next to him for me to join.
I am not really sure, cause my experience in this particular arena is sorely lacking, but perhaps this is what it feels like to be in a relationship. Cause why else would I, a man who hadn't watched a movie at leisure in a few years be this excited to waste away the day in front of the screen. In fact I don't I have craved a cheesy pizza this much in a decade as soon I heard Arthit might want one for lunch.
And that is how we found ourselves spending the rest of the day. Sometimes Arthit snuggling next to my side, face buried under my sweatshirt when something particularly horror-like was playing on the screen. At times nervously bouncing on the heels of his feet when the movie was a little too thrilling. Or other times when he would place his head in my lap pretending to still pay attention while his eyes kept drooping shut while he was just too stubborn to actually agree to a nap. Whatever position I found myself entangled with him all day I don't think I could have been more content.
I am not even sure how I have reached this point where a so called nameless, faceless escort who all but deceived me very recently had somehow managed to be this important to me that I was shoving aside all the warning signs that should have been flashing bright right in front of my eyes.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.