I rushed through the large sliding glass doors, gripping my bag a little tighter while a hand reached up to check how much all the running had messed up my gelled hair. Tapping my tie around my neck once more I sucked in a deep, deep breath.
Relax Arthit, you got this! You are going to nail this interview and you are going to get that internship and you are going to earn bags full of money and then you are going to retire on a beach sipping on a mojito staring out into the sunset.
Ok, maybe we should get a little more realistic now. It's obviously going to be a pina colada.
I took a quick glance at my wristwatch and broke out in a sprint once again.
Fuck, I'm going to be late.
Punching vigorously at the button of the elevator I impatiently waited for it to arrive. Jumping from one leg to another as I practiced my most charming smile.
Hello, I am Arthit.
Hi, I am Arthit?
Yo, yo, yo, this be your homeboy Arthit!
Yeah, I am guessing not the best introduction to start with!
Focus, Arthit. Focus.
The widest grin plastered on my face, making sure my dimple was flashing non-stop when suddenly the doors of the elevator slid open to reveal a stunningly good looking man clad in a perfect slim-fitting suit with piercing black eyes boring into me.
What the hell was he staring at anyway? Hadn't he ever seen someone running late for a meeting?
No, seriously. Stop staring dude. It's creeping me out.
Having said that I couldn't help but stare right back at him. Why did the man look so bloody familiar? In fact if I didn't know any better he almost looked like...
Wait, he actually did look a little too eerily similar to..
Was that...? That couldn't be...? Wait, wait, wait...please tell me that wasn't.
I could literally feel my knees shaking when I saw in real time the realization of who I was sinking into his eyes as the tube light went off in my head. Both of our feet glued to our spot as we gaped at each other.
Why the fuck is he here? Does he know? Did he find out? Am I screwed?
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Panic constricting my chest, my creepy wide smile still frozen on my face, trying to decide how fast can I swing around and run for my life, I suddenly found myself shoved rather unceremoniously inside the elevator with the horde of people running late for their own meetings. Almost stumbling on my own feet when I felt a strong hand wrapped around my forearm to help me upright. A hand that sent instant tingles through my body. A hand that I am only too familiar with.
Oh yeah, it's his husky voice alright.
I stood there awkwardly only one chant racing through my head.
Please leave. Please leave. Please leave.
He didn't leave.
Feeling my heart sink as I watched the door of the elevator slide shut I could feel his piercing gaze bore into my face as he continued standing next to me. And with every floor that crossed, every level that he did not alight all the while staring straight at me, the deeper the blush creeping up my neck got. My inner panic reaching peak levels when we finally reached my destination and he was still standing beside me keeping his gaze peeled on me. And then the ground was practically snatched from right under my feet when on still fully shaking ones I zoomed out of the elevator the very second we touched base. Speed walking to the doors of the company I was interviewing with, and more importantly to safety. Infact literally the only thought running through my messed up brain five minutes before a room full of suited snobs were going to decide the fate of my future pina colada was that I needed to let Kite know as soon as possible that his boss might be about to slaughter the both of us.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.